无机及分析化学学习指导浙江大学化学系 主编,沈宏 著本书是与浙江大学编写的“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材《无机及分析化学》(第三版)配套的学习指导用书。本书的出版,旨在为教师备课以及学生学习提供辅导。面对培养创新人才的需求,从培养自主学习能力的角度出发,希望学生通过对本教材的学习,促进对所涉及知识的梳理、总结和归纳,并在此基础上实现知识的巩固、升华和拓展。本书以章作为基本单元,每章包括学习要求、内容概要、典型例题、思考题解答和习题解答5个部分,最后附了两套模拟试卷及参考答案。本书适用于理工农医各专业开设“无机及分析化学”课程使用,也可作为相关专业研究生入学考试的参考书。
石墨烯基材料的拉曼光谱研究谭平恒 著本书围绕光散射的理论基础展开, 着重关注石墨烯基材料独特的电子能带结构所导致的拉曼散射过程, 以及外界微扰对其拉曼散射过程的影响, 并系统地介绍当前拉曼光谱在表征石墨烯基材料及其相关异质结和器件方面的应用和代表性的研究工作。
功能化石墨烯材料及应用智林杰 著发展功能化石墨烯材料,研究其结构及物理化学性质,探索其在不同领域的应用,对推动石墨烯材料的实用化具有重要意义,是目前和未来石墨烯领域的重要研究方向。本书旨在对功能化石墨烯相关研究领域进行较为系统的分析和归纳整理,以期对石墨烯功能化领域的研究进展进行较为系统的梳理。
晶体结构理论与应用“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编In crystallography,crystal structure is a description of the ordered arrange-ment of atoms,ions or molecules in a crystalline material.Ordered structures oc-cur from the intrinsic nature ofthe constituent particles to form symmetric patterns that repeat along the principal directions of three-dimensional space in matter.The smallest group of particles in the material that constitutes this repeating pattern is the unit cell of the structure.The unit cell completely reflects the sym-metry and structure of the entire crystal,which is built up by repetitive translation of the unit cell along its principal axes.The translation vectors define the nodes of the Bravais lattice.The lengths of the principal axes,or edges,of the unit cell and the angles between them are the lattice constants,also called lattice parameters or cell para-meters.The symmetry properties of the crystal are described by the concept of space groups.All possible symmetric arrangements of particles in three-dimen-sional space may be described by the 230 space groups.The crystal structure and symmetry play a critical role in determining many physical properties,such as cleavage,electronic band structure,and optical trans-parency.In the present book,twenty-nine typical literatures about crystalline struc-ture published on international authoritative journals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress,which contains reviews or original researches on crystallography,crystalline material,electronic band structure and optical transpa-rency,etc.We hope this book can demonstrate advances in crystalline structure as well as give references to the researchers,students and other related people.
软纳米科学“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编Soft nanoscience is an area that is occupied principally by chemists, and is in many ways indistinguishable from nanochemistry.Soft nanoscience is the branch of nanotechnology concerned with the synthesis and properties of organic and organometallic nanostructures, and with nanofabrication using techniques in which soft components play key roles.It begins with a brief history of soft nano-technology.This history has followed a path involving a gradual shift from the promise of revolutionary electronics, nanorobotics, and other futuristic concepts,to the realization of evolutionary improvements in the technology for current challenges in information technology, medicine, and sustainability.Soft nano-science is an area that is occupied principally by chemists, and is in many ways indistinguishable from nanochemistry.The paper identifies the natural tendency of its practitioners-exemplified by the speakers at this Faraday Discussion-tofocus on synthesis and structure, rather than on function and application, of nano-structures.Soft nanotechnology has the potential to apply to a wide variety of large-scale applied (information technology, healthcare cost reduction, sustainabil-ity, energy) and fundamental (molecular biochemistry, cell biology, charge trans-port in organic matter) problems.In the present book, twenty-one typical literatures about soft nanoscience published on international authoritative journals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress, which contains reviews or original researches on soft nanoscience, which includes polymers and colloids.This will necessarily address nanostructured polymers (e.g.block copolymers), nanocomposites, physical gels,microemulsions, surface/interface modification, new processes (e.g.electrospin-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20334113.ning/spraying), confinement effects, the organic/biological interface, and respon-sive/functional polymers.We hope this book can demonstrate advances in soft nanoscience as well as give references to the researchers, students and other re-lated people.
增材制造“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编The Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design (CAD) model,usually by successively add-ing material layer by layer,wbich is why it is also called additive manufacturing,and unlike conventional machining,casting and forging processes,where material is removed from a stock item or poured into a mold and shaped by means of dies,presses and hammers. The umbrella term additive manufacturing (AM) gained popularity in the 2000s,inspired by the theme of material being added together (in any of various ways). In contrast,the term subtractive manufacturing appeared as a retronym for the large family of machining processes with material removal as their common theme. The term 3D printing still referred only to the polymer tech-nologies in most minds,and the term AM was more likely to be used in metal-working and end use part production contexts than among polymer,ink-jet,or ste-reo lithography enthusiasts.In the present book,thirty typical literatures about additive manufacturing published on intemational authoritative joumals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress,which contains reviews or original researches on Rapid Prototyping,3D printing and Solid Free-form Fabrication,etc. We hope this book can demonstrate advances in Additive Manufacturing as well as give refer-ences to the researchers,students and other related people.
有机化学姚子健 著本书是化学化工类专业应用型本科课程体系的系列教材之一。本书章节按照官能团分类进行编写。在内容上力求将有机化学基础理论知识与生产应用相结合。每章均包括化合物的结构、分类、命名、物理性质、化学性质以及在有机合成中的应用等内容,并将其制备方法单独列出。本书还包含了对映异构和有机波谱两章理论性章节。 本书可作为高等学校化学化工类、应用化学类及相关专业的有机化学教材,也可以作为“中本贯通”化学工程与工艺等专业的有机化学教材。
有机化学实验王迎春,彭志远,李佑稷 编有机化学实验的一般知识包括有机化学实验室安全知识、实验室常用仪器与设备、实验预习、实验记录和实验报告的基本要求等内容,旨在使学生了解有机化学实验相关的一些基础知识,为学生顺利进行有机化学实验打下良好的基础。本书为大学教材,以大学有机课程为基础,以培养学生的实验技能与实验素养为目标,将有机化学实验分为有机化学实验的一般知识、有机化学实验基本操作、有机化合物的制备、天然有机化合物的提取与有机化学实验技术五个部分。
石墨烯“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编Graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a single layer of atoms in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice in which one atom forms each vertex.It is the basic structural element of other allotropes,including graphite,charcoal,carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.It can also be considered as an indefinitely large aromatic molecule,the ultimate case of the family of flat polycyclic aro-matic hydrocarbons.Graphene has a unique set of properties which set it apart from other mate-rials.In proportion to its thickness,it is about 100 times stronger than the strongest steel.It conducts heat and electricity very efficiently and is nearly transparent.Graphene also shows a large and nonlinear diamagnetism,even greater than gra-phite,and can be levitated by Nd-Fe-B magnets.Researchers have identified the bipolar transistor effect,ballistic transport of charges and large quantum oscilla-tions in the material.In the present book,thirty-three typical literatures about Graphene published on international authontative joumals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress,which contains reviews or original researches on Graphene.We hope this book can demonstrate advances in Graphene as well as give references to the researchers,students and other related people.
生物基材料“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编A biomaterial is any substance that has been engineered to interact with bi-ological systems for a medical purpose-either a therapeutic (treat,augment,re-pair or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic one.As a science,biomaterials is about fifty years old.The study of biomaterials is called biomate-rials science or biomaterials engineering.It has experienced steady and strong growth over its history,with many companies investing large amounts of money into the development of new products.Biomaterials science encompasses elements of medicine,biology,chemistry,tissue engineering and materials science.Note that a biomaterial is different from a biological material,such as bone,that is produced by a biological system.Additionally,care should be exercised in defining a biomaterial as biocompatible,since it is application-specific.A bioma-terial that is biocompatible or suitable for one application may not be biocompati-ble in another.In the present book,twenty-three typical literatures about biomaterials pub-lished on international authoritative journals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress,which contains reviews or original researches on biomaterials science or biomaterials engineering.We hope this book can demon-strate advances in biomaterials as well as give references to the researchers,stu-dents and other related people.