引 言 / 001
第一章 一种发展的新范式 / 004
一、什么是新时代人文经济学 / 005
二、为什么提出新时代人文经济学 / 011
第二章 以人民为中心的发展旨归 / 014
一、政在养民:以实现人民对美好生活的向往为发展出发点 / 015
二、富民为始:以促进全体人民共同富裕为发展着力点 / 018
三、功以才成,业由才广:以人口高质量发展为发展动力源 / 020
四、天人合一:以人与自然和谐共生为发展支撑点 / 023
第三章 人文经济共生共荣的生动实践 / 026
一、以文化人:人文是经济发展的深厚底蕴 / 027
二、以文兴业:文化是经济发展的重要内容 / 032
三、文化赋能:文化赋予经济发展驱动力 / 037
四、强劲支撑: 经济发展丰富文化内涵 / 042
第四章 人文经济交融发展的方法论 / 048
一、把握物质与精神的关系 / 049
二、把握传统与现代的关系 / 050
三、把握效率与公平的关系 / 052
四、把握自立与互鉴的关系 / 054
第五章 创造人类文明新形态的世界贡献 / 056
一、推动经济学的“人文回归” / 057
二、打破经济增长的“人文悖论” / 059
三、为世界经济增添“人文韧性” / 060
四、传承发扬传统文化中的“人文基因” / 062
五、增进人类命运共同体的“人文共识” / 064
结 语 / 066
编写说明与致谢 / 068
Preface / 069
Chapter 1 A New Format of Development / 073
- What is Humanomics in the New Era? / 074
- Why is it Necessary to Establish Humanomics in the New Era? / 083
Chapter 2 The Theme of People-centered Development / 087
- Govern for the People: Meeting People's Aspirations for a Better Life / 088
- Raising People's Income: Promoting Common Prosperity for All as the Focusof Development / 092
- A Wealth of Talent is Vital to the Success of a Great Cause: Taking High-quality Development of People as the Power Source / 096
- Harmony Between Human and Nature: Focusing on Harmonious Coexistence Between Human and Nature forDevelopment / 099
Chapter 3 A Vivid Practice of Symbiosis and Co-prosperity between Humanities and Economy / 104
- Civilizing the People Through Culture: Humanities Serve as a Solid Foundation for Economic Development / 105
- Promoting Business with Culture: Culture is an Essential Part of Economic Development / 115
- Cultural Empowerment: Culture Drives Economic Development / 123
- Strong Support: Economic Development Enriches Cultural Connotation / 131
Chapter 4 Methodology for Integrated Development of Humanities and Economy / 139
- Grasping the Relationship Between the Material and the Spiritual / 140
- Grasping the Relationship Between Tradition and Modernity / 143
- Grasping the Relationship Between Efficiency and Equity / 146
- Grasping the Relationship Between Self-reliance and Mutual Learning / 149
Chapter 5 A Contribution to the World: Creating a New Form of Human Advancement / 152
- Promoting the “Humanistic Return” of Economics / 153
- Breaking the “Humanistic Paradox” of Economic Growth / 155
- Providing “Humanistic Resilience” to the World Economy / 158
- Inheriting and Carrying Forward the “Humanistic Genes” in Traditional Culture / 161
- Promote the “Humanistic Consensus” of a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity / 163
Conclusion / 166
Writing Explanation and Acknowledgments / 169