







  本书属于新型专业应用型教材。全书主要包括构造地质、矿山地质、矿床学、勘探地质、工程地质、环境地质、岩石学、地质灾害八大主题,每个单元分为生活地质、知识地质、学科地质和地质信息交流四个方面的材料和内容,并针对这些内容设计不同的教学活动、任务、练习和实践。每部分的活动、任务、练习设计多种多样,在语言能力培养方面,各有各的侧重点。 部分任务重点在于提高生活地质口头交际能力,第二部分任务重点在于培养学生典型地质现象的知识口头阐述能力,第三部分练习重点在于培养学生的学科系统理解和阅读理解能力,第四部分活动重点在于培养学生地质信息书面或口头交流能力。
Unit 1 Geological Hazards
Section A Enjoying Geology in Life
Seven Steps Towards Earthquake Safety
Section B Understanding Geological Phenomena
An Introduction to Landslides
Section C Learning about Geological Sciences
Text A Avalanche Conditions
Text B Geological Hazards
Section D Communicating within Geological Communities
Passage I The Institute of Geology, CAGS
Passage II The Laboratory of SKLGP
Unit 2 Environmental Geology
Section A Enjoying Geology in Life
Climate-Smart Mining
Section B Understanding Geological Phenomena
An Overview of Avalanches
Section C Learning about Geological Sciences
Text A Environmental Geology
Text B Environmental Considerations Related to Non-fuel Mineral Mining
Section D Communicating within Geological Communities
Passage I The Dinosaur Museum
Passage II The Geological Museum of China
-- An Epitome of the History of Modern Science in China
Unit 3 Tectonic Geology
Section A Enjoying Geology in Life
Types of Caves
Section B Understanding Geological Phenomena
How Volcanoes Form and Erupt
Section C Learning about Geological Sciences
Text A Plate Tectonics
Text B Plate Tectonics and Sea-floor Spreading
Section D Communicating within Geological Communities
Passage I The United States Geological Survey
Passage II The Global Geoparks Network
Unit 4 Mineral Deposits
Section A Enjoying Geology in Life
The Uses of Petroleum
Section B Understanding Geological Phenomena
What Are Minerals?
Section C Learning about Geological Sciences
Text A Mineral Deposits
Text B Formation of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits
Section D Communicating within Geological Communities
Passage I The Journal of Engineering Geology
Passage II The National Geological Library of China
Unit 5 Petrology
Section A Enjoying Geology in Life
How Tall Can Mountains Be?
Section B Understanding Geological Phenomena
The Rock Cycle
