作者:《中华思想文化术语》编委会 编
1 āilè-zhòngjié 哀乐中节
Express Grief and Joy in Accordance with the Rules of Propriety
2 ānmín 安民
Give Peace and Comfort to the People
3 bēimǐn 悲悯
Mercy and Compassion
4 bǐxiǎn-xìnɡyǐn 比显兴隐
Make Analogy Explicit and Association Implicit
5 bùchéng-wúwù 不诚无物
Without Sincerity, Nothing Is Possible.
6 bùzhēnɡ 不争
Not Engaging in Contention
7 chénɡxīn 成心
Biased Mind
8 chōngshí zhī wèi měi 充实之谓美
Moral Fulfillment Is Beauty Itself
9 chónɡdé 崇德
Moral Elevation.
10 dàqīnɡmínɡ 大清明
Great Clarity and Brightness
11 dàyǎn 大衍
The Fundamental Calculation
12 dàobùyùzá 道不欲杂
The Fundamental Principle Should Not Be a Mixture of Ideas.
13 dàoqì 道器
Dao and Objects
14 dàoshū 道枢
Pivot of Dao
15 décāo 德操
Moral Integrity
16 déwéishànzhèng 德惟善政
The Virtue of Those Exercising Power Is Reflected in Good Governance.
17 diāozhuó qíngxìng, zǔzhī cílìng 雕琢情性,组织辞令
Ennoble One’s Sentiment to Produce Fine Writing
18 fán cǎi ɡuǎ qínɡ, wèi zhī bì yàn 繁采寡情,味之必厌
Excessive Adornment and Lack of True Feeling Make One’s Writing Dull.
19 fēiyuè 非乐
Oppose and Ban Music
20 fènghuáng 凤凰
21 ɡōnɡxínɡ 躬行
Practice in Person
22 guó wú yì, suī dà bì wáng 国无义,虽大必亡
A Powerful Country Without Righteousness Is Doomed to Fall.
23 hé’érbùliú 和而不流
Living in Harmony with Others Without Losing Moral Ground
24 hòushēng-kěwèi 后生可畏
Young People Should Be Highly Regarded.
25 jiǎxiànɡ-jiànyì 假象见意
Use Imagery to Express Meaning
26 jiànxínɡ 践形
Cultivate One’s Innate Quality to Be Revealed in One’s Appearance
27 jiāngshānzhīzhù 江山之助
Inspiration from Mountains and Rivers
28 jiàng zài wài, jūn mìng yǒu suǒ bù shòu 将在外,君命有所不受
A General Out in the Battlefield Can Choose Not to Obey the King’s Order.
29 jiàoxué-wéixiān 教学为先
Education Must Be Placed First.
30 jiéyònɡ 节用
31 jīnxiàng-yùzhì 金相玉质
The Look of Gold and the Texture of Jade
32 jīnɡdiǎn 经典
33 jīnɡwù-bājí, xīnyóu-wànrèn 精骛八极,心游万仞
Roaming Remote Realms and Soaring to Great Heights
34 jìnɡ 敬
35 jūluán-bǔnà 拘挛补衲
Florid Prose and Stilted Writing
36 lèi 类
37 lèizú-biànwù 类族辨物
Discerning Things Through Classification
38 miàozào-zìrán 妙造自然
Perfect Naturalness
39 mínshēng 民生
Livelihood of the People
40 nèixǐnɡ 内省
41 p9ngy6u 朋友
42 qīqínɡ-liùyù 七情六欲
Seven Emotions and Six Desires
43 qìjié 气节
Moral Integrity
44 qìwǎnɡ-lìɡǔ 气往轹古
A Piece of Writing with Appeal Surpasses That of Ancient Writers.
45 qīnrén-shànlín 亲仁善邻
To Be Benevolent and Friendly Towards Neighboring Countries
46 qún 群
47 rénwénzhīyuán 人文之元
The Origin of Human Culture
48 rónɡrǔ 荣辱
Honor and Disgrace
49 shàn shèng zhě bù zhēng 善胜者不争
Win a War Without Fighting
50 shàn zhàn zhě qiú zhī yú shì 善战者求之于势
A Person Skilled at Warfare Seeks Victory Through Strategic Positioning.
51 shàn zhàn zhě zhì rén ér bù zhì yú rén 善战者致人而不致于人
A Person Skilled at Warfare Controls His Opponents and Is Not
Controlled by Them
52 shènɡwánɡ 圣王
Sage King
53 shí bì cháng bǎo, ránhòu qiú měi 食必常饱,然后求美
Attention to Refined Taste Comes Only After the Stomach Is Sated.
54 shì chū yú chénsī, yì ɡuī hū hànzǎo 事出于沈思,义归乎翰藻
Recording History in an In-depth Way and Presenting It in
Eloquent Writing
55 shìyǔ-shànɡhuà 饰羽尚画
Inappropriate Embellishment of Writing
56 shūwén-zàishí 舒文载实
Use Fine Wording to Voice Feelings and Aspirations
57 shūyě 疏野
Unrestrained and Ingenuous Spirit
58 ténɡshēnɡ-fēishí 腾声飞实
Fame and Accomplishment Survive Through Writing.
59 tiānxià-yìjiā 天下一家
All Under Heaven Are of One Family.
60 tiānzhí 天职
The Work of Heaven
61 tiānzhì 天志
The Will of Heaven
62 tǒnɡlèi 统类
Universal Principles
63 wánɡdào wú jìn ɡōnɡ 王道无近功
The Righteous Way Seeks No Immediate Gains.
64 wáng zhě zhī jì xī ér 《shī》 wáng 王者之迹熄而《诗》亡
The Book of Songs Died with the Decline of the Kingly Way.
65 wànɡshìzhīshì 忘适之适
Effortless Ease
66 wěi 伪
Human Modification; Artifice
67 wèiyǔ-chóumóu 未雨绸缪
Get Prepared for a Rainy Day
68 wén bù miè zhì, bó bù nì xīn 文不灭质,博不溺心
Graceful Wording Should Not Conceal Content, and Intricate Rhetoric Should Not Drown Out the Author’s Feelings and Thoughts.
69 wúdài 无待
Depend on Nothing
70 wúyù 无欲
Having No Excessive Desire
71 xiàxué-shànɡdá 下学上达
Study Concrete Things and Reach to a Higher-level Understanding
72 xiánhuá-pèishí 衔华佩实
Harmony Between Substance and Style
73 xuánjiě 县解
Freeing the Mind from Bias
74 xīn shēnɡ ér yán lì 心生而言立
Words Flow Forth from the Heart.
75 xíngshén 形神
Form and Spirit
76 xūhuái-ruòɡǔ 虚怀若谷
An Open Mind as Broad as a Mountain Valley
77 yán 言
78 yán yǔ zhì fǎn, wén qǐ zú zhēnɡ 言与志反,文岂足征
Writing That Runs Counter to Its Author’s Aspirations Is Worthless.
79 yílún 彝伦
Yilun / Constant Relations.
80 yǐwén-wéixì 以文为戏
Playful Writing
81 yìjìnɡ-shénwànɡ 意静神王
A Tranquil Mind Is a Source of Inspiration.
82 yōnɡyīn-zátǐ 庸音杂体
Banal Content and Jumbled Forms
83 yǒushàn 友善
Friendly and Kind
84 yǒuxīnzhīqì 有心之器
Objects of Intelligence and Sentiment
85 yúlùn 舆论
Public Opinion
86 yuánshǒu 元首
Head of State
87 zǎocí-juéyù 藻辞谲喻
Richly Nuanced Wording and Intricate Figurative Meaning
88 zhèng xiàng yuè, yuè cóng hé 政象乐,乐从和
Both Governance and Music Playing Pursue Harmony
89 zhīnán-xínɡyì 知难行易
To Act Is Easy; To Know Is Hard.
90 zhītiān 知天
Understanding Heaven
91 zhīyán 知言
Discerning Statements
92 zhīyì-xínɡnán 知易行难
To Know Is Easy; To Act Is Hard.
93 zhízhì 直致
Direct Expression
94 zhǐshì-zàoxínɡ, qiónɡqínɡ-xiěwù 指事造形,穷情写物
Establish Relations Among Things, Create Images, Fully Explore Feelings and Aptly Depict External Things.
95 zhìlǐ-zuòyuè 制礼作乐
Establish Rites and Compose Music
96 zhìbìng-jiùrén 治病救人
Treat the Illness and Save the Patient
97 zìshèng 自胜
Overcome Oneself
98 zìxìn 自信
Believe in One’s Self
99 z#zhī 自知
Know One’s Self / Self-knowledge
100 z#zhì 自治
Self-discipline / Self-control
术语表 List of Concepts
中国历史年代简表A Brief Chronology of Chinese History