
DNA计算 DNA computing

DNA计算 DNA computing

作者:Anne Condo 著





  The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form.Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science resarch forum available.The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields.The type of material publised traditionally includes.-proceedings(published in time for the respective conference)-post-proceedings(consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers)-research monographs(which may be basde on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.)
暂缺《DNA计算 DNA computing》作者简介
Engineered Communications for Microbial Robotics
Successive State Transitions with I/O Interface by Molecules
Solution of a Satisfiability Problem on a Gel-Based DNA Computer
Diophantine Equations and Splicing: A New Demonstration of the Generative Capability of H Systems
About Time-Varying Distributed H Systems
String Tile Models for DNA Computing by Self-Assembly
From Molecular Computing to Molecular Programming
Graph Replacement Chemistry for DNA Processing
DNA and Circular Splicing
Molecular Computing with Generalized Homogeneous P-Systems
Computationally Inspired Biotechnologies: Improved DNA Synthesis and Associative Search Using Error-Correcting Codes and Vector-Quantization
Challenges and Applications for Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures
A Space-Efficient Randomized DNA Algorithm for k-Sat
Solving Computational Learning Problems of Boolean Formulae on DNA Computers
The Fidelity of Annealing-Ligation: A Theoretical Analysis
DNA Implementation of a Royal Road Fitness Evaluation
Steady Flow Micro-Reactor Module for Pipelined DNA Computations
Author Index
