
数字城市 IIDigital cities II

数字城市  IIDigital cities II

作者:Makoto Tanabe 著





  This book presents revised full papers contributed to the Second Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities, held in Kyoto, Japan, in October 2001.The 29 thoroughly reviewed papers presented together with an introduction are organized in topcial sections on- concepts and theory- politics of the digitial city movement- examples of digital cities- evaluations- architectures for digital cities- technologies for digital cities
暂缺《数字城市 IIDigital cities II》作者简介
Introduction: Digital Cities Research and Open Issues
Concepts and Theory
 Little Boxes, Glocalization, and Networked Individualism
 Privacy, Predictability or Serendipity and Digital Cities
 Regularities in the Formation and Evolution of Information Cities
 Communication of Social Agents and the Digital City - A Semiotic Perspective
Politics of the Digital City Movement
 Digital Cities and Digital Citizens
 Designing Democratic Community Networks: Involving Communities through Civil Participation
 TeleCities-Digital Cities Network
Examples of Digital Cities
 The Camfield Estates-MIT Creating Community Connections Project: Strategies for Active  Participation in a Low- to Moderate-Income Community
 Community Websites as a Local Communication Network: "Directory Westfield", an Experience Report
 Ennis Information Age Town: Virtuality Rooted in Reality
 Feasibility Study of Digital Community through Virtual Enterprise Network
 Knowledge-Based Economic Services Supported by Digital Experiments ..
 Community Network Development: A Dialectical View
 The Complexity of Using Commercial Forces to Counteract the Digital Divide: A Case Study of the  TUC of Sweden
 Lessons Learned: Social Interaction in Virtual Environments
 Worlds Apart: Exclusion-Processes in DDS
 Log Analysis of Map-Based Web Page Search on Digital City Kyoto
Architectures for Digital Cities
 Connecting Digital and Physical Cities
 Twin Worlds: Augmenting, Evaluating, and Studying
 Three-Dimensional Digital Cities and Their Evolving Communities Katy BOrner
 Creating City Community Consanguinity: Use of Public Opinion Channel in Digital Cities
 Agent-Based Coordination of Regional Information Services
Technologies for Digital Cities
Author Index
