
综合商务英语(第1册 第二版)

综合商务英语(第1册 第二版)






  刘白玉:三级教授、董事长、谈判专家、国际贸易专家。从事国际贸易、国际市场营销及翻译18年,出访过英国、美国、加拿大等30多个国家。兼任中国国际贸易学会国际商务英语研究会副理事长、山东省商务英语专业委员会会长,中国跨境电商联盟理事长,省高水平应用型专业(商务英语)负责人,省一流专业(商务英语)负责人。18所大学特聘/客座教授。共在《中国翻译》、《中国科技翻译》、《上海翻译》等国内外期刊发表论文98篇,出版专著、译著43部,主编、总主编、改编教材30多部,主持课题16项,在国际、全国及省级学术会议做主旨发言23次。主讲《商务导论》《国际商务谈判》《国际贸易实务》《国际商务礼仪》《研究生英 语》等33门课,23次获得教学、科研奖励。
Unit 1 Introduction to Business
Text A Goals and Resources of a Business
Text B Business Cycle
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 2 Successful Business People
Text A Steve Jobs and the Apple Story
Text B Zhang Ruimin’s Vision of Leadership for the Future
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 3 Companies
Text A Starbucks Coffee Company’s Organizational Structure
Text B For Britain to Grow Faster It Needs Better Managers
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 4 Employees
Text A Being a Good Employee
Text B How to Help an Employee Figure Out Their Career Goals
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 5 Products
Text A Products and Services
Text B Counterfeit Products Hurt the Consumer and the Economy
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 6 Markets
Text A Selling on TikTok and Taobao
Text B 5 Steps to Validate Your Business Idea Before Entering the Market
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 7 Customers
Text A Customer Value
Text B What Is “Customer”
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 8 Work and Life
Text A The Price of a 24-7 World
Text B Striking a Balance Between Your Passion and Your Paycheck
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 9 Culture
Text A What Is Culture?
Text B People-First?Culture
Case Study
Chinese Values
Unit 10 Business Ethics
Text A Why Should Managers Be Ethical?
Text B Is Digital Piracy Unethical? Or Just Illegal?
Case Study
Chinese Values
附录一 Glossary
附录二 TEM-4 (2012-2014)
TEM-4 (2012)
TEM-4 (2013)
TEM-4 (2014)
附录三 References
