
轮机工程材料(英文版 第2版)

轮机工程材料(英文版 第2版)






  本教材在2012年《轮机工程材料(英文版)》基础上重新编写完成。针对轮机工程专业的“轮机工程材料”专业基础课程教学,本教材介绍了工程材料的基础知识、选择方法以及在轮机工程中的典型应用。第1章简要介绍材料的基本概念和钢铁材料的生产;第2章介绍金属材料的主要性能和测试方法;第3章介绍晶体的结构以及金属的结晶过程等;第4章介绍金属材料冷态塑性变形以及加热过程中的再结晶过程等;第5章和第6章是本教材的重点内容,介绍相图(特别是铁-碳合金相图)以及常用的热处理方法等;第7章至 0章介绍各种钢、铸铁、有色金属及非金属材料的特性和选用; 1章介绍典型材料在轮机工程中的应用实例。
暂缺《轮机工程材料(英文版 第2版)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 States of materials
1.2 Bonds of solid materials
1.3 Types of engineering materials
1.4 Metal smelting and metal processing
1.5 Forming methods of steel
Chapter 2 Properties of metals and testing methods
2.1 Mechanical properties of metals
2.2 Other properties of metals
Chapter 3 Crystal structure and sofidification of metals
3.1 Crystal structures of metals
3.2 Imperfection in metallic solids
3.3 Solidification and crystallization of metal
Chapter 4 Plastic deformation and strengthening of metals
4.1 Plastic deformation of single-crystalline metals
4.2 Plastic deformation of poly-crystalline metals
4.3 Mechanisms and methods of metal strengthening
4.4 Recovery and recrystallization of metals
4.5 Cold and hot working of metals
Chapter 5 Phase diagrams
5.1 Alloy and phases
5.2 Phase diagrams of alloys
5.3 Iron-Carbide diagram
Chapter 6 Heat treatment of metal
6.1 Structural changes of steel when heating
6.2 Structural changes of steel when cooling
6.3 Annealing and Normalizing of steel
6.4 Quenching and tempering of steel
6.5 Surface modification and heat treatment
Chapter 7 Industrial steels
7.1 Classification and composition of steel
7.2 Structural steel
7.3 Tool steel
7.4 Special performance steel
7.5 Some marine related steels
Chapter 8 Cast iron
8.1 Introduction of cast iron
8.2 Grey cast iron
8.3 Malleable cast iron
8.4 Ductile iron
8.5 Compacted graphite iron
8.6 Special purpose cast iron
Chapter 9 Nonferrous metals and alloys
9.1 Copper and alloys
9.2 Aluminum and alloys
9.3 Titanium and alloys
9.4 Magnesium and alloys
9.5 Bearing alloys
Chapter l0 Other materials
10.1 Polymer materials
