油田非均质对策论陈永生 著This book is written from the point of view of theoretical depth as well as the summary of practical expe-riences,some basic problems are dealt with typical of oil field heterogerieities of fluid and flow field from sixlevels. Besides,the author improves the formula of oil recovery efficient utilization factor. In this book,the ge-ologic characteristics, reservoir behaviours and countermeasures during oil field development have been dealtwith respectively. This decides the structure feature of the whole work and marks a great distinction fromother works.
现代完井工程万仁溥 著Well completion engineering not only connects up the drilling and production engineerings, but also is itself a relatively independent one. Which is a system engineering from drilling into the oil formation, set-ting casing, cementing, perforating, running the production tubing string, and flowing back; to putting the well into production.
井控技术孙振纯 等编《中国石油天然气总公司井控培训教材:井控技术》紧密结合我国井控技术发展的实际,充分吸收了国外井控培训工作的经验,在由浅到深地阐述了地层压力和井控的概念、井涌的原困及控制机理、关井程序及各种常规压井方法的基础上,根据目前我国井控培训工作的现状,突出强调了二次控制的重要性,新增加了非常规压井、浅气层井控、各岗位关井操作职责以及井控模拟装置的演练等内容。《中国石油天然气总公司井控培训教材:井控技术》是钻井工程人员取得井控操作合格证的专用培训教材,同时也可作为石油院校相关专业师生的参考书。
油气勘探工程丁贵明 等 著According to the 14th World Petroleum Conference,the ultimate conventional recoverable resources of oil and gas in the world are 311.3 billion tons and 32.8 billion m3 respectively. Also it is estimated by some experts that the resources can be used by human beings for 100 years or so. But all this does not indicate a optimistic explora-tion situation. It is showed by available data that the amount of discovered crude oil culminated between the middle fifties and the end of seventies, with an average of 5 billion tons a year, and reduced to 1.8 to 2.1 billion tons a year in the eighties and to only l.0 billion tons at the beginning of the nineties. Meanwhile, the production surpassed the discovered reserves in the same period greatly. Since the 1980's, the major discoveries were on offshore, in which the Asia-Pacific and South America regions, whose residual recoverable reserves amount for 20% of the world’s total amount, account for a certain proportion. The increase of reserve is mainly obtained by finding potential resources in established fields, Between 1985 and 1990, the amount of newly found reserves, 8.9 billion tons, only amounts for 25% of total increased re-serves, 35.3 billion tons, of the world, while the other 75% of increased reserves is acquired through reevalu-ating the resources of former fields. All in a word the discovery of new reserves is becoming more difficult and petroleum exploration is facing a challenge.
井控设备孙振纯,王守谦,徐明辉 著《井控设备》较详细地论述了井控专用设备——各种井口防喷器、控制装置、节流压井管汇、钻具内防喷工具、钻井液气体分离器与自动灌注钻井液装置的功用及技术规范,并介绍了设备的安装与试压及常规检查工作。对于那些具有双重“身份”的井控设施,如加重钻井液装置、泥浆罐液面监测仪等,《井控设备》不再介绍。鉴于我国陆上钻井所用防喷器及其控制装置多为国内生产,国产标准节流压井管汇亦渐普及,因此,《井控设备》以阐述国产设备为主要内容。《井控设备》是钻井工程人员取得井控操作合格证的专用培训教材,同时也可作为石油院校相关专业师生的参考书。
中国新生代咸化湖泊沉积环境与油气生成孙镇城 等 著The current oil product of China mostly comes from eastern China. Thus to follow the strategic policy of China National Petroleum Corporation“stalizing and developing the eastem while quickening the operation in westem part of China”and enforce the prospecting in eastem China to increase Oil & gas reserves successively is critical to the stalization of crude oil production of China. Currently, the oil production from the Eogene of eastern China accounts for nearly half of the gross oil production of China. And stratum is one of the targets of oil & gas exploration and the increasing of the reserves of China. As far as the facies of the stratum is concerned, it has been in dispute for more than 20 years in China. The discussions on the issue,wluch have promoted the development of related branch of learning, have not only theoretical significance, but also practical value. This is because a prospecting aiming at marine or transitional source rocks is different from that aiming at continental deep-lake or salfied-lake source rocks, at least to some degree. The kernel of the theory of continental petroleum geology is that oil and gas are generated within inland sedimentary basins;hydrocarbon distribution differs among different sedimentary basins; the distribution of oil and gas fields are controlled by source sags, that is, they are source-controlled. Thus prospecting should be concentrated on inland basins. The propecting drilling of deep-lake basins and salified-lake basins should be arranged around the sag centers of them, in terms of their sedimentary and tectonic features. This is totally different from the prospecting drilling of transgressive lake basins, which is arranged in terms of the directions and scales of each transgressions and the features of the transgressive deposits. Thus the current project deals with the application of the basic aspects of the oil and gas prospecting in China.
中国含油气沉积盆地论田在艺,张庆春 著Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,glorious achievements in petroleum industry of China have been accomplished. The annual production of crude oil has increased from 120,000 t in 1949 t0 146,000,000 t in 1995, and that of natural gas has reached 17,000,000,000 m3. Meanwhile, Chinese petroleum sci-entists and engineers are open minded, bold in-making innovations, and make painstaking efforts to achieve great successes in creating the theory of petroleum geol-ogy with Chinese characteristics.
气田开发地质1唐泽尧 编In the aspects of natural gas production and utilization,China is the earliest one in the world. As early as the end of the Han Dynasty and the beginning of the Jin Dynasty(301 B. C. ),Producing gas to extract salt by heating has started and that some oldest methods in the world,such as drilling of Zhuotongjing(ver-tical borehole) ,gas production by water withdrawal with Kanpen(a kind of basin covering over wellhead) ,gas production test with Liangtongzi(bright tube) ,well workover operation by Bugiang(repairing borehole’s wall) ,identifying fracture system by Xianhao(observing a marked gas production)and dividing the inter-connecting fracture system by Tongqiang(observing interwell communication) ,has been initiated,which has become a magnificent page in world petroleum history and is also a valuable experience for developing shal-low fracture-pore type gas fields with low porosity,low permeability and bottom water. Before liberation,the gas production technique in our country stagnated,being in a very backward situation,and an industrial-scale exploration and development has started only after new China was founded. At present,the gas fields have increased from two(in old China)t0 116 and the annual gas production has increased by a big margin,be-coming an indispensable energy resources for the development of our national economy. Now a new progress has been made in onshore gas exploration and the offshore Ya 13 - 1 large gas field has been put in produc-tion,which creates a favourable conditions for quickning the development of gas industry during the “9th Five-Year Plan”。
低熟油气形成机理与分布王铁冠 等 著At the beginning of 1970, well-known French geochemist B. P.Tissot et al.had synthesized and summed up the scientific results of predecessors. He therefore proposed a theoretical model of hydrocarbon generation by the late thermal degradation of kerogen, revealed generation, evaluation and distribution regularities for conventional crude oil and natural gas. The model established by Tissot has been internationally accepted in petroleum geological circles, fruitfully used to direct the explorative practice of conventional petroleum in the world, and become a geo-logical basis to establish petroleum evaluation methods. Early in the 1980s, Chinese petroleum geological circles adopted Tissot’s model and successfully accomplished the first national petroleum resources assessment. Based on this theoretical model, after burial depth of kercgen in source rock is up to the hydrocarbon-generating threshold ( usually indicated by a vitrinite reflectance Ro value of 0. 5 % ) ,hydrocarbon starts to be generated. While entering oil peak (corresponding Ro value is around 0.8-1.0% ) ,a large amount of petroleum would be formed. Howev-er, it is commonly believed that if do not enter oil peak, source rocks would only generate limited crude oil. Ones not reaching the threshold would be referred to immature source rocks or non-source rocks. Meanwhile, petroleum geochemists have also establish a series of molecular indicators for determining maturity of crude oils and extractable organic matter (EOM) in source rocks. In most cases, the above concept seems to be feasible, especially for petroleum exploration in marine strata. Therefore, explorers do not take immature source rock contribution into account, and ignore the possibility to search for petroleum resources in the shallow strata around the threshold depth or in shallow basins for a considerable period.
童宪章集童宪章 著新中国石油工业的发展史,是一部“两论”起家,努力创建具有中国特色的石油勘探开发理论与实践的科技发展史。众所周知,旧中国的石油工业极其弱小,解放初期全国石油产量仅12万吨,不及现今全国8小时的产量。50年代中期,我国发现了克拉玛依油田,推动石油产量超过百万吨。60年代,我国以大庆油田的发现和开发为标志,实现了石油自给。70年代,渤海湾地区胜利、大港、辽河、华北、中原等油田的相继开发,推动我国原油产量在1978年达到1亿吨,跨入了世界石油大国的行列。这些年来,我国石油工业贯彻实施党中央、国务院确定的稳定东部,发展西部,油气并举,发展海上等战略方针,保持了东部地区产量的基本稳定,大庆油田在年产5000万吨以上连续稳产了21年。西部地区在新疆塔里木、吐-哈、准噶尔三大盆地取得了重大突破,开发建成了一批大型油田。在陕甘宁盆地、四川等地区新发现了一批大型气田。海洋石油形成了规模,继续保持了稳定发展。l996年全国生产原油1.57亿吨,居世界第五位;生产天然气201亿立方米,居世界第21位。