作者:朱玉麒 著
李征的西域石刻研究 朱玉麒(1)
李征《吉木萨尔北庭故城遗址调查报告》整理与研究 李正一(19)
李征《吐鲁番小桃儿沟石窟寺遗址调查报告》整理与研究 陈爱峰(45)
李征《高昌古冢遗书》未刊稿整理与研究 徐姝(61)
《吐鲁番出土文书》的整理体例及其前后变化——李征先生遗物所存学人信札四通书后 孟彦弘(83)
李征手稿所见吐鲁番出土墓志资料考述 刘子凡(97)
李征藏《有宋黄公层三评事孺人方氏圹志》拓片考释——兼谈宋金平民墓志的史料价值 吴淑敏(109)
和田出土大历建中年间税粮相关文书考释 庆昭蓉 荣新江(125)
《白雀元年衣物疏》笔法分析及其书写背景的再认识 张鼎(157)
旅顺博物馆藏新疆出土涅槃经注疏初探 张凯悦(171)
五件回鹘文《阿含经》写本残片及跋文译释 阿依达尔 米尔卡马力 杨富学(187)
中国文化遗产研究院藏一叶回鹘文《阿毗达磨俱舍论实义疏》写本研究 孙炳晗(199)
罗马帝国的东方钢铁贸易 肖夫 撰 芮传明 译(223)
贵霜丘就却之殁年 桑山正进 撰 庆昭蓉 译(235)
于阗古佛寺的形制布局 廖志堂(275)
蒙元时期的帖麦赤 王溥(293)
洋鬼子离开了——西方探险家在中国的谢幕 郑智明 撰 赵锴 译(303)
20世纪初内亚的日本间谍 野田仁 撰 赵锴 译(335)
“重走中国西北科学考查团之路 包头段”学术考察日志 吴华峰(347)
《西域文史》第十六辑著译者单位及文章索引 (381)
《西域文史》简介与稿约 (382)
Researches on the Stone Inscriptions of the Western Regions by Li Zheng Zhu Yuqi(1)
Collation and Research of Li Zheng’s Investigation Report of the Ancient City Site of Beiting in Jimsar Li Zhengyi(19)
Collation and Research of Li Zheng’s Investigation Report of the Xiao Tao’er Gou Grottoes in Turfan Chen Aifeng(45)
Three Unpublished Works of Li Zheng on Manuscripts Excavated in Turfan Xu Shu(61)
The Compilation Rules of the Turfan Documents and Its Changes: Notes on Four Letters in Li Zheng’s Effects Meng Yanhong (83)
Epitaphs Unearthed in Turfan According to Li Zheng’s Manuscripts Liu Zifan(97)
On the Rubbing of Huang Cixian and His Wife’s Epitaph Collected by Li Zheng: with a Review of the Historical Value of Civilian Epitaphs in the Song and Jin Periods Wu Shumin(109)
Analysis on the Documents Related to the Tax of Shuiliang between 774-786 AD. Discovered from Khotan Ching Chao-jung & Rong Xinjiang(125)
Restudy on the Tomb.Inventory in the First Year of Baique Found in Turfan and Its Writing Background by Brushwork Analysis Zhang Ding(157)
On the Fragment of Nirvā.a Sūtra Commentary in the Lüshun Museum Collection Excavated in Xinjiang Zhang Kaiyue(171)
Studies on Five Old Uighur Fragments of āgama Aydar Mirkamal & Yang Fuxue(187)
On an Old Uyghur Fragment of Abhidharmako.abhā.ya-tīkā Tattvārthā Preserved at the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage Sun Binghan(199)
The Eastern Iron Trade of the Roman Empire Wilfred Harvey Schoff (tr. Rui Chuanming)(223)
The Rise of the Kushan Empire and the Year of Kujula Kadphises’ Demise Kuwayama Shoshin (tr. Ching Chao-jung)(235)
On the Layouts of Buddhist Monasteries in Ancient Khotan Liao Zhitang(275)
“Temegeci” in the Mongol Empire and the Yuan Dynasty Wang Pu(293)
Foreign Devils Begone: The Last Act of Foreign Archaeologists in China Justin M. Jacobs(tr. Zhao Kai)(303)
Japanese Spies in Inner Asia during the Early Twentieth Century Jin Noda(tr. Zhao Kai)(335)
Travel Diary 2021: Revisiting the Baotou Section of the Route of the Northwest China Scientific Expedition Wu Huafeng(347)
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions(383)