
新航标职业英语 行业英语 汽车英语

新航标职业英语 行业英语 汽车英语






  《新航标职业英语 行业英语 汽车英语》适用于高职高专第3-4学期使用,要求掌握英语词汇量3000左右。本教材分为13个单元,每个单元都包含一个与汽车行业相关的典型的工作场景和一个工作任务,如公司介绍、汽车构造、汽车组装、发动机基础知识、生产安全、刹车系统等。每单元基本分为八部分:Getting Ready(单元准备)、Reading(阅读)、Language Focus(语言练习)、Vocational Focus(职业练习)、Listening and Speaking (听说练习)、Grammar(语法练习)、Writing(写作练习)。每单元的阅读量限制在500个词,全书词汇范围控制在3000个核心词的难度。
暂缺《新航标职业英语 行业英语 汽车英语》作者简介
1 Introduction to vehicles
TOPICS Classifying cars·Parts of a vehicle·Choosing the right car
Vocational focus 1 Meeting people 5
TOPICS Introducing and greeting·Intercultural awareness
2 Tools in a car workshop
TOPICS Tools - Usage and safety·Types of tools·Hand tools and power tools
Vocational focus 2 Your company
TOPICS The company and its departments·Tasks and responsibilities·Organisational structure
3 The body shop
TOPICS What happens in the body shop?·Joining technologies in the body shop·Materials to build the body in white
Vocational focus 3 Telephoning
TOPICS Making and receiving a phone call·Giving information over the phone
4 The paint shop
TOPICS Stages in painting a car·A visit to the paint shop·Quality problems in the paint shop
Vocational focus 4 Written communi-cation
TOPICS Enquiries·Offers·Orders
5 Chassis and drivetrain
TOPICS Chassis construction·Suspension systems·Drivetrain
Vocational focus 5 Applications
TOPICS Job advertisements·Letter of application
6 Assembly and logistics
TOPICS The assembly process·The logistics department·Problems and solutions in logistics
Vocational focus 6 Socialising
TOPICS Small talk·Small talk in business·Eating out
7 Engine basics
TOPICS How a basic combustion engine works ·The diesel engine·Turbochargers
Vocational focus 7 Presentations 52
TOPICS Preparing a presentation·Describing materials and products·Delivering a presentation
8 Alternative engines
TOPICS The electric vehicle·The fuel cell car·The hybrid car
Vocational focus 8 Dealing with customers
TOPICS Complaints·Customer service
9 Safety
TOPICS Safety in SUVs·Safety features·Testing safety features
10 Wheels and brakes
TOPICS Wheels and tyres·Disc brakes and drum brakes·Braking systems
11 Car systems
TOPICS The liquid cooling system·The exhaust system·Dealing with problems in the systems
12 Maintenance and repairs
TOPICS Having your car serviced·Do it yourself·MOT test
13 Trucks and lorries
TOPICS Truck categories·Interior cabin features·Truck dimensions
Role cards
Grammar overview
Irregular verbs
