废旧塑料污染控制及资源化利用刘明华,李小娟,刘以凡 等 著本书共 14章,系统介绍了废旧塑料污染途径、控制及治理,以及塑料资源再生利用机理及方法:首先总结和阐述了塑料的产生、危害以及国内外污染、再利用现状;然后介绍了废旧塑料的分类、鉴别、前期处理和成型加工等的方法及工艺设备;再后论述了废旧塑料的污染途径和控制措施以及回收利用技术;昀后详细阐述了各种通用塑料(聚烯烃、聚苯乙烯、聚氯乙烯等)、工程塑料、热固性塑料、泡沫塑料、透明塑料、微塑料等的污染控制及资源化利用。 本书具有较强的技术应用性、可操作性和针对性,可供从事废旧塑料回收、处理处置、绿色替代材料研发等的工程技术人员、研究人员及生产和经营管理人员参考,也可供高等学校环境科学与工程、资源循环科学与工程、材料工程及相关专业师生参阅。
热学李军刚,吕勇军,邹健 著本书系统地阐述了热物理学的基本内容,全书分为热现象与热物理学、热力学第零定律和温度、热力学定律和内能、热力学第二定律和熵、麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼分布、输运过程的分子动力学基础、物态与相变共7章。采用了先介绍宏观理论再阐述微观理论的做法,这更符合初学者由现象到本质的认识过程。全书融入了人文素养、科学素养、科学精神和科学方法四个方面的基本要素,全面提升学生的基本素养。本书可作为高等学校物理学专业、应用物理学专业、理科大类相关专业的教材和参考书。
能源路由器系统与控制解大,王西田,顾承红本书从能源路由器的结构入手,从物理层、控制层和服务层逐次介绍了能源路由器装备的物理结构、设备级控制以及网络级控制的理论和技术方法,综述了能源路由 器技术的基本概念和理论,详细介绍了以端口、功率变换集、独立母线为基础结构,架构能源路由器物理层的构成方法。讲述了最小系统下的能源路由器结构,给出了其能量/功率流控制的基础策略,阐述了将能源路由器应用于能源互联网的服务层控制。本书可以作为相关研究人员、电气工程专业研究生和高年级本科生的参考书,也可以作为对新能源技术有兴趣读者的阅读资料。
Research on Multi UAVs Formation Detection and Its Extensions in Control Theory王建宏 著In Chapter 1 the idea of multi UAVs formation anomaly detection is proposed there, and its relations with system identification, advanced control theory are also introduced. After formulating the problem of multi UAVs formation anomaly detection as one system identification problem, then two special cases are considered about its linear or nonlinear form respectively. From the detailed description on multi UAVs formation anomaly detection problem in previous Chapter 1, other interesting topics exist still, such as the nonlinear dynamic model and control strategy, so in Chapter 2 other two improved identification methods are proposed to improve the identification accuracy. Furthermore, an improved ellipsoid optimization is extended to advanced control theory. In Chapter 3, we want to study the optimal input design for multi UAVs formation anomaly detection. In order to extend the theory on optimal input design, we extend our derived theory in one control strategy-internal model control. In Chapter 4, we change to detect and identify the flutter model parameters for multi UAVs formation. After our detailed formulation, we find that this problem corresponds to one parameter identification problem too. The ground target positioning and tra algorithm for cooperative detection of multi UAVs formation is studied in Chapter 5, where the problem of target tra or state estimation is reduced to build ellipsoidal approximation of the considered state, whose inner and outer ellipsoidal approximations are derived through two semidefinite programs. Due to some optimization problems exist in above chapters, and as the best of our knowledge that the optimization problem is one important step in the advanced model predictive control strategy, so the mission of the Chapter 6 is to consider the same optimization problem in this model predictive control strategy. It means that system identification is combined with the model predictive control, and the interval predictor estimation is applied into robust model predictive control in case of the unmodeled noise or disturbance. Concluding remarks are provided at the end of each chapter, and In Chapter 7 we then provide a brief summary of the results presented in this monograph and an outlook to pole directions for future research on these topics.
传感器技术与应用项目式教程牛白齐 主编.
中国能源革命进展报告国务院发展研究中心资源与环境政策研究所 著本书针对中国能源革命战略思想发布以来,全国各地、各部门、行业协会、重点企业、科研机构、高等院校等相关机构推动能源技术革命的实践和探索进行系统总结,并分析新发展阶段以全面数字化发展促进能源领域低碳转型的技术需求、亟待解决的科学问题和技术瓶颈,展望未来十年能源技术革命发展方向、数字化关键技术及发展前景,以期更好地服务于国家“3060”目标,持续推动中国能源技术革命向纵深挺进,为中国2030年前碳达峰和能源行业“十四五”谋新篇、开新□提供强力支撑。
智能生产线技术及应用尹凌鹏 刘俊杰 李雨健 主编.