







  中国特色社会主义进入新时代。在这片辽阔的土地上、在这个人口约占全球1/5的发展中大国,正在发生着内涵更为丰富、影响更为深远的“转型”,社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。本书阐述了中国社会的新发展,包括历史性地解决绝对贫困问题、全面建成小康社会等,介绍当代中国的社会结构、社会建设和社会治理、社会生活和社会思潮等,并注意进行国际对比。The Contemporary China Series includes eight books, based on distinct Chinese values, reveals how China promotes coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement. The series comprehensively introduces the basic situation of contemporary China and the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. Across the vast land of this large developing country with a population of about one-fifth of the world, a “transformation” with richer connotation and far-reaching influence is taking place, and the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved into the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life. Contemporary China’s Society elaborates on new developments in Chinese society, including the historical solution to absolute poverty and the accomplishment of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. It introduces the structure, development, governance, lifestyle and thoughts in contemporary Chinese society, and makes comparisons with international society.
  李文,经济学博士,中国社会科学院当代中国研究所社会史研究室主任、研究员、博士生导师。主要从事当代中国经济史和社会史等研究。著有《实用不动产管理要则》《中国土地制度的昨天、今天和明天》等。Li Wen, with a PhD in economics, is the director, research fellow, and doctoral supervisor at the Social History Research Office of the Institute of Contemporary China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and is mainly engaged in the research of contemporary China’s economic and social history. The publications include Practical Principles for Real Estate Management and Past, Present and Future of China’s Land System.
ForewordChapter I China’s economic and social transformation and the “Chinese Dream”I. From solving food and clothing problems to building a moderately prosperous societyII. Comprehensive prosperityIII. An all-round well-off society and the Chinese Dream Chapter II Trends of population and social structure I. Structural changes of population and familiesII. Large-scale population flow and migrationIII. Occupational classification and social stratificationIV. Income distribution and social polarizationChapter III The world’s largest social security schemeI. State-owned enterprise reform and reconstruction of social security system II. Establishment of social security system in an all-round wayIII. Establishment of a fair and sustainable social security system that covers the entire population in both urban and rural areas IV. Establishment and improvement of the housing guarantee system Chapter IV Education, health and human resourceI. Reform and development in educationII. Reform of the medical system and development of the medical and health causeIII. Basic information about China’s human resourcesChapter V Incomes, consumption and people’s livelihood I. Income level and composition, consumption expenditureII. Consumption structure and quality of lifeIII. Features of people’s livelihood improvement in different stages Conclusion
