
作者:Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng
本教材内容的选择注重理论联系实际,注重知识应用的 性和前沿性。全书共11章,具体内容包括:静力学基本概念和受力分析,力的投影、力矩和力偶,力系的简化理论,力系的平衡,摩擦,点的运动,刚体的基本运动,点的合成运动,刚体的平面运动,动力学基本定律与质点动力学,动量定理,动量矩定理,动能定理,达朗伯原理,虚位移原理,分析动力学基础,等等。全书例题类型较多较全,每章配有习题。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Mechanics
1.2 Fundamental Concepts and Principles
1.2.1 Fundamental Concepts
1.2.2 Newton's Laws of Motion
1.2.3 Newton's Law of Gravitational Attraction
1.3 Units of Measurement
1.4 Procedure of Problem Solving
Chapter 2 Vectors and Vector Operations
2.1 Vectors and the Parallelogram Law
2.2 Cartesian Vectors
2.2.1 Cartesian Vector Representation
2.2.2 Addition and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors
2.3 Vector Directed Along a Line
2.4 Dot Product and Cross Product
2.4.1 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Dot Product
2.4.2 Applications of the Dot Product
2.4.3 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Cross Product
Chapter 3 Simplification of Force Systems
3.1 Moment of a Force About a Point
3.1.1 Vector Formulation
3.1.2 Principle of Moments
3.1.3 Scalar Formulation
3.2 Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis
3.3 Moment ofaCouple
3.3.1 Vector Formulation
3.3.2 Scalar Formulation
3.4 Simplification of a System of Forces and Couples
3.4.1 Equivalent System
3.4.2 Reduction to One Force and One Couple
3.4.3 Further Simplification
3.5 Application of Simplification of Parallel Forces
3.5.1 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of a Body
3.5.2 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of Composite Bodies
3.5.3 Reduction of Distributed Loading
Chapter 4 Equifibrium of Rigid Bodies
4.1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium
4.2 Free-Body Diagrams
4.2.1 Support Reactions
4.2.2 Procedure of Drawing a Free-Body Diagram
4.3 Equilibrium Problems of a Rigid Body
4.4 Two- and Three-Force Members
4.5 Constrains and Statical Determinacy
4.6 Equilibrium Problems of Structures
4.7 Simple Trusses
4.7.1 The Method of Joints
4.7.2 Zero-Force Members
4.7.3 The Method of Sections
Chapter 5 Friction
5.1 Characteristics of Friction
5.1.1 Laws of Sliding Friction
5.1.2 Angles of Friction and Self-Locking
5.2 Problems Involving Sliding Friction
5.3 Rolling Resistance
Chapter 6 Kinematics of Particles
6.1 General Curvilinear Motion
6.2 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6.3 Curvilinear Motion: Tangential and Normal Components
6.3.1 The t-n-b Coordinate System
6.3.2 Velocity
6.3.3 Acceleration
6.4 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Particles
6.5 Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating Axes
Chapter 7 Planar Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
7.1 Translation
7.2 Rotation about a Fixed Axis
7.2.1 Angular Motion
7.2.2 Motion of a Particle on a Rotating Body
7.3 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Bodies
7.4 General Plane Motion
7.4.1 Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity and Acceleration
7.4.2 Instantaneous Center of Rotation
Chapter 8 Kinetics: Equations of Motion
8.1 Newton's Second Law of Motion
8.2 Equation of Motion for a Particle
8.3 Equation of Motion for a System of Particles
8.4 Mass Moment of Inertia
8.4.1 Parallel-Axis Theorem and Radius of Gyration
8.4.2 Mass Moment of Inertia of Composite Bodies
8.5 Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion
8.5.1 Equations of Motion for Translation
8.5.2 Equations of Motion for Rotation about a Fixed Axis
8.5.3 Equations of Motion for General Plane Motion
Chapter 9 Kinetics: Work and Energy
9.1 Work and Power
9.1.1 Work
9.1.2 Power
9.2 Kinetic Energy
9.2.1 Kinetic Energy of a Particle
9.2.2 Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles
9.2.3 Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Planar Motion
9.3 Principle of Work and Energy
9.3.1 Principle of Work and Energy for a Particle
9.3.2 Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles
9.4 Con
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Mechanics
1.2 Fundamental Concepts and Principles
1.2.1 Fundamental Concepts
1.2.2 Newton's Laws of Motion
1.2.3 Newton's Law of Gravitational Attraction
1.3 Units of Measurement
1.4 Procedure of Problem Solving
Chapter 2 Vectors and Vector Operations
2.1 Vectors and the Parallelogram Law
2.2 Cartesian Vectors
2.2.1 Cartesian Vector Representation
2.2.2 Addition and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors
2.3 Vector Directed Along a Line
2.4 Dot Product and Cross Product
2.4.1 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Dot Product
2.4.2 Applications of the Dot Product
2.4.3 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Cross Product
Chapter 3 Simplification of Force Systems
3.1 Moment of a Force About a Point
3.1.1 Vector Formulation
3.1.2 Principle of Moments
3.1.3 Scalar Formulation
3.2 Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis
3.3 Moment ofaCouple
3.3.1 Vector Formulation
3.3.2 Scalar Formulation
3.4 Simplification of a System of Forces and Couples
3.4.1 Equivalent System
3.4.2 Reduction to One Force and One Couple
3.4.3 Further Simplification
3.5 Application of Simplification of Parallel Forces
3.5.1 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of a Body
3.5.2 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of Composite Bodies
3.5.3 Reduction of Distributed Loading
Chapter 4 Equifibrium of Rigid Bodies
4.1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium
4.2 Free-Body Diagrams
4.2.1 Support Reactions
4.2.2 Procedure of Drawing a Free-Body Diagram
4.3 Equilibrium Problems of a Rigid Body
4.4 Two- and Three-Force Members
4.5 Constrains and Statical Determinacy
4.6 Equilibrium Problems of Structures
4.7 Simple Trusses
4.7.1 The Method of Joints
4.7.2 Zero-Force Members
4.7.3 The Method of Sections
Chapter 5 Friction
5.1 Characteristics of Friction
5.1.1 Laws of Sliding Friction
5.1.2 Angles of Friction and Self-Locking
5.2 Problems Involving Sliding Friction
5.3 Rolling Resistance
Chapter 6 Kinematics of Particles
6.1 General Curvilinear Motion
6.2 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6.3 Curvilinear Motion: Tangential and Normal Components
6.3.1 The t-n-b Coordinate System
6.3.2 Velocity
6.3.3 Acceleration
6.4 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Particles
6.5 Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating Axes
Chapter 7 Planar Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
7.1 Translation
7.2 Rotation about a Fixed Axis
7.2.1 Angular Motion
7.2.2 Motion of a Particle on a Rotating Body
7.3 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Bodies
7.4 General Plane Motion
7.4.1 Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity and Acceleration
7.4.2 Instantaneous Center of Rotation
Chapter 8 Kinetics: Equations of Motion
8.1 Newton's Second Law of Motion
8.2 Equation of Motion for a Particle
8.3 Equation of Motion for a System of Particles
8.4 Mass Moment of Inertia
8.4.1 Parallel-Axis Theorem and Radius of Gyration
8.4.2 Mass Moment of Inertia of Composite Bodies
8.5 Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion
8.5.1 Equations of Motion for Translation
8.5.2 Equations of Motion for Rotation about a Fixed Axis
8.5.3 Equations of Motion for General Plane Motion
Chapter 9 Kinetics: Work and Energy
9.1 Work and Power
9.1.1 Work
9.1.2 Power
9.2 Kinetic Energy
9.2.1 Kinetic Energy of a Particle
9.2.2 Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles
9.2.3 Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Planar Motion
9.3 Principle of Work and Energy
9.3.1 Principle of Work and Energy for a Particle
9.3.2 Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles
9.4 Con