Static Mechanical Properties of UHPCC 1
1.1 Introduction . 1
1.2 Test Program 2
1.2.1 Raw Materials and Mixture Proportions . 2
1.2.2 Specimen Preparation and Curing 4
1.3 Instrumentation and Loading Scheme . 5
1.3.1 Cubic Compressive Test . 5
1.3.2 Axial Compressive Test 6
1.3.3 Direct Tensile Test 7
1.3.4 FourPoint Flexural Test . 8
1.3.5 ThreePoint Flexural Test 9
1.4 Test Results and Discussion 10
1.4.1 Compression Test 10
1.4.2 Direct Tension Test . 14
1.4.3 FourPoint Flexure Test 17
1.4.4 ThreePoint Flexure Test . 21
1.5 Summary . 27
References 28
2 Dynamic Compressive Mechanical Properties of UHPCC . 31
2.1 Introduction . 31
2.2 Specimen Preparation 32
2.3 SHPB Test 33
2.3.1 Test Device . 33
2.3.2 Test Technique 34
2.4 Test Results and Discussions . 37
2.4.1 Stress Equilibrium 37
2.4.2 Strain Rate Determination 38
2.4.3 Dynamic Failure Pattern . 39
2.4.4 Dynamic Stress–Strain Curve . 40
2.4.5 Dynamic Increase Factor . 44
2.4.6 Energy Absorption Capacity 48
x Contents
2.5 ViscoElastic Damage Model 49
2.5.1 Nonlinear ViscoElastic Model 49
2.5.2 Model Calibration and Validation 51
2.6 Summary . 51
References 53
3 Dynamic Tensile Mechanical Properties of UHPCC 55
3.1 Introduction . 55
3.2 Specimen Preparation 56
3.3 Dynamic Spalling Test . 57
3.3.1 Test Device . 57
3.3.2 Test Technique 58
3.4 Test Results and Discussions . 61
3.4.1 Dynamic Failure Patterns 61
3.4.2 Dynamic Spalling Strength . 63
3.4.3 Relations Between the Critical Time to Fracture
and Dynamic Spalling Strength 66
3.4.4 Dynamic Increase Factor . 67
3.5 Summary . 70
References 71
4 Triaxial Compressive Behavior of UHPCC and Application
in the Numerical Analyses of Projectile Impact 73
4.1 Introduction . 73
4.2 A Review of the Existing Works on Triaxial Behavior
of Concrete 74
4.3 Mixing Optimization of UHPCC and Triaxial Compression
Test 76
4.3.1 Compositions . 76
4.3.2 Mixing Procedure 78
4.3.3 Triaxial Compression Test . 79
4.4 Results and Analysis . 80
4.4.1 Failure Pattern . 80
4.4.2 Stress–Strain Curve . 81
4.4.3 Failure Criteria 85
4.4.4 Toughness 90
4.5 Applications in the Numerical Analyses 92
4.5.1 Brief Introduction of HJC Constitutive Model . 92
4.5.2 HJC Model Parameters for HSC . 94
4.5.3 Validations 95
4.6 Summary . 98
References 101
Contents xi
5 Projectile Penetrations into Coarse Aggregated UHPCC
Targets 105
5.1 Introduction . 105
5.2 Basalt Aggregated UHPCC Target 108
5.2.1 Target 108
5.2.2 Projectile . 109
5.2.3 Test Setup 113
5.2.4 Test Results . 114
5.2.5 Discussions . 116
5.3 Corundum Aggregated UHPCC Target 121
5.3.1 Target and Projectile 121
5.3.2 Test Results . 122
5.3.3 Discussions . 127
5.4 Numerical Simulations Based on 3D Mesoscopic Concrete
Model 138
5.4.1 3D Mesoscopic Concrete Model . 138
5.4.2 Validations 148
5.4.3 Impact Resistance of Different Aggregated UHPC . 153
5.5 Summary . 158
References 161
6 Impact Resistance of Basalt Aggregated UHPSFRC/Fabric
Composite Panels Against Small Caliber Arm 163
6.1 Introduction . 163
6.2 Bullet Perforation Test . 165
6.2.1 Bullet 165
6.2.2 UHPBASFRC Panels . 165
6.2.3 Fabric Strengthening 167
6.2.4 Test Setup 169
6.3 Test Results . 170
6.3.1 Damage of Target 170
6.3.2 Dimension of Crater 174
6.3.3 Perforation Limit 175
6.3.4 Recovered Bullet 176
6.3.5 Damage of Aluminum Plate 177
6.4 Discussions . 177
6.4.1 Crater Dimensions 177
6.4.2 Terminal Ballistic Parameter . 179
6.4.3 Fabric Effect 183
6.5 Summary . 184
References 184
xii Contents
7 Impact Resistance of Armsector Steel/Ceramic/UHPCC
Layered Composite Targets Against 30CrMnSiNi2A Steel
Projectiles 187
7.1 Introduction . 187
7.2 Impact Test on 10CrNi3MoV21A Armor Steel/SiC
Ceramic/UHPCC Composite Targets and Numerical
Simulations . 190
7.2.1 Impact Test . 190
7.2.2 Numerical Simulations 201
7.3 Impact Test on NP450 Armor Steel/UHPCC and NP500
Armor Steel/UHPCC Composite Targets and Numerical
Simulations . 217
7.3.1 Impact Test . 217
7.3.2 Numerical Simulations 222
7.4 Summary . 232
References 233
8 Response of UHPCCFST Subjected to LowVelocity Impact 237
8.1 Introduction . 237
8.2 Test Program 239
8.2.1 UHPCCFST Specimens . 239
8.2.2 Axial Compression Test . 240
8.2.3 DropHammer Impact Test . 243
8.3 Test Results and Discussions . 244
8.3.1 Axial Compression 244
8.3.2 Lateral Impact Resistance 245
8.3.3 Impact Force–Time History 246
8.3.4 DeflectionTime History . 247
8.4 Calibration of K&C Model Parameters for UHPCC 248
8.4.1 Brief Introduction of K&C Model 249
8.4.2 Calibration 251
8.5 Numerical Simulation 260
8.5.1 Present Test . 260
8.5.2 Yoo et al. (2015) Test 264
8.6 Summary . 266
References 267
9 Dynamic Responses of Reinforced UHPCC Members Under
LowVelocity Lateral Impact 271
9.1 Introduction . 271
9.2 Test Program 274
9.2.1 Specimen Fabrication . 274
9.2.2 DropHammer Impact Test . 275
Contents xiii
9.3 Test Results and Discussions . 277
9.3.1 FailureMode 277
9.3.2 Impact Force–Time History 280
9.3.3 DeflectionTime History . 284
9.3.4 Energy Dissipation 287
9.4 Numerical Simulation 288
9.4.1 FE Model . 288
9.4.2 Calibration 289
9.4.3 Comparisons of Numerical Results with Test Data . 300
9.5 Further Validations 304
9.5.1 Reinforced UHPCMembers 305
9.5.2 UHPCFSTMembers . 310
9.6 Summary . 313
References 315
10 Residual Axial Capacity of UHPCCFST Column Under
Contact Explosion . 319
10.1 Introduction . 319
10.2 Review of the ExistingWorks 321
10.3 UHPCCFST Columns . 322
10.3.1 Fabrications . 323
10.3.2 Steel Tube 324
10.3.3 UHPCC 325
10.4 Field Contact Explosion Test . 325
10.4.1 Test Setup 325
10.4.2 Test Results . 327
10.5 Axial Compression Test 329
10.5.1 Test Setup 329
10.5.2 Test Results . 330
10.6 Numerical Simulation 336
10.6.1 FE Model . 336
10.6.2 Material Model 338
10.6.3 Loading Scheme . 345
10.7 Comparisons with Test Data . 346
10.7.1 Damage and Failure Modes of Columns . 346
10.7.2 Residual Axial Capacity and Failure Mode
of Columns . 350
10.8 Parametric Study 355
10.8.1 Steel Tube Thickness and Strength . 355
10.8.2 Core Concrete Strength and CrossSectional
Diameter . 357
10.8.3 Influence of Varied Parameters on Damage Index 362
10.9 Summary . 363
References 364
xiv Contents
11 Experimental and Numerical Study of UHPCCFST Columns
Subjected to CloseRange Explosion 369
11.1 Introduction . 369
11.2 Explosion Test on UHPCCFST Column . 371
11.2.1 Specimens 371
11.2.2 Test Setup 373
11.2.3 Test Results and Analyses 373
11.3 Analytical Methods for Predicting the Dynamic Responses
of UHPCCFST Columns 377
11.3.1 ALEMethod 377
11.3.2 VelocityMethod . 381
11.3.3 SDOFMethod 384
11.3.4 Comparisons of Predictions by Different Methods . 388
11.4 Further Numerical Analyses and Discussion . 389
11.5 Summary . 392
References 393
12 Experimental Study on the Residual Seismic Resistance
of UHPCC Filled Steel Tube (UHPCCFST) After Contact
Explosion . 397
12.1 Introduction . 397
12.2 UHPCCFST Specimens . 399
12.2.1 Steel Tube 399
12.2.2 UHPCC 400
12.2.3 Fabrications . 401
12.3 Contact Explosion Test . 403
12.3.1 Test Setup 403
12.3.2 Test Results and Discussions . 404
12.4 LowFrequency Cyclic Loading Test 408
12.4.1 Test Setup 408
12.4.2 Test Results and Discussions . 409
12.5 Assessment of Residual Seismic Resistance
of the Postblast Column . 423
12.6 Summary . 426
References 427
13 Experimental and Numerical Studies on Dynamic Behavior
of Reinforced UHPCC Panel Under MediumRange
Explosions 431
13.1 Introduction . 431
13.2 Review of the ExistingWork . 432
13.3 Field Blast Test . 435
13.3.1 Specimen . 435
13.3.2 Test Setup 436
13.3.3 Test Results and Discussions . 439
Contents xv
13.4 Numerical Simulation 453
13.4.1 FE Model . 453
13.4.2 Material Model of UHPCC . 454
13.4.3 Material Model of NSC 463
13.4.4 Material Models for Rebar and Support . 463
13.5 Comparisons of Numerical Results with Test Data . 464
13.5.1 OverpressuresTime History 464
13.5.2 DeflectionTime History . 466
13.5.3 Postblast Damage 466
13.6 Summary . 468
References 470
14 Constitutive Modelling of UHPCC Material Under Impact
and Blast Loadings 475
14.1 Introduction . 475
14.2 UHPCC Material Model 478
14.2.1 Brief Introduction of the Original KongFang
Concrete Model . 478
14.2.2 New Tensile Damage Model 480
14.2.3 Parameter Calibration . 484
14.3 Single Element Tests . 489
14.3.1 Unconfined Uniaxial Tests . 489
14.3.2 Triaxial Compression Test . 490
14.4 Experimental Validation 491
14.4.1 UHPCCFST Column Subjected to Low Speed
Impact . 492
14.4.2 UHPCCFST Column Subjected to Near
Explosion 495
14.4.3 Reinforced UHPCC Slab Subjected to Blast
Loading 498
14.5 Summary . 500
References 501