可持续设计Daniel E. Williams 著"Daniel Williams's Sustainable Design is . . . a thoroughly practical call for the design professions to take the next steps toward transformation of the human prospect toward a future that is sustainable and sustaining of the best in human life lived in partnership not domination."-From the Foreword by David W. Orr, the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics and Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College"In this pioneering book, Daniel Williams provides the sort of intelligent, thoughtful, experienced insights that-if followed-will ensure that we make the right choices. It should be on the desk of every architect in the world."-Denis Hayes, president and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation and coordinator of the first Earth Day in 1970Architects identify "sustainability" as the most important change in the future of their profession. Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning is a practical, comprehensive guide to design and plan a built environment compatible with the region's economic, social, and ecological patterns.In this book, Daniel Williams challenges professionals to rethink architecture and to see their projects not as objects but as critical, connected pieces of the whole, essential to human health as well as to regional economy and ecology. Comprehensive in scope, Sustainable Design answers key questions such as:How do I begin thinking and designing ecologically?What is the difference between "green design" and "sustainable design"?What are some examples of effective change I can make that will have the most impact for the least cost?Written for architects, planners, landscape architects, engineers, public officials, and change agent professionals, this important resource defines the issues of sustainable design, illustrates conceptual and case studies, and provides support for continued learning in this increasingly central focus of architects' and urban planners' work.Williams's book features winning projects from the first decade of the AIA's Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten award program.
发展中国理论物理事业理论物理专款学术领导小组1993年,国家自然科学基金委员会设立理论物理专款,并成立学术**小组。设立专款的目的是:促进我国理论物理学研究的发展,培养理论物理优秀人才,做出国际先进水平的研究成果,充分发挥理论物理对国民经济建设和科学技术在战略决策上应有的指导和咨询作用。理论物理专款是基金委在基金主体申请的主要框架下的一种特别设计,是对基础学科理论物理学支持的一种特别补充。30 年来,根据理论物理学科的特点、中国经济发展状况和政府经费投入状况,学术**小组和基金管理者不断地思考、探索和调整新时期有特色的多元化资助模式,起到了促进创新、扶植薄弱、稳定队伍、鼓励交叉、均衡发展、高端引领学科布局、建设创新平台与人才高地、弘扬科学家精神等重要作用。
植物细胞培养技术与应用郭勇,崔堂兵,谢秀祯 编著本书是《实用生物技术丛书》的组成部分。主要介绍植物细胞培养的基本理论、基本技术及其在工业上用于生产次级代谢物和进行生物转化,在农业上用于种质保存、人工种子制备、植物的快速繁殖等方面的*研究进展及发展趋势。内容包括绪论、植物细胞的获取、植物细胞的选育与改良、植物细胞培养方法、植物细胞培养生产次级代谢物、植物细胞在生物转化方面的应用、植物细胞培养在农业方面的应用等七章。本书可供在制药、食品、农业等领域从事植物细胞培养及其应用的科学工作者、工程技术人员以及高等院校生物技术、生物工程、生物制药等有关专业的师生使用。
从细菌到植物(美)帕迪利亚 主编细胞通过消耗能量来完成生物体必需的活动,如生长、修复损伤部位等。一个生物体内的细胞往往同时努力地工作着。例如你在看这段文章时,不仅你的眼睛和大脑的细胞在工作,而且你体内的其他细胞也在工作。你的胃肠细胞在消化食物,血细胞在体内运输化合物。若此时你受伤了,则还会有一些细胞来“修补”这个创口。
分子生物学精要[美]马拉森斯基(Malacinski,G.M.) 著,魏群 等译本书由蛋白质、核酸及大分子复合物的结构,大分子的功能,细胞内大分子功能的协同作用,大分子的实验操作等一系列的单元组成。主要介绍了分子结构和功能的基础知识。 本书结合分子生物学研究的方法,通过对分子生物学关键特征的回顾,用一系列简明的概念概述了分子生物学的基础知识;本书应用了对知识结构的分层法,复杂性随章节增加,而不是用一系列充满细节的描述,将所有知识一次性给出;第四版的《分子生物学精要》,从对结构的回顾到对蛋白质组学的讨论,汲取了分子生物学学科的每一个主要方面的精华;作为一个新的章节,基因组学、生物信息学和蛋白质组学对前沿的研究工作做了介绍,因此这本书可以激励学生通过对分子生物学基础知识的学习,掌握更广的背景知识,从而增加了学生的个人学习兴趣和对这一学科的学术兴趣。 本书适合作为分子生物学专业的本科生、研究生学习用书,教师教学参考用书,具备一定生物学知识并对分子生物学感兴趣的人员的学习指导用书,也可以作为相关科研人员的参考用书。
基础微生物学实验指导孙智杰 刘芳 主编本书是以培养实验技能和创新意识为目标、以从基础培养到综合设计为内容纲要,在长期实践基础上经过不断改进和充实编写而成的。书中涵盖了微生物学基础实验技术介绍、基础性实验、综合性实验及附录几个部分,是与高等学校基本实验条件、教学目标相匹配,可以切实应用到微生物学实验教学中的实用性教学参考范本。编写上注重补充介绍与各实验主题相关的知识内容,以促进使用者对该实验内容的全面理解和把握,在实验方法的编写上内容详实、注重细节,具有很强的指导性、可操作性,是一本编写别具特色的工科或理科类院校生物技术、生物工程等相关专业微生物学实验教程参考书,也可供其他生物科技人员查阅参考。
药学分子生物学史济平 主编生命科学已成为现代科学的前沿,分子生物学又是生命科学的领先学科,自从分子生物学理论和技术引入医药领域,生物技术也成为药学的先导技术,并已在药学科学领域展示了未来和希望。本书的特点是:1.强化基础,突出重点,系统而深入地介绍分子生物学的基本概念和基本理论;2.为学生们提供较系统的分子生物学知识,适当补充普通遗传学和细胞生物学的基本概念;3.广泛吸收并介绍国内外在分子生物学领域较为成熟的理论和新成果;4.就分子生物学派生的基因工程及其在医药工业中的应用加以展开和阐述。
中国植物志 第23卷吴征镒 编the chinese flora, with an estimated 31,500 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. noteworthy, too, is chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country.de*ious and identification keys for this flora, until now unavailable in english,have been published over thepast 17 years in the flora of china, in conjunction with a separate series, the flora of ckina illustrations. thirty-five of the total of 48 text and illustration volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between western and chinese scientists.twenty-two plant families are described in this volume. among. these, the araceae include taro (colocasia esculenta) and the horticulturally important genera amorphophauus and arisaema;the pandanaceae include the screw-pines,(pandanus); the areeaceae are the.palms,including the economically important betel nut(areca catechu), coconut (cocos nucifera), and date (phoenix dactylifern) in addition to 77 native species, among which are the chusan or windmill palm (trachycarpus fortunei) and the climbing,spiny rattans (calamus); finally, the cyperaceae,or sedges, comprise two-thirds ofthis volume and include the second largest genus in china, carex, with 527 species.to find out more about the flora of china project, visit the website at http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/
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