面向Aspect的软件开发汇刊 II 焦点
作者:Awais Rashid 著
The LNCS Jounal on Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development is devoted to all facets of aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) techniques in the context of all phases of the software life cycle, from requirements and design to implementation, maintenance and evolution. The focus of the journal is on approaches for systematic identification, modularization, representation and composition of crosscutting concerns, i.e., the aspects and evaluation of such approaches and their impact on improving quality attributes of software systems.This volume, the second in the Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development series, presents 2 regular revised papers, a guest editors' introduction, and 6 papers in a special section that have been through a careful peer reviewing process by the journal's Editorial Board. Besides a wide range of topics from software design to implementation of aspect-oriented languages, the 6 papers of the special section concentrate on AOP systems, software and middleware.
暂缺《面向Aspect的软件开发汇刊 II 焦点》作者简介
On Horizontal Specification Architectures and Their Aspect-Oriented Implementations
A Framework for Policy Driven Auto-adaptive Systems Using Dynamic Framed Aspects
Focus: AOP Systems, Software and Middleware
Guest Editors' Introduction
Aspect-Oriented Development of Crosscutting Features in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems
Shakeins: Nonintrusive Aspects for Middleware Frameworks
Run-Time and Atomic Weaving of Distributed Aspects
TOSKANA: A Toolkit for Operating System Kernel Aspects
Lean and Efficient System Software Product Lines: Where Aspects Beat Objects
Providing Configurable QoS Management in Real-Time Systems with QoS Aspect Packages
Author Index