化工过程设计英Robin Smith著Chemical process design starts with the selection of a series of processing steps and their interconnection into a fiowsheet to transform raw materials into desired products. Whereas a great emphasis in chemical engineering traditionally has been placed on the analysis or simulation of fiowsheets, the creation or synthesis of fiowsheets has received, by comparison, little attention. Yet the decisions made during the synthesis of the fiowsheet are of paramount importance in determining the economic viability, safety, and environmental impact of the final design. This text will concentrate on developing an understanding of the concepts required at each stage of the synthesis of process fiowsheets....
表面和胶体化学手册[丹]K.S.Birdi著The science related to the subject of surface and colloid chemistry has been expanding in the past decade at a rapid pace. Especially, this science has been found to be of importance in such new areas as environmental control and bio-technology. .Initially, the subject began some fifty years back when theoretical understanding of surface and colloid systems was found to be of much importance. The amount of information published since then has increased steadily; consider that there are at present some half a dozen different specialty journals related mainly to surface and colloids. The application area of this subject has developed rapidly both in the industrial and biological areas. ...