采矿工程前沿(Frontier in Mining Engineering)
本教材以煤矿开采内容为主,简要介绍了采矿工程领域的部分前沿方向,内容包括能源资源概况、现代采矿 概况、采矿地质基础、数字矿山、巷道快速掘进、井工开采方法、智能开采、矿山安全、保水开采、充填开采、瓦斯抽采、地下气化、流态化开采等。本教材仅用作高等学校采矿工程及相关专业本科生与研究生教学参考书。
暂缺《采矿工程前沿(Frontier in Mining Engineering)》作者简介
1 Introduction on energy resources
1.1 World primary energy demand and consumption
1.2 Fuel types (except coal)
1.3 Coal
1.4 Outlook for energy demand
2 Modern coal mining countries
2.1 Coal mining in USA
2.2 Coal mining in Australia
2.3 Coal mining in india
2.4 Coal mining in Indonesia
2.5 Coal mining in China
3 Geology for mining
3.1 Formation process and classification
3.2 Geological structures
3.3 Goal reserves
4 Digital mine
4.1 Components
4.2 3D model in digital mine
4.3 Key technologies
5 Rapid roadway driving
5.1 Drilling and blasting method
5.2 Excavation sequence of roadheaders
5.3 TBM
5.4 Rock reinforcement
6 Underground coal mining method
6.1 Longwall method
6.2 Longwall top coal caving
6.3 Room and pillar mining
7 Intelligent mining
7.1 Basic concept
7.2 Key technologies of intelligent mining
7.3 Intelligent mining mode of coal mine and application
8 Mine safety
8.1 Goal mine gas
8.2 Mine dust
8.3 Mine fire
8.4 Mine water inrush
8.5 Roof fall
9 Water-protective mining method
9.1 Water resource
9.2 Impact of mining on water
9.3 Mechanism of water-protective mining
9.4 Current research aspects
9.5 Grand challenges in technology
l0 Gob backfilling mining method
10.1 Background
10.2 Current status
10.3 Method and technology
10.4 Outlook
11 Gas drainage