
全新版大学高阶英语:综合教程 教师手册4

全新版大学高阶英语:综合教程 教师手册4

作者:吴晓真 主编





  本书为“全新版大学高阶英语”(New Advanced College English)《综合教程》的教师手册。每单元由下列六部分组成:Part ITeaching GoalsPart IISuggested Teaching PlanPart IIILanguage FocusPart IVSupplementary ExercisesPart VKey to ExercisesPart VIText Translation参考教案(Suggested Teaching Plan)在关注学生英语语言基础训练的同时,侧重于学生综合技能的培养。基础教案需用四个课时,加上补充练习(Supplementary Exercises)则可扩充到六个课时。课文的主题始终贯穿于整个教案内容的安排之中。语言学习(Language Focus)包括课文难点注解以及各种新句型、新习语使用的范例。凡属课文A精选出的重点操练词及词组(Words and Phrases to Drill),均按其在课文中出现的顺序加注并配以例证。鉴于英语中一词多义的基本属性,在处理重点词时,除着重阐明该词出现在课文中的释义及其用法外,还适当提供了该词的其他最常用的意义及用法。至于是否向学生介绍这些词语在课文语义以外的意思和用法,可由教师灵活掌握。补充练习(Supplementary Exercises)进一步提供与A、B课文主题相关的听写、翻译、词汇拓展、阅读理解、改写、图片口头表述等多种练习。
暂缺《全新版大学高阶英语:综合教程 教师手册4》作者简介
Unit 1 Unforgettable Teachers
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
Unit 2 The Pace of Life
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
Unit 3 Human Weaknesses
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
Unit 4 Our Environment
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
Unit 5 Artificial Intelligence
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
Unit 6 Nature and Man
Part One Teaching Goals
Part Two Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Teaching Steps
Part Three Language Focus
Part Four Supplementary Exercises
For Text A
For Text B
Part Five Key to Exercises
Part Six Text Translation
