本专著从局地到 视角,进行小型水体的水环境评估。研究内容始于中国南方广泛分布的农业水塘。专著提出保育这种有着千年以上历史,但是容易被忽略的小型湿地生态系统,存在多种技术和政策的挑战,并给出相应的解决方案。接着,专著以长江下游茅山地区的局地低山丘陵小流域为例,先后采用针对性适配的HSPF水环境模型,从源码层级改进的SWAT水环境模型,定量评估农业区域中多水塘-沟渠系统的氮素运移、水资源调蓄、洪水拦截效应;并进一步通过Matlab编程的线性混合效应模型,定量评估了多水塘-沟渠系统不同区域氮磷水质变化的内外因素构成。本专著以长江下游地区的横山水库为例,先后在流域降雨-产流数学模型的基础上,采用三维计算几何技术、WebGIS系统开发技术,研究了小型水库水位快速上升的三维动态模拟,以及泄洪调度管理工具。 终,将小型水体的具体类型泛化至非泛滥平原湿地,将研究尺度提升至 多个气候带,采用Meta分析等手段研究了 尺度下这种小型水体的新兴模式,提出了相关可持续利用的政府间合作机遇。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Organization of this book
Chapter 2 Challenges and Solutions for Conserving Farm Ponds in Southern China
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Farm ponds in southern China
2.3 Why are these small and scattered waters important?
2.3.1 Hydrological regulation and ecological cleanup
2.3.2 Biodiversity conservation
2.3.3 Socioeconomic benefits
2.4 What are the threats and management challenges?
2.4.1 Inadequate planning and regulations
2.4.2 Rural nonpoint and mini-point source pollution
2.4.3 Climate change
2.4.4 Invasive species
2.4.5 Management challenges
2.5 Policies and approaches for farm pond conservation
2.5.1 Public awareness building
2.5.2 Top-down regulations and bottom-up engagement
2.5.3 Sustainable management and utilization
2.5.4 Inventory mapping
2.5.5 loT-based collaborative monitoring
2.5.6 Numerical assessment tools
2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Assessment of Nitrogen Pollution in a Pond-rich Agricultural Watershed
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.2.1 Study area and data collection
3.2.2 HSPF description and data pre-processing
3.2.3 Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation
3.2.4 Source attribution of N pollution
3.3 Results and discussion
3.3.1 Calibrated parameters and modeling performance
3.3.2 Spatiotemporal analysis and source attributions of N pollution
3.3.3 Comparisons with previous studies on N source attribution
3.3.4 Implications to headwater agricultural watersheds
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Quantifying the Hydrologic Regulation Effects of Agricultural Multi-pond Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.2.1 Study area and data
4.2.2 The SWAT-MPS model
4.2.3 Model calibration and validation
4.2.4 Model output and hydrologic analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Calibrated parameters and model performance
4.3.2 Pond water balance and MPS identification
1.1 Background
1.2 Organization of this book
Chapter 2 Challenges and Solutions for Conserving Farm Ponds in Southern China
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Farm ponds in southern China
2.3 Why are these small and scattered waters important?
2.3.1 Hydrological regulation and ecological cleanup
2.3.2 Biodiversity conservation
2.3.3 Socioeconomic benefits
2.4 What are the threats and management challenges?
2.4.1 Inadequate planning and regulations
2.4.2 Rural nonpoint and mini-point source pollution
2.4.3 Climate change
2.4.4 Invasive species
2.4.5 Management challenges
2.5 Policies and approaches for farm pond conservation
2.5.1 Public awareness building
2.5.2 Top-down regulations and bottom-up engagement
2.5.3 Sustainable management and utilization
2.5.4 Inventory mapping
2.5.5 loT-based collaborative monitoring
2.5.6 Numerical assessment tools
2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Assessment of Nitrogen Pollution in a Pond-rich Agricultural Watershed
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.2.1 Study area and data collection
3.2.2 HSPF description and data pre-processing
3.2.3 Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation
3.2.4 Source attribution of N pollution
3.3 Results and discussion
3.3.1 Calibrated parameters and modeling performance
3.3.2 Spatiotemporal analysis and source attributions of N pollution
3.3.3 Comparisons with previous studies on N source attribution
3.3.4 Implications to headwater agricultural watersheds
3.4 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Quantifying the Hydrologic Regulation Effects of Agricultural Multi-pond Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.2.1 Study area and data
4.2.2 The SWAT-MPS model
4.2.3 Model calibration and validation
4.2.4 Model output and hydrologic analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Calibrated parameters and model performance
4.3.2 Pond water balance and MPS identification