







Unit 1 Agriculture and Economy
Text A Agricultural Production in China
Text B The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development
Text C Guanzi: The Earliest Masterpiece on Political Economy in Human History
Unit 2 Agriculture and Politics
Text A Governance and Agriculture
Text B Empowering Female Farmers to Feed the World
Text C Ancient Wisdom of Disaster Risk Mitigation -- the Dujiangyan Irrigation System
Unit 3 Agriculture and Technology
Text A New Agriculture Technology in Modem Farming
Text B Advantages and Disadvantages of Modem Technology in Agriculture
Text C A Treasure in the History of World Agriculture -- Three Great Agricultural Scientists in Ancient China
Unit 4 Agriculture and Ecology
Text A The Importance of Ecological Farming
Text B Agroecology: Farming for a Better Future
Text C Rice Terraces in Southern China
Unit 5 Agriculture and Food Security
Text A Food Security and Why It Matters
Text B China Helps Boost Global Food Security
Text C Food Security Strategies in China
Unit 6 Agriculture and Livelihood
Text A Agriculture Is the Key to Reducing Poverty
Text B Agricultural Development and Poverty Alleviation in China
Text C China's Rural Revitalization Strategy
Unit 7 Agriculture and Culture
Text A Does Rice Farming Lead to Collectivist Thinking?
Text B Traditional Farming Practices and Evolution of Gender Norms
Text C Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival
Unit 8 Agriculture and Tourism
Text A Agritourism -- Sustainable Development Trend in the Future
Text B Agritourism -- the Benefits of Agricultural Tourism
Text C Rural Tourism in China
Appendix 1 Glossary
Appendix 2 Reshaping Agriculture Using the Nuclear Techniques: The Pakistan Case
Appendix 3 The Role of Agriculture as a Development Tool for a Regional Economy
