







  本教材侧重提高学生的阅读能力,在阅读英语文章的过程中增强对英语语言的感悟、认知与应用。本 教材体裁多样,涉及议论文、记叙文、说明文等;共有9 个单元,内容涵盖人生观、情感、数字技术、当 代女性、成功秘籍、如何平衡生活、核心价值观、友谊、健康等与大学生紧密相关的话题。在题型设计上, 兼顾四、六级和雅思考试题型,帮助学生在提高阅读能力的同时,提高各种英语语言测试的应试能力。 本教材既可作为学生提高自身阅读水平的教辅用书,也可作为泛读课教材使用。

Unit 1 Good Advice Is Beyond All Price. 1
Reading Skill Previewing 2
Lesson 1 Harvard Commencement Address (Excerpt) 2
Lesson 2 Advice to Youth (Excerpt)10
Lesson 3 The Graduation Advice I Never Got but Wish I Had 17
Lesson 4 Harvard Commencement 2007 24
Unit 2 Love Is the Reward of Love 33
Reading Skill Reading in Thought Groups 34
Lesson 1 What Boys Learn from Their Dads 34
Lesson 2 Smother Love 42
Lesson 3 Essential Rules of Parenting: How to Stay Sane. 50
Lesson 4 Daughter Gone but Not Forgotten. 56
Unit 3 Digital Technology Trend63
Reading Skill Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions 64
Lesson 1 How Technology Is Changing Access to the College Experience. 64
Lesson 2 Why Digital Campuses Are the Future72
Lesson 3 Teaching Students in the Future of Higher Education 79
Lesson 4 Digital or Print? How Do You Read Books?87
Unit 4 Women of the Time.93
Reading Skill Scanning. 94
Lesson 1 The Phone Call That Brought Me Freedom
but Broke My Mother’s Heart. 94
Lesson 2 The Reclusive Food Celebrity Li Ziqi Is My Quarantine Queen.102
Lesson 3 Girl Who Survived Floods by Clinging to
Tree 23 Years Ago Now a Police Officer109
Lesson 4 They Survived the Spanish Flu, the Depression and the Holocaust.115
Unit 5 There Is No Secret to Success.123
Reading Skill Skimming. 124
Lesson 1 The Failures and Eventual Success of Colonel Sanders. 124
Lesson 2 What Are the Six Important Keys to Success?.131
Lesson 3 Our Kids’ Happiness: Less Is More 138
Lesson 4 What Does Success Mean to You?144
Unit 6 Striving for Balance in Life. 151
Reading Skill Understanding Signal Words. 152
Lesson 1 School-Life Balance. 152
Lesson 2 Balancing Life as a College Student, Mom and Starbucks Partner160
Lesson 3 A Philosophical Approach to Finding
Work-Life Balance in Uncertain Times. 167
Lesson 4 A Thousand Marbles 174
Unit 7 The Core Values 181
Reading Skill Finding out Word Meanings 182
Lesson 1 Honesty Is the Best Policy 182
Lesson 2 Human Chain: A Little Heat, a Little Light.189
Lesson 3 Be Friendly to All Creatures: Charlie Noble and Mate196
Lesson 4 Filial Piety: The Most Valued Virtue in Chinese Culture. 203
Unit 8 A Friend Is a Second Self209
Reading Skill Finding the Main Idea of a Paragraph210
Lesson 1 The Decay of Friendship210
Lesson 2 Friendship 217
Lesson 3 Six Characteristics of a True Friend.222
Lesson 4 Friendships: Enrich Your Life and Improve Your Health 228
Unit 9 Health Is Wealth. 237
Reading Skill Taking Notes. 238
Lesson 1 How Good a Diet Is Intermittent Fasting? 238
Lesson 2 Getting Enough Sleep Is Vital to Academic Success 244
Lesson 3 Fact or Fiction: Raw Vegetables Are
Healthier than Cooked Ones. 251
Lesson 4 The Different Causes of Memory Loss. 258

