医学遗传学(Medical Genetic)
医学遗传学一直是生命科学中活跃的学科,也是与人类生命和健康密切相关的学科,《医学遗传学(Medical Genetic)》着重于程序中教学要求的实现,并涵盖了医学遗传学三个基本要求的所有内容。它强调了相应课程的重要内容,并强调了必须充分掌握的概念、理论、生理现象和病理变化的基础知识。同时,为了提高学生的全面理解能力和满足大学教学改革的需要,《医学遗传学(Medical Genetic)》在案例分析以及理论和应用研究中尽可能多地描述了新的发展。它可以用作国际医学生,8年制医学生和研究生的双语教材。
暂缺《医学遗传学(Medical Genetic)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Background and History
1.1 Background
1.2 History
1.3 The place of genetics in medicine
Chapter 2 Human Gene and Human Genome
2.1 A brief history of DNA:the hereditary material
2.2 DNA structure and function
2.3 The structure and function of genes
2.4 The features of genomes
2.5 Genome maps
Chapter 3 Genetic Variation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The chemical basis of genetic mutation
3.3 Types of genetic mutation
3.4 Description of genetic mutation
3.5 Mutagenic factors
3.6 Factors affecting human genetic mutation
Chapter 4 Autosomal Dominant and Recessive Inheritance
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Pedigree and pedigree analysis
4.3 Autosomal dominant inheritance
4.4 Autosome recessive disease
4.5 Clinical examples
Chapter 5 Sex-Linked Modes of Inheritance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sex chromosomes
5.3 Sex-linked modes of inheritance '
5.4 X chromosome inactivation and lyon hypothesis
Chapter 6 Clinical Cytogenetics:the Chromosomal Basis of Human Disease
6.1 Chromosome
6.2 Chromosome analysis
6.3 Chromosome abnormalities
6.4 Clinical examples
Chapter 7 Mitochondrial Inheritance and Mitochondrial Diseases
7.1 Mitochondrial genome
7.2 Mitoehondrial inheritance
7.3 Mitochondrial diseases
Chapter 8 Polygenic Inheritance and Polygenic Diseases
8.1 Genetics of quantitative traits
8.2 Polygenic diseases
8.3 Recurrence risk of polygenie diseases
8.4 Research progress in polygenie genetic diseases
Chapter 9 Birth Defect
9.1 Congenital abnormalities
9.2 The clinical characteristics of birth defects
9.3 Prevention of birth defects
Chapter 10 Cancer Genetics
10.1 The genetic basis of Oncology
10.2 Oncogene
10.3 Tumor suppressor genes