中国植物志图集 第12卷Flora of China Editorial Committee 等编著The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. De*ions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 15 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Twenty-eight of the total of 48 text and illustrations volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists. Volume 12 of the illustrations series is devoted to 18 plant families, several of which have economic and horticultural importance: Actinidiaceae, source of the kiwi fruit; Balsaminaceae, with the colorful Impatiens genus; Malvaceae, with Gossypium, the genus that provides cotton, and the mallows and hollyhocks; Theaceae, including the tea plant Camellia sinensis, as well as the ornamental camellias; and Vitaceae, notable for Vitis vinifera, the grapevine.
中国植物志图集 第11卷本社 编暂缺简介...
中国植物志 第十三卷Editorial Committee 著The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31.000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. De*ions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been publishedover the past 14 years in the Flora of China. in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Twenty-four of the total of 49 volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.Among the 33 plant families described in this volume are Clusiaceae, the mangosteen and St. john's-wort family, harvested for its wood. resin, fruits, seeds, and horticultural and medical uses:Dipterocarpaceae, major canopy trees of lowland tropical forests; Tamaricaceae or tamarisk family; Violaceae, the violets and pansies: Flacourtiaceae, source of chauimoogric oil, used to treat leprosy; Passifloraceae, the passion flower family; Begoniaceae, 141 of its ornamental begonias naturally occurring only in China; Thymelaeaceae. including the ornamental shrubs Daphne and Edgeworthia used for the manufacture of paper and medicines; Elaeagnaceae, oleaster and buckthorn family, with its fruit trees and ornamental shrubs: Lythraceae, including purple loosestrife and the ornamental crepe myrtles; Trapaceae. the water chestnuts; Rhizophoraceae or mangrove family;Nyssaceae, containing the genus Camptotheca.source of the anticancer drug camptothecin, and Davidia, the dove tree, which naturally occurs only in China; Combretaceae. with shrubs. vines: and tres of ornamental and medical use: Myrtaceae, including eucalyptus and fruit trees: Melastomataceae, of value in medicine and horticulture; Onagraceae, including wiilowherbs and evening primrose, used in medicine as well as for ornament; and Araliaceae. with several economically important Chinese genera, notably, Panax or ginseng. To find out more about the Flora of China project, visit the website at http ://flora .huh .harvard.edu/china/
木本植物有性杂交生殖生物学图谱LI Wendian 等著木本植物有性杂交生殖生物学是从植物胚胎学在树木育种中的应用发展而成的综合性学科。它以传统植物胚胎学、细胞学、生物化学等学科的知识与技能为基础,以植物生殖生物学的研究内容为中心,以现代新仪器和新技术为手段研究木本植物有性杂交可配性的机理,同时探索克服杂交障碍的细胞生物学技术,以达到挽救杂种为目的。因此,《木本植物有性杂交生殖生物学图谱(英文版)》具有鲜明的特色,它形象地将杨树和杉木等我国重要造林树种有性杂交的胚胎发育过程展示在人们面前,它揭开了有性杂交成功和失败的秘密,直观地显示了克服杂交障碍的生物技术的流程。《木本植物有性杂交生殖生物学图谱(英文版)》是一本兼具植物生殖生物学基础理论知识和现代生物技术应用于树木有性杂交育种的实践性很强的书。基于它很强的专业性,它是一本奉献给植物生殖生物学家和树木育种学家的书;同时,它是一本既重视基础理论,又反映新进展的书,所以很适合作为大学生物专业和林业专业学生学习植物胚胎学、细胞生物学技术和树木育种学的辅助教材;由于此书用英文写成,所以国外同行也可阅读。本《图谱》含80个图版,700多幅照片,其中彩版36版, 黑白44版。内容包括: I. 杨属远缘杂交生殖生物学。展示了杂交亲本种子发育的一般规律;组间和属间有性杂交从传粉、受精至胚胎发育的过程; II.杉木属远缘杂交生殖生物学。证明了杉木与柳杉属间杂交的可配性;揭示了杉木与侧柏科间杂交的不可配性。III.细胞生物学技术在树木育种中的应用。1.显示了用含未成熟胚的胚珠离体培养技术克服杨属组间和属间杂交中胚的败育,成功地获得了杂种苗的过程;2.展示了为克服木本植物不能发生受精作用而采用雌雄配子体外受精技术。从杨树中分离出了生活的精细胞、胚囊和卵器;从松、杉、柏中分离出了生活的雌雄配子并诱导其进行了初步体外融合。
分子生物学检验基础与临床黄宪章 主编本书主要介绍了分子生物学检验的基础,以及在遗传性疾病、感染性疾病、恶性肿瘤及其他相关疾病中的临床应用,使人们学会更多地用系统、整体的观点去考虑诸如生命、衰老、癌症等重大的生物学问题,对分子生物学技术在疾病的诊断、预防和治疗方面的重大作用的理解也更加深入。本书适用于相关研究的工作者和学生阅读参考。 全书共十六章。章绪论;第二章至第七章为分子生物学的基本原理及技术,分别介绍了分子生物学重要研究方法和技术;目的基因的获得、重组质粒的构建、筛选、表达与调控;核酸杂交与PCR技术在当前分子生物学检验中的应用;第八章至第十四章分别介了分子生物学检验技术在人类白细胞抗原、肿瘤、感染性疾病、呼吸系统、消化系统、心血管疾病及产前诊断方面的应用;第十五章至第十六章介绍了重组DNA技术及蛋白质组学在医学中的应用。
山东昌乐五图盆地早始新世哺乳动物群童永生,王景文 著山东早始新世五图组已发现18目34科51种哺乳动物,其中许多门类是亚洲大陆首次发现,为今后亚洲古近纪早期的哺乳类研究奠定良好的基础。本书详细描述了其中的34种哺乳类,包括21个新属,27个新种;并对某些门类作了终结性的探讨,如犭戾类、亚洲早始新世食虫类、早期裂齿兽类和北柱兽类等;着重讨论了五图动物群的性质、时代,论证了亚洲本土与北美大陆、印巴次大陆和欧洲之间在古近纪早期交流问题;提出了在古新世哺乳类并不像以前认为的那样处于"孤立"状态,而与北美大陆之间的哺乳动物有较通畅的交流渠道。本书有插图49幅,33个附表,书末附有图版11帧。
中国植物志图集 第13卷Flora of China Editorial Committee 著The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. De*ions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 15 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Thirty of the total of 48 text and illustrations volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.Volume 13 of the illustrations series is devoted to 33 plant families, a number of which are of horticultural or agricultural importance or are otherwise distinctive: Violaceae, with its white, purple, and yellow violets; Passifloraceae, the passion flower family; Caricaceae, of which the genus Carica furnishes us with the papaya fruit; Begoniaceae, with Begonia, noted for its ornamental flowers and foliage; Cactaceae, featuring the Cactus genus; Thymelaeaceae, including the ornamental shrubs Daphne, and Edgeworthia used for the manufacture of paper and medicines; Trapaceae, the water chestnuts; Nyssaceae, containing the genus Camptotheca, source of the anticancer drug camptothecin, and Davidia, the dove tree, which naturally occurs only in China; Onagraceae, including evening primrose and Epilobium or willowherb; and Araliaceae, containing the ivies as well as Panax or ginseng.
天然产物化学徐任生 编本书纳入天然产物分离与化学结构研究(波谱应用)的基本理论与方法,扼要叙述各类主要天然产物的化学结构、特征、应用及其结构的近代研究方法及某些全合成与生物合成途径。内容包括植物与中草药的各类化学成分;海洋生物、昆虫激素和信息素,常见的天然产物成分分离方法与结构测定;立体化学,化学合成与生物合成及主要生物活性,并举例解析。同时,书中注意采纳我国科学家的研究成果,许多是作者的学术成果总结。本书是一本具有中国特色的、较新颖的天然产物化学参考书,可供天然有机化学、药物化学、中草药化学、植物化学、有机化学、分析化学及植物学与生物学等相关专业的研究生、教师、科研人员及中西制药公司有关人员参考。
微生物学实验毛季琨 主编本书是根据全国普通高等专科教育药学类规划教材建设委员会的要求而组织编写,供全日制药学专业大专层次的学生使用,与理论教材《微生物学》(唐珊熙主编,牟家琬主审)相配套的实验教材。全书包括微生物学实验(含免疫学实验)的基本技能训练和控制药品质量的微生物学检验方法两部分,共二十一个实验。每个实验后附有思考题。本书针对药学专业的特点,理论联系实际,实用性强,适合大专层次培养应用型人才的需要。本书亦可作为医药院校药学专业大专层次成人教育的教材或供其他医药人员及微生物学实验技术人员作参考资料。
生物化学与分子生物学学习指导赵亚华 编著本书是配合基础生物化学与分子生物学课程学习的指导书。书中的生物化学部分列出了每章的学习提示、重点问题解答及练习题,分子生物学部分主要给出了练习题。所有的习题后面都附有较详细的解答,便于学习者复习或自学。本书适用于生物类本科生学习巩固所学知识和考研复习指导,也可作为相关学科教师的教学参考用书。