
本书应用“三角剪切定量模型”对我国西部典型褶皱冲断带开展了复杂构造建模及恢复,解决了层长层厚不守恒构造剖面的平衡剖面恢复难题;运用Midland Valley建立了褶皱冲断带的三维构造模型,定量评价了断距的空间分布及其对构造样式的控制作用;并进一步运用地质力学建模模拟并定量分析了褶皱冲断带三维构造演化史及应力应变演化史。结合大量实例研究,创新性地建立了多尺度断层建造及断层封堵评价技术,从断层演化过程、断层封堵种类、断层封堵形成过程、断层岩分类、断层封堵评价方法、断层油气运移属性主控因素等方面对断层油气封堵性进行综合评价。该著作研究成果对推动逆冲断裂带结构及油气运移特征方面的研究和教学具有较高的指导价值。
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Recent Progress in Fault Zone Architecture and Fault Seal Analysis in Past Decades
2.1 Geological Settings of the Qaidam Basin
2.1.1 Basement, Stratigraphy, Structural Geometry and Petroleum Systems of the Qaidam Basin
2.1.2 Tectonic Evolution of the Qaidam Basin
2.2 Fault Zone Architecture and Fault Seal Analysis
2.2.1 Fault Zone Architecture
2.2.2 Fault Seal Process
2.2.3 Fault Seal Types and Generated Fault Rocks
2.2.4 Factors Affecting Petrophysical Properties of Fault Rocks
2.2.5 Methods to Evaluate Fault Sealing Properties
2.2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Trishear Strain Quantification and Subsurface Structural Interpretation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 3D Parameter Space and Clusters of Natural Examples
3.3 Dynamic Space of Trishear Models
3.4 Strain Quantification Associated with Trishear Algorithm
3.5 Complex Trishear Geometry
3.5.1 Fault-Dip Change
3.5.2 Pre-Existing Fault(s)
3.6 Application to the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
3.7 Discussion
3.7.1 Geometric Constraints of Trishear Algorithm
3.7.2 Influence of Stratigraphy on Trishear Algorithm
3.8 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Regional-Scale Structural Analysis of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Geological Settings
4.3 3D Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.3.1 Overall Geometry Based on Seismic Interpretation
4.3.2 Detailed Fault Architecture Based on High-Resolution Fieldworks in the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.3.3 3D Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.4 Dynamic Evolution of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.4.1 Spatial Distribution of Fault Throw
4.4.2 3D Structural Restoration
4.5 Strain Analysis to Predict Minor Structures
4.5.1 Strain Analysis on Simplified Model
4.5.2 Field Data Verification
4.6 Discussion and Conclusions
4.6.1 Effects of Mechanical Stratigraphy on Fault Zone Architecture
4.6.2 Predict Second-Order Structures by SWain Analysis on Simplified Model
4.6.3 3D Models Integrating Multi-Scale Structures
Chapter 5 Meso-Scale Detailed Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Methods
5.2.1 Detailed Outcrop Mapping
5.2.2 Fault Architecture Characterization
5.2.3 Deformation Mechanisms and Dynamic Fault Evolution
5.3 Fault Architecture Characterization-Main Reverse Faults Within the Fault Zone
5.3.1 Main Reverse Faults: TF1
5.3.2 Main Reverse Fault: TF2, TF3 and TF4
5.4 Fault Architecture Characterization - Accommodation Faults in the Hanging Wall
5.4.1 Minor Reverse Faults
5.4.2 Normal Faults
5.5 Dynamic Fault Evolution and Deformation Mechanisms
5.5.1 Dynamic Fault Evolution
5.5.2 Deformation Mechanisms
5.6 Reverse Fault Model to Define the Fault Zone Elements
5.7 Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 6 Micro-Scale Analysis to Identify the Micro-Scale Deformation Mechanisms and Their Effects on Fault Sealing Capacity
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Methods
6.3 Micro-Structural Analysis of the Fault Rocks
6.3.1 Clay Smears
6.3.2 Phyllosilicate-Framework Fault Rocks
6.3.3 Cataclasites
6.3.4 Cemented Fractures
6.4 Discussion and Conclusions
6.4.1 Fault Rock Types and Their Relationship to Phyllosilicate Contents of the Lenghu5 Central Fault Zone
6.4.2 Fault Sealing Processes and Their Sealing Capacity
6.4.3 Effectiveness of Using Small-Offset Faults to Evaluate the Fault Sealing Capacity of Seismic-Scale Faults
Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions
7.1 Thrust Fault Architecture
7.1.1 Multi-Scale Thrust Fault Architecture
7.1.2 Parameters Controlling Fault Zone Architecture in the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
7.2 Hydrocarbon Sealing Behaviour
7.2.1 Fault Seal Analys
Chapter 2 Recent Progress in Fault Zone Architecture and Fault Seal Analysis in Past Decades
2.1 Geological Settings of the Qaidam Basin
2.1.1 Basement, Stratigraphy, Structural Geometry and Petroleum Systems of the Qaidam Basin
2.1.2 Tectonic Evolution of the Qaidam Basin
2.2 Fault Zone Architecture and Fault Seal Analysis
2.2.1 Fault Zone Architecture
2.2.2 Fault Seal Process
2.2.3 Fault Seal Types and Generated Fault Rocks
2.2.4 Factors Affecting Petrophysical Properties of Fault Rocks
2.2.5 Methods to Evaluate Fault Sealing Properties
2.2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Trishear Strain Quantification and Subsurface Structural Interpretation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 3D Parameter Space and Clusters of Natural Examples
3.3 Dynamic Space of Trishear Models
3.4 Strain Quantification Associated with Trishear Algorithm
3.5 Complex Trishear Geometry
3.5.1 Fault-Dip Change
3.5.2 Pre-Existing Fault(s)
3.6 Application to the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
3.7 Discussion
3.7.1 Geometric Constraints of Trishear Algorithm
3.7.2 Influence of Stratigraphy on Trishear Algorithm
3.8 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Regional-Scale Structural Analysis of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Geological Settings
4.3 3D Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.3.1 Overall Geometry Based on Seismic Interpretation
4.3.2 Detailed Fault Architecture Based on High-Resolution Fieldworks in the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.3.3 3D Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.4 Dynamic Evolution of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
4.4.1 Spatial Distribution of Fault Throw
4.4.2 3D Structural Restoration
4.5 Strain Analysis to Predict Minor Structures
4.5.1 Strain Analysis on Simplified Model
4.5.2 Field Data Verification
4.6 Discussion and Conclusions
4.6.1 Effects of Mechanical Stratigraphy on Fault Zone Architecture
4.6.2 Predict Second-Order Structures by SWain Analysis on Simplified Model
4.6.3 3D Models Integrating Multi-Scale Structures
Chapter 5 Meso-Scale Detailed Fault Architecture of the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Methods
5.2.1 Detailed Outcrop Mapping
5.2.2 Fault Architecture Characterization
5.2.3 Deformation Mechanisms and Dynamic Fault Evolution
5.3 Fault Architecture Characterization-Main Reverse Faults Within the Fault Zone
5.3.1 Main Reverse Faults: TF1
5.3.2 Main Reverse Fault: TF2, TF3 and TF4
5.4 Fault Architecture Characterization - Accommodation Faults in the Hanging Wall
5.4.1 Minor Reverse Faults
5.4.2 Normal Faults
5.5 Dynamic Fault Evolution and Deformation Mechanisms
5.5.1 Dynamic Fault Evolution
5.5.2 Deformation Mechanisms
5.6 Reverse Fault Model to Define the Fault Zone Elements
5.7 Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 6 Micro-Scale Analysis to Identify the Micro-Scale Deformation Mechanisms and Their Effects on Fault Sealing Capacity
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Methods
6.3 Micro-Structural Analysis of the Fault Rocks
6.3.1 Clay Smears
6.3.2 Phyllosilicate-Framework Fault Rocks
6.3.3 Cataclasites
6.3.4 Cemented Fractures
6.4 Discussion and Conclusions
6.4.1 Fault Rock Types and Their Relationship to Phyllosilicate Contents of the Lenghu5 Central Fault Zone
6.4.2 Fault Sealing Processes and Their Sealing Capacity
6.4.3 Effectiveness of Using Small-Offset Faults to Evaluate the Fault Sealing Capacity of Seismic-Scale Faults
Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusions
7.1 Thrust Fault Architecture
7.1.1 Multi-Scale Thrust Fault Architecture
7.1.2 Parameters Controlling Fault Zone Architecture in the Lenghu5 Fold-and-Thrust Belt
7.2 Hydrocarbon Sealing Behaviour
7.2.1 Fault Seal Analys