控制论[美] 诺伯特·维纳 王俊毅译这是一本阐述控制论的理论和它在各方面应用的综合性、概论性的书。作者维纳是控制论的创始人之一,他就是通过本书奠定了“控制论”这门新兴学科的基础。书中关于怎样把机械元件和电器元件组成稳定的、具有特定性能的自动控制系统,关于怎样用统计方法研究信息的传递和加工等方面的讨论,对于自动控制、通讯工程、计算技术等方面有关的科学工作者有重要参考价值。
朗道大众物理学2Л. Д. 朗道, А. И. 基泰戈罗《朗道大众物理学》(共四册)是由苏联著名物理学家、1962年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者朗道和基泰戈罗茨基教授所著。它以通俗的形式向读者介绍了现代物理学的基本概念和截至20世纪70年代物理学取得的成就。本丛书注重基础理论的介绍,内容丰富、语言生动,并配有幽默形象的插图,既有科学性,又有趣味性,是一套难得的科普著作。俄文原版书出版后,许多国家引进并多次再版,深受读者欢迎。 本书为丛书的第二分册,主要阐述物质结构学说和与分子运动有关的问题,以及热力学定律。书中也涉及相变和大分子的知识。可供具有中等及以上文化程度的学生、科技人员、大中学教师阅读。
朗道大众物理学4А. И. 基泰戈罗茨基, 著, 李成福《朗道大众物理学》(共四册)是由苏联著名物理学家、1962年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者朗道和基泰戈罗茨基教授所著。它以通俗的形式向读者介绍了现代物理学的基本概念和截至20世纪70年代物理学取得的成就。本丛书注重基础理论的介绍,内容丰富、语言生动,并配有幽默形象的插图,既有科学性,又有趣味性,是一套难得的科普著作。俄文原版书出版后,许多国家引进并多次再版,深受读者欢迎。 本书为丛书的第四分册,由于朗道早逝,它由基泰戈罗茨基写成。内容包括:软电磁辐射、光学仪器、硬电磁辐射、力学的推广、原子核结构、我们周围的能量、宇宙物理学。可供具有中等及以上文化程度的学生、科技人员、大中学教师阅读。
粒子物理学中的规范理论实用导论 第1卷[英] 伊恩·艾奇森,[英] 安东尼·海伊 著This new fourth edition retains the two-volume format,which has been generally well received,with broadly the same allocation of content as in the third edition. The principal new additions are,once again,dictated by substantial new experimental results - namely,in the areas of CP violation and neutrino oscillations,where great progress was made in the first decade of this century. Volume 2 now includes a new chapter devoted to CP violation and oscillations in mesonic and neutrino systems.Partly by way of preparation for this,volume 1 also contains a new chapter,on Lorentz transformations and discrete symmetries.We give a simple do-it-yourself treatment of Lorentz transformations of Dirac spinors,which the reader can connect to the group theory approach in appendix M of volume 2; the transformation properties of bilinear covariants are easily managed. We also introduce Majorana fermions at an early stage.This material is suitable for first courses on relativistic quantum mechanics,and perhaps should have been included in earlier editions (we thank a referee for urging its inclusion now).To make room for the new chapter in volume 1,the two introductory chapters of the third edition have been condensed into a single one,in the knowledge that excellent introductions to the basic facts of particle physics are available elsewhere. Otherwise,apart from correcting the known minor errors and misprints,the only other changes in volume 1 are some minor improve-ments in presentation,and appropriate updates on experimental numbers.Volume 2 contains significantly more in the way of updates and additions,as will be detailed in the Preface to that volume. But we have continued to omit discussion of speculations going beyond the Standard Model; after all,the cru-cial symmetry-breaking (Higgs) sector has only now become experimentally accessible.
粒子物理学中的规范理论实用导论 第2卷[英] 伊恩·艾奇森,[英] 安东尼·海伊 著The main focus of the second volume of this fourth edition,as in the third,is on the two non-Abelian quantum gauge field theories of the Standard Model -that is,QCD and the electroweak theory of Glashow,Salam and Weinberg,We preserve the same division into four parts: non-Abelian symmetries,both global and local; QCD and the renormalization group; spontaneously broken symmetry; and weak interaction phenomenology and the electroweak theory.However,the book has always combined theoretical development with dis-cussion of relevant experimental results. And it is on the experimental side that most progress has been made in the ten years since the third edition appeared-first of all,in the study of CP violation in B-meson physics,and in neutrino oscillations. The inclusion of these results,and the increasing im-portance of the topics,have required some reorganization,and a new chapter (21) devoted wholly to them. We concentrate mainly on CP violation in B-meson decays,particularly on the determination of the angles of the unitarity triangle from B-meson oscillations.CP-violation in K-meson systems is also discussed. In the neutrino sector,we describe some of the principal experi-ments which have led to our current knowledge of the mass-squared differencesand the mixing angles.In discussing weak interaction phenomenology,we keep in view the possibility that neutrinos may turn out to be Majorana particles,an outcome for which we have prepared the reader in (new) chapters 4 and 7 of volume 1.
标准模型以及超越 第2版[美] 保罗·兰盖克(Paul Langacker) 著Much has (or has not) happened in the seven years or so since the publication of the first edition of this book. Most notably, a new spin-0 particle with mass~125 GeV was discovered at the LHC by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, which is either the elementary Higgs boson or something that closely resembles it. The Higgs discovery completes the ≥40 year saga of verifying the standard model (SM). Moreover, its mass is almost maximally interesting: it is near the top of the range predicted by the most popular SM extension,minimal supersymmetry, and near the minimum value consistent with the unextended SM (and then only if the vacuum is metastable)!However, the notorious problems of the SM are still unresolved. Perhaps the most press-ing is the apparently fine-tuned hierarchy between the weak interaction and gravity scales.Extensive searches at the LHC and elsewhere have so far not yielded any compelling evidence for new TeV-scale physics such as supersymmetry, extra space dimensions, or strong cou-pling that had been proposed to explain or at least stabilize the hierarchy. Equally puzzling is the nature of the dark energy and its incredibly tiny magnitude compared to most theo-retical expectations. Similarly, numerous experimental attempts to identify the mysterious dark matter inferred from its gravitational effects have not as yet had any positive results and have excluded much of the parameter space for supersymmetric dark matter. And de-spite the great experimental success of the SM, it is a very complicated theory, involving severalinteractions with different properties, and two apparently superfl.uous heavier copies of the fundamental particles that constitute ordinary matter under ordinary conditions. For these and other reasons, many theorists have started exploring less canonical possibilities,such as a dark matter sector that is at most very weakly coupled to ordinary particles,or, more radically, that the Universe is part of a vast multiverse of regions (presumably associated with a superstring landscape of vacua with different laws of physics.
E在左,mc2在右(日)山田克哉 著,佟凡 译本书是一本聚焦于E=mc2的现代物理入门读物。E=mc2这个公式由26岁的爱因斯坦提出,给物理学带来了革命性的变化,可以说是世界上最有名的公式之一。不过,你真正了解这个公式究竟意味着什么,它又如何影响我们的世界吗?不要担心,在本书中,我们不使用任何艰深的数学公式和复杂的推导,而是会从基础的概念开始,沿着物理学的发展,带你逐步走进这个公式的秘密,了解它所引发的神奇现象。从经典力学、相对论到量子物理……让我们在了解物理学发展中的关键知识的同时,轻松揭开它的多重奥秘!加热的马克杯会变重?跑得越快体重越会增加?核武器为什么会发挥巨大的威力?物理学甚至可以使宇宙“无中生有”?一切都是E=mc2干的“好事”!
给孩子的物理启蒙课祝磊物理课上要背那么多公式、定律,还有那么多计算,学起来好像很难,又没意思……有没有一种有趣的学习方式呢? 有的。 本书为小读者带来的是22堂不一样的趣味物理课,开启你的好奇心、创造力,培养你的科学思维,让你越学越想学,越学越轻松。 为激发物理学习兴趣,作者用青少年耳熟能详的古诗词、俗语、历史故事作为标题,设置了22个有趣的物理问题,从青少年可以感知、观察到的日常生活现象出发,用物理学的视角引导孩子理解诸如重力、浮力、能量、光的折射、电与磁等生活现象,这也很好地覆盖了小学科学课和中学物理的教学大纲的知识点,帮助孩子建立起专属于物理学科的思维方式,为中学物理学习夯实基础。
物理学之道[美] 卡普拉(Fritjof Capra) 著,朱润生 译本书首次将亚原子物理学的神秘主义阐释带入公众视野,并通过古代神秘主义传统和20世纪物理学发现之间的平行比较,很大程度上挑战了过去物理学研究中的的保守思想,并为探讨量子力学同佛教、印度教和道教思想之间关联性的研究奠定了基础。本书于1975年首次出版,凭借其广阔的视野、生动的论述与鲜明的主张已然成为国际畅销书。时至今日,本书已有43个版本问世,涵盖23种语言,享誉全球,可以说是作者完成的一个意义非凡的项目。
碳纳米填料阻燃聚合物方征平,郭正虹,冉诗雅本书系统总结国内外碳纳米填料阻燃聚合物领域的进展,重点介绍著者研究团队在碳纳米管、富勒烯、石墨烯等碳纳米填料阻燃聚合物方面所做的工作。全书共五章。第一章简要介绍聚合物的燃烧与阻燃理论、阻燃性能的表征与评价方法及碳纳米填料的分类及其阻燃机理,第二章综述碳纳米填料阻燃聚合物的国内外研究进展,后面三章分别介绍著者研究团队在碳纳米管、富勒烯、石墨烯阻燃聚合物方面的研究成果。 本书可供从事聚合物阻燃和纳米复合材料领域基础研究和应用开发的科研工作者阅读,也可以作为相关专业研究生的教学参考书。