图解入门 半导体制造设备基础与构造精讲佐藤淳一 著,卢涛 译本书以简洁明了的结构向读者展现了半导体制造工艺中使用的设备基础和构造。全书涵盖了半导体制造设备的现状以及展望,同时也对清洗和干燥设备、离子注入设备、热处理设备、光刻设备、蚀刻设备、成膜设备、平坦化设备、监测和分析设备、后段制程设备等逐章进行解说。虽然包含了很多生涩的词汇,但难能可贵的是全书提供了丰富的图片和表格,帮助读者进行理解。相信本书一定能带领读者进入一个半导体制造设备的立体世界。 本书适合从事半导体与芯片加工、设计的从业者,以及准备涉足上述领域的上班族和学生阅读参考。 此版本仅限在中国大陆地区(不包括香港、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区)销售。
物联网的性能与安全Haya Shajaiah,Ahmed Abdelhadi,Charles ... 著这本新技术指南展示了如何应用数学方法来解决基于5G的物联网通信中的安全挑战和整体性能问题。物联网(IoT)在各种物理对象(如传感器、车辆和手机)之间随时随地提供连接和数据交换。书中探索无线频谱共享系统、智能电网通信和机器对机器通信以及物联网应用的上行链路/下行链路通信中的安全漏洞并提供通信级的保护机制。书中的方法、优化问题、数学解决方案、算法和编程代码可以直接应用或扩展为针对不同物联网漏洞的对策。
统计信号处理基础 第3卷Steven M.Kay 著《统计信号处理基础》分为3卷,全面讲解了检测、估计与滤波的基本原理,并且介绍了大量信号处理的经典算法与应用实例。本书是其中的第3卷,该卷建立了覆盖前2卷的综合性理论,在设计解决实际问题的优良算法方面帮助读者开发直观和专业的方法。本书首先评述开发信号处理算法的方法,包括数学建模、计算机模拟、性能评估。通过展示设计、评估、测试的有用解析结果和实现,将理论与实践联系起来。然后从几个关键的应用领域重点介绍了一些经典的算法。本书适合作为高等院校低年级研究生或高年级本科生统计信号处理课程的教材或参考书,也可供相关技术人员参考。 本书是世界图书出版公司“香农信息科学经典”系列图书中的一种。这个书系包含信息科学各个领域的图书,如信息论、通信与网络、信号处理、机器学习、理论计算机科学、量子信息科学等。“香农信息科学经典”以被世人称为“数字时代”之父和“信息时代”之父的克劳德·香农(Claude E. Shannon, 1916.4.30—2001.2.24)为名。书系的策划者为从香农所在的美国麻省理工学院归国的信息科学家。书系中除了包含信息领域传统分支的图书,还包括像“人工智能的信息论方法”与“信息科学中的博弈论”等前沿交叉学科的子系列。关于书系与香农的更多介绍,请见世图公号文章《一个新书系的诞生——香农、信息时代与“香农信息科学经典”》。
统计信号处理基础 第2卷Steven M.Kay 著《统计信号处理基础》分为3卷,全面讲解了检测、估计与滤波的基本原理,并且介绍了大量信号处理的经典算法与应用实例。本书是其中的第2卷,全面介绍了信号检测算法,并且重点介绍了现实中的信号处理应用,包括现代语音、通信技术以及传统的声呐/雷达系统。书中介绍了基于简单假设检验的检测理论基础,包括Neyman-Pearson定理、无关数据的处理、贝叶斯风险、多元假设检验,以及确定性信号和随机信号的检测;书中也详细分析了适合于未知信号和未知噪声参数的复合假设检验。本书适合作为高等院校低年级研究生或高年级本科生统计信号处理课程的教材或参考书,也可供相关技术人员参考。 本书是世界图书出版公司“香农信息科学经典”系列图书中的一种。这个书系包含信息科学各个领域的图书,如信息论、通信与网络、信号处理、机器学习、理论计算机科学、量子信息科学等。“香农信息科学经典”以被世人称为“数字时代”之父和“信息时代”之父的克劳德·香农(Claude E. Shannon, 1916.4.30—2001.2.24)为名。书系的策划者为从香农所在的美国麻省理工学院归国的信息科学家。书系中除了包含信息领域传统分支的图书,还包括像“人工智能的信息论方法”与“信息科学中的博弈论”等前沿交叉学科的子系列。关于书系与香农的更多介绍,请见世图公号文章《一个新书系的诞生——香农、信息时代与“香农信息科学经典”》。
统计信号处理基础 第1卷Steven M.Kay 著《统计信号处理基础》分为3卷,全面讲解了检测、估计与滤波的基本原理,并且介绍了大量信号处理的经典算法与应用实例。本书是其中的第1卷,详细介绍了经典估计理论和贝叶斯估计,总结了各种估计方法,考虑了维纳滤波和卡尔曼滤波,并介绍了对复数据和参数的估计方法。书中给出了大量的应用实例,范围包括高分辨率谱分析、系统辨识、数字滤波器设计、自适应噪声对消、自适应波束形成、跟踪和定位等;并且设计了大量的习题来加深对基本概念的理解。本书适合作为高等院校低年级研究生或高年级本科生统计信号处理课程的教材或参考书,也可供相关技术人员参考。 本书是世界图书出版公司“香农信息科学经典”系列图书中的一种。这个书系包含信息科学各个领域的图书,如信息论、通信与网络、信号处理、机器学习、理论计算机科学、量子信息科学等。“香农信息科学经典”以被世人称为“数字时代”之父和“信息时代”之父的克劳德·香农(Claude E. Shannon, 1916.4.30—2001.2.24)为名。书系的策划者为从香农所在的美国麻省理工学院归国的信息科学家。书系中除了包含信息领域传统分支的图书,还包括像“人工智能的信息论方法”与“信息科学中的博弈论”等前沿交叉学科的子系列。关于书系与香农的更多介绍,请见世图公号文章《一个新书系的诞生——香农、信息时代与“香农信息科学经典”》。
端到端移动通信Syed S.Husain,Athul Prasad ... 著本书探索演进到5G的移动通信技术。这本新技术指南从架构到功能深入阐述了移动通信的基础,并特别关注5G服务、网络和应用。本书由权威的学术界和移动网络业界专家团队合作共同撰写,清楚地解释了5G通信新的性能、标准和实践以及技术背景和示例。本书中还包含有关移动技术安全的导论,并展望了未来趋势和新兴技术。
基于移动通信数据的居民空间行为分析技术王璞 著移动通信数据是近年来出现的一类重要交通大数据资源。移动通信数据记录范围广、采集成本低、蕴含海量的居民出行信息,是获取、更新交通需求O-D的新型数据来源,可为传统交通调查提供有力补充。然而,移动通信数据在空间上较不准确,在时间上稀疏、无规律、存在大量缺失,导致从移动通信数据中挖掘居民空间行为信息并不容易。对于通话详单数据,只有用户使用手机时才有位置记录,一般仅用于分析居民惯常出行行为规律或估计交通需求在粗分时段的均值;对于手机信令数据,用户位置每隔固定一小短时间记录一次,可用于分析居民动态出行或估计时变交通需求,但手机信令数据很好稀缺,难以持续应用。为了解决这个问题,近年来又有学者提出了基于常规交通数据和移动通讯数据融合的居民空间行为分析技术。基于移动通信数据的居民空间行为分析技术正在快速发展创新,作者相信未来移动通信数据将在更多领域有更广泛地应用。本书对现有移动通信数据的处理算法与应用方法进行较为详细介绍,并提供了相关算法的详细代码,以期使相关技术人员能较为容易地、快速地掌握移动通信数据的分析与应用方法。
球形机器人驱动原理及控制策略桑胜举 著本书对目前球形机器人的研究现状进行了归纳、分析,对球形机器人的驱动原理、力学模型、控制策略等进行了深入的研究,设计了三种新型全方位运动球形机器人,即电磁驱动球形机器人、流体驱动球形机器人和离合式半球差动球形机器人,对其滚动条件、越障能力、爬坡能力、滑动条件、转弯特性等进行了简要的静力学分析研究;建立了球形机器人的运动学方程,推导出其无滑动的滚动运动的约束方程;分别在球形机器人运动学方程和动力学方程的基础上,合理选择了系统的滑模切面函数、建立了运动学和动力学的“滑模控制”策略,并在MATLAB-Simulink 的环境下,对所建立的控制策略进行了仿真实验研究;搭建了球形机器人的内部控制系统平台,对球形机器人轨迹跟踪的控制策略进行了理论分析和实验研究;同时,基于ADAMS虚拟样机技术,对球形机器人的性能进行了仿真实验研究,以进一步验证本书结构设计及控制策略的正确性。
低密度奇偶校验码Juane Li,Shu Lin,Khaled ... 著Error control codes protect the accuracy of data in modern information sys-tems,including computing,communication,and storage systems. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and their relatives represent the state of the art in error control coding and are renowned for their ability to perform close to the theoretical limits. This book presents recent results on various LDPC code designs,making strong connections between two prominent design approaches,the algebraic-based and the graph theoretic-based constructions. New codes and code construction techniques are presented.Most methods for constructing LDPC codes can be classified into two general categories,the algebraic-based and the graph-theoretic-based constructions. The two best-known graph-theoretic-based construction methods are the progressive edge-growth (PEG) and the protograph-based (PTG-based) methods,devised in 2001 and 2003,respectively. Both of these techniques involve computer-aided design. One of the earliest algebraic-based methods for constructing LDPC codes is the superposition (SP) construction,proposed in 2002. In this book,the algebraic-based construction method is re-interpreted from both the algebraic and the graph-theoretic perspectives. From the algebraic point of view,it is shown that the SP-construction of LDPC codes includes,as special cases,most of the major algebraic construction methods developed since 2002. From the graph-theoretic point of view,it is shown that the SP-construction also includes the PTG-based construction as a special case. Based on this PTG/SP connection,an algebraic method is developed here to construct PTG-based LDPC codes.There are advantages to putting the algebraic-based and the PTG-based constructions into a single framework,the SP framework. One advantage is that SP descriptions of codes tend to be relatively compact,enabling simple code specifications in standards and textbooks. Another advantage to studying LDPC codes under the SP framework is that students and practitioners need only learn a single code design approach rather than the myriad approaches that exist in the published literature.Both binary and nonbinary code constructions will be presented under the SP framework. The SP-construction also leads to a new class of LDPC codes with a doubly quasi-cyclic (QC) structure as well as algebraic methods for constructing spatially and globally coupled LDPC codes. The globally coupled codes will be shown to possess a highly effective burst-erasure correction capability.A good number of new LDPC codes are constructed and simulated over thebinary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel and the binary erasure channel.This book will open the door for readers to understand many topics in modern LDPC codes that are scattered in the literature. It is intended as a self-study guide for students,researchers,and engineers interested in LDPC codes and their variations. The book explains the different design methodologies in detail and provides an ample number of code constructions along with simulations. The book shows that code design and construction are more of an art rather than science.Hopefully,after reading this book,the reader may gain enough artistic experience to produce codes that not only meet required specifications but also improve upon those reported here. To make the material widely accessible,the authors have kept the presentation as clear as possible and assumed only basic knowledge of terminology and results that are commonly covered in textbooks on coding theory.
差错控制编码 第2版Shu Lin,Daniel J.Costello ... 著This book owes its beginnings to the pioneering work of Claude Shannon in 1948 on reliable communication over noisy transmission channels. Shannon's central theme was that if the signaling rate of the system is less than the channel capacity, reliable communication can be achieved if one chooses proper encoding and decodingtechniques. The design of good codes and of efficient decoding methods, initiated by Hamming, Golay, and others in the late 1940s, has since occupied the energies of many researchers. Much of tlus work is highly mathematical in nature, and a thorough understanding requires an extensive background in modern algebra and probability theory. Tlus requirement has impeded many engineers and computer scientists who are interested in applying these techniques to practical systems. One of the purposes of this book is to present the essentials of this highly complex material in such a manner that it can be understood and applied with only a minimum of mathematical background.Coding researchin the 1950s and 1960s was devoted primarily to developing the theory of efficient encoders and decoders. In 1970 the first author published a book entitled An Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes, which presented the fundamen-tals of the previous two decades of work covering both block and convolutional codes. The approach was to explain the material in an easily understood manner,with a minimum of mathematical rigor. Then, in 1983, the authors published the first edition of this book. The approach again stressed the fundamentals of coding.In addition, new material on many of the practical applications of coding developed during the 1970s was introduced. Other major additions included a comprehensive treatment of the error-detecting capabilities of block codes and an emphasis on soft decoding methods for convolutional codes.In the 1980s and 1990s,the coding field exploded with new theoretical develop-ments, several of which have had significant practical consequences. Three of these new developments stand out in particular: the application of binary convolutional and block codes to expanded (nonbinary) modulation alphabets,the development of practical soft decoding methods for block codes, and the discovery of soft-input, soft-output iterative decoding techniques for block and convolutional codes. These new developments have revolutionized the way coding is applied to practical systems,affecting the design of high-speed data modems, digital mobile cellular telephony,satellite and space communications, and high-density data storage, to name just a few. A total of seven new chapters covering these topics have been added to this edition: two chapters on trellis- and block-coded modulation techniques, three chapters on soft decoding methods for block codes, and two chapters on turbo and low-density parity-check codes and iterative decoding.Because of the significant amount of new material and the need to maintain an emphasis on coding fundamentals, it was not possible to include certain topics in this edition. For example, the new developments in algebraic geometry codes and erasure correcting codes are not covered.