作者:Loren Abdulezer 著
出版社:John Wiley & Sons
See how to use Skype for secure chats and connect SkypeOut and SkypeIN. Here's the fun and easy way (r) to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you! You'll get great advice about hardware, directions for downloading and installing Skype, ideas for using Skype in your business, and the lowdown on making Skype calls to people with old-fashioned phones. Discover how to: Install Skype and start making calls Create a contacts list Set up voicemail and call forwarding Use Skype for worldwide conference calls and Skypecasting Enhance Skype with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi wireless, and video
Loren Abdulezer is CEO and President of Evolving Technologies Corporation, a New York–based technology consulting firm. He is an experienced IT professional serving many Fortune 500 companies. Loren is the author of Excel Best Practices for Business and
Part I: Getting Started with Skype
Chapter 1: What’s All the Hoopla about Skype?
Chapter 2: Hooking Up with Skype
Chapter 3: Getting Familiar with Skype’s Interface
Part II: As You Like It: Skype Your Way
Chapter 4: Customizing Skype Options to Suit Your Style
Chapter 5: Getting Personal
Chapter 6: The Mad Chatter
Chapter 7: Skyping Eye to Eye: Skype with Video
Chapter 8: The Ins and Outs of SkypeIn and SkypeOut
Part III: Calling All Seasoned Skypers
Chapter 9: Managing Your Messages
Chapter 10: Partying On — On the Conference Line!
Chapter 11: Spicing Things Up with Great Gadgets and Add-Ons
Part IV: The Professional Skyper
Chapter 12: “Skypifying” Your Business
Chapter 13: Exploring Skype Communities
Chapter 14: Skypecasting
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 15: Ten Reasons Your Mom (and Other Family) Will Love Skype
Chapter 16: (Almost) Ten Ways to Promote Your Business Using Skype
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Use Skype at School
Appendix A: Skype Multilanguage Support
Appendix B: Skype Tips and Tricks Guide