


作者:(英)威廉.林赛 著





  .“新时代的马可·波罗”丛书共6种,中、英文版。本丛书选取长期在中国生活和工作的国外友好人士的自述性作品,通过讲述他们的在华经历和对中国的认知、感受,促进文明交流、文明互鉴、文明共存,推动各国人民相互理解、相互尊重、相互信任,展现现当代丝路精神新的传承故事。本书讲述了一个英国人独特而真实的长城故事。三十多年来,经历过各种苦与乐、失与得,威廉·林赛从长城的擅自闯入者,变成了有影响力的长城守护者和长城文化传播者。他用优美的文字描写了长城的壮美,细腻地表达了自己爱与深情。在通往长城事业的道路上,总有爱妻“美玉”坚定的支持与无私的奉献。他们定居在北京箭扣长城脚下,为来访的中外客人分享长城和他研究长城的故事,并带着他们身临其境。一切来源于长城,一切为了长城——这也成为了林赛一家子的生活方式。Marco Polo of the New Era, in both Chinese and English, is a series consisting of six narrative books by foreign friends who have lived and worked in China all along time. By describing their experience in China and their cognition and feelings about China, the bilingual series promotes the exchanges, mutual learning between and coexistence of civilizations, drives mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual trust between people from all countries, and shows the new inheritance of modern and contemporary Silk Road spirit.Walking on the Great Wall of China: it's an experience of a lifetime. But for one man and one woman the Great Wall was to be so much more. Matchmaking. Life changing. Unfolding as a lifetime of experiences. In this extraordinary Great Wall reality story, William Lindesay relives three decades of his China life with Beautiful Jade. He experiences the Wall as a vast theatre for exploration and adventure. Together they adopt it as their cause for conservation. As a family the Lindesays create their unique WildWall lifestyle beside it. Exhilarating and humorous, frank and soulful, Great Wall, Beautiful Jade:My China Loves is an uplifting and inspirational account of a couple’s odyssey, their love for the Great Wall and the spirit of China that it embodies.
  威廉·林赛,英籍长城学者,毕业于英国利物浦大学地理地质专业。1987年成功独步长城2470公里。2000年起专门探索、研究、保护长城和传播长城文化。已出版《威廉:我的长城生活》《虚拟长城展:50件长城文物》《万里长城百年回望》《万里长城百题问答》《亚洲印象:长城》等著作。因在长城保护和促进中英友好方面所作贡献,荣获中国国务院颁发的“友谊奖章”(1998年);英国女王伊丽莎白二世陛下颁发的“大英帝国勋章”(2006年);北京市人民颁发的长城“友谊奖牌”(2008年)。婚后与妻子吴琪和两个儿子(詹姆斯和托马斯)长期居住在北京。WILLIAM LINDESAYO BE, a Great Wall researcher from British, studied geography at Liverpool University. Go full time on things Great Wall related - exploration and study, conservation and guidance since 2000. His publications include Wild Wall: My Life at the Great Wall of China, The Great Wall in 50 Objects, The Great Wall Explained, The Great Wall Revisited, Images of Asia: The Great Wall, etc. For conservation work Lindesay has received the Friendship Award of China (1998), the OBE from HM Queen Elizabeth II (2006), the Beijing Great Wall Friendship Award (2008). William, Wu Qi and their two sons, James and Thomas live beside the Great Wall at Jiankou in Beijing.
目 录
地图:前环衬、178 页和后环衬
序 ........011
自序 ........013
前言:“野长城”由来三部曲 ........017
1. 在中国日报社工作的时光 ........024
2. 骑行去长城 ........026
3. 乔治的长城地段 ........029
4. 为绕道骑行去“长安”做准备 ........033
5. 此地不对外开放 ........035
6. 从山西到陕西 ........038
7. 在新华社当编辑 ........044
8. 在长城历史上漫步 ........047
9. 扑朔迷离的九眼楼 ........051
10. 在北京买房子 ........057
11. 英国使者路经古北口 ........060
12.“偶遇”威廉·盖洛 ........064
13. 长城脚下的农家院 ........067
14. 我“美化”了长城 ........080
15. 长城,这座露天博物馆有馆长吗 ........084
16. 穿越长城时空的享受 ........088
17. 首个“野长城周末”........092
18. 保护长城远离现代化冲击 ........097
19. 千禧年的跨年时刻 ........100
20. 荒野与长城对峙 ........107
21. 箭扣长城的四季 ........109
22. 长城急救落崖女 ........114
23. 在挪威使馆里讨论长城保护问题 ........119
24. 涞源长城上不愿离开岗位的敌楼 ........122
25. 长城奇遇 ........124
26. 濒危的长城景观 ........129
27. 寻找古老的长城 ........133
28. 长城有禁区? ........138
29. 我们也是志愿者! ........151
30. 大雪纷飞宁夏行 ........153
31. 长城——世界新七大奇迹之一 ........158
33. 英国大使馆里的长城展 ........173
34. 重摄长城中的新故事 ........179
35. 出乎意料的消息 ........185
36. 在白金汉宫的一天 ........188
37. 北京首个“万里长城 百年回望”展览 ........193
38. 长城的“显赫时期”........202
39. 在“老龙”的心脏里 ........207
40. 寻找木长城 ........211
41. 戈壁滩遇险 ........216
