中国植物志图集 第25卷本社 编暂缺简介...
天然产物化学进展于德泉,吴毓林 主编本书为《化学进展丛书》其中之一。全书共24章,以专题的形式宏观介绍了近5~10年间国内外天然产物化学的发展动态和研究重点以及未来发展趋势;天然产物化学热点问题的新思路、新方法以及学科交叉融合中的创新问题;重要的和潜在的应用前景,解决实际问题的应用实例。本书可供从事化学、药学及天然产物学科研究的科研工作者、大专院校师生、科技管理部门的有关工作人员以及相关企业的决策者参考使用。
Moss Flora Of China Englishi Version 5本社 编暂缺简介...
中国植物志 第2-3卷吴征镒 等编著“FloraofChina”是中美合作的重大项目,得到了中国科学院、国家科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、美国国家科学基金会等机构的资助。由中国科学院昆明植物研究所吴征镒院士和美国密苏里植物园皮特·雷文(PeterRaven)院士联合任编委会主席。“FloraofChina”并非是《中国植物志》英文版简单的翻译,而是中外专家联手进行增补和修订,并最终以英文定稿。该卷包括石松科-水龙骨科共38科174属2113种植物,其中3属823种为中国特有。《中国植物志 第2-3卷(英文版)》适合从事生物资源、生态环境、农林牧和医药研究的科研工作者,以及大专院校有关师生教学、科研参考之用。
中国植物志图集 第20-21卷吴征镒 著本书内容对应中国植物志(英文版)第20-21卷,书中包括菊科的帚菊木族-泽兰族共19族248属2,336种植物,504个图版。
中国植物志图集 第19卷本社 编Volume 19 of the illustrations series encompasses 20 plantfamilies, among them: Rubiaceae, the madder family, with Coffeaarabica, the coffee tree, Gardenia jasminoides, the beautifulgardenia, Cinchona pubescens, source of quinine, and many othernotable species; Acanthaceae, with species of horticultural andmedicinal value, e.g., Barleria cristata; Plantaginaceae, includingPlantago arenaria, cultivated for its medicinal seeds;Campanulaceae, known for its garden plants with often blue,bell-shaped flowers, among the most striking, Campanula glomerata,the clustered bellflower, and Lobelia chinensis, one of thefundamental herbs of Chinese medicine; Adoxaceae, containing thegenus Viburnum, with its berries and flowers; Caprifoliaceae,including the genus Lonicera, the honeysuckle; Dipsacaceae, theteasel family; Valerianaceae, whose garlands of fragrant Valerianathe great Chinese poet of the third and fourth centuries BC ChuYuan described in his autobiographical poem "Li Sao"; Annonaceae,the custard apple family; and Berberidaceae, the barberry family,with its decorative, edible berries.
中国植物志 第1卷吴征镒 著《中国植物志 第1卷(英文版)》是中国植物志(英文版)中的最后一卷,包括该项目的编研历史、各卷作者、绘图人员、所包含的种及特有种,科、亚科、属的中名索引、拼音索引、拉丁名索引等内容。《中国植物志 第1卷(英文版)》可供植物学、生态学、资源学、林学和农业科研人员及高校师生参考。
中国植物志 第25卷Wu Zhengyi,Peter H.Raven 著The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. De*ions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past. 16 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Thirty-two of the total of 48 text and illustration volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.This volume entirely comprises the orchid family, or Orchidaceae, with 1,388 species in China,of which 491 are endemic, i.e., found nowhere else on Earth. The orchids of China include wild relatives of the source of the economically important vanilla pod, as well as the well-known cultivated genera Cymbidium and the slipper orchids, Cypripedium and Paphiopedilum. China has hundreds of other horticulturally important orchid species in genera such as Bletilla, Bulbophyllum, Calanthe, Coelogyne, Dendrobium,Phalaenopsis, Pleione, and Vanda. This volume is the only fully comprehensive and up-to-date,English-language account of the wild orchids of China.To find out more about the Flora of China project, visit the website at http ://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/
中国植物志 第7卷本社 编暂缺简介...
中国植物志图集 第12卷Flora of China Editorial Committee 等编著The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. De*ions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 15 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Twenty-eight of the total of 48 text and illustrations volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists. Volume 12 of the illustrations series is devoted to 18 plant families, several of which have economic and horticultural importance: Actinidiaceae, source of the kiwi fruit; Balsaminaceae, with the colorful Impatiens genus; Malvaceae, with Gossypium, the genus that provides cotton, and the mallows and hollyhocks; Theaceae, including the tea plant Camellia sinensis, as well as the ornamental camellias; and Vitaceae, notable for Vitis vinifera, the grapevine.