Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region, China
页岩气是一种宝贵的清洁能源,被认为是一种经济可行的替代煤,近年来已成为世界能源发展的主要因素。中国的页岩气产业发展主要从2010开始,至今不到10年,主要的页岩气集中在中上扬子地区奥陶系顶部五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组。本书是国内外首部描述和论证扬子区奥陶系-志留系页岩气地层的时空分布的专著,并着重讨论了黑色页岩的相关问题。近年来,五峰组和龙马溪组底部黑色页岩在我国页岩气开发中凸现出特有的重要价值, 因此本书从涪陵页岩气田开始,通过对四川盆地及其周边地区30多个钻井岩芯以及地表露头资料的生物地层学研究,提出龙马溪组黑色页岩在上扬子黔渝地区的阶段渐进展布模式和中扬子宜昌上升范围内的圈层展布模式,指出哪些范围龙马溪组黑色页岩发育完好, 可以作为页岩气勘探的优先选择区域;也指出了哪些范围是龙马溪组黑色页岩的主要缺失区, 需要在页岩气勘探布井时加以避免,对我国页岩气的产业发展具有重大的指导意义。另外,本书通过对具有全球对比性的五峰组和龙马溪组黑色页岩的研究,提出了一个区域性的扬子笔石带,对其进行编码,并在中石油、中石化使用这些代码,避免了使用拉丁笔石属种名称的困难。
1 Introduction
CHEN Xu and WANG Itongyan
1.1 Shale Gas Development in the United States
1.2 Major Shale Gas Fields in the World
1.3 Shale Gas Development in China
2 Geological Setting of the Ordovician and Silurian Strata of
the Yangtze Platform
CHEN Xu, ZHANG Yuandong, LI Yue, and FAN Junxuan
3 Ordovician to Silurian Shale Gas-Bearing Strata from
the Yangtze Region
CHEN Xu, WANG Hongyan, LIANG Feng, CHEN Qing, LOU Chao, ZHOU Zhi,
WANG Wenhui, LI Jia, and LIU Dexun
3.1 Upper Yangtze: Sichuan Basin and Periphery
3.2 Middle Yangtze: Three Gorges Region
3.3 Lower Yangtze Platform and Chiangnan Transitional Belt
4 Distribution Pattern of the Ordovician-Silurian Shale Gas-Bearing
Strata in the Yangtze Region
CHEN Xu, WANG Hongyan, NIE Haikuan, and WU Jin
4.1 Sweet Beds and Their Distribution of the Ordovician to Silurian Shale Gas Strata in the Yangtze Region
4.2 Early Silurian Disaster Graptolites and Their Rich Organic Horizons in the Yangtze Region
4.3 Shale Gas Enrichment and Highly Productive Interval in the Yangtze Region
4.4 Case Study of Weiyuan-Changning Shale Gas Field
4.5 Case Study of Fuling Shale Gas Field
5 Regional and Global Correlation of the Latest Ordovician to Early
Silurian Shale Gas-Bearing Strata
CHEN Xu, CHEN Qing, ZHANG Di, WANG Hongyan, LIANG Feng, LI Jia, and SUN Shasha
5.1 Regional Correlation of the Wufeng and Lungmachi Formations in the Yangtze Region
5.2 A Global Correlation of Two Black Shales Through the Ordovician and Silurian Boundary
6 Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment Across the Ordovician-
Silurian Transition in the Yangtze Region
CHEN Qing, CHEN Jitao, LI Wenjie, and SHI Zhensheng
6.1 Research History
6.2 Distribution Patterns of Black Shales During the Ordovician-Silurian Transition in South China
6.3 Microfacies Analyses of the Shale Gas Drill Cores in Weiyuan and Luzhou Areas
6.4 Sedimentary Processes During the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian
6.5 Bioevents and Environmental Change from the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian
7 Gamma Log Responses Through the Ordovician-Silurian Black
Shale Graptolite Zonal Succession in the Middle and Upper
Yangtze Regions
ZHAO Qun, LI Chao, SUN Shasha, and GUO Wei
7.1 Theoretical Basis
7.2 Curve Characteristics of GR Logs in Black Shale Graptolite Zones
7.3 Global Nature of the GR
7.4 Correlation Between the Himantian Isotope Carbon Excursion and Graptolite Biozones in the Ordovician-Silurian Transition of the Xike-1 Drillcore in Guizhou
8 Volcanic Ash Deposition and Organic Matter Enrichment in
the Black Shales of the Wufeng-Lungmachi Formations in
the Yangtze Region
QIU Zhen and GE Xiangying
8.1 Study Background
8.2 Overview of the Geologic Setting and Deposition of Volcanic Ash
8.3 Study Method and Sample Collection
8.4 Characteristics and Source of Volcanic Ash (K-Bentonite)
8.5 Contribution of Volcanic Ash Deposits to the Enrichment of Organic Matter
8.6 Prospecting
Appendix Plates and Explanation
CHEN Xu, WANG Weijuan, and LIN Changmu