







新疆巴里坤石人子沟遗址ⅢF4发掘简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 新疆文物考古研究所 哈密市文化体育广播电视和旅游局 巴里坤哈萨克自治县文化体育广播电视和旅游局 (1)
陕西三原天井岸汉代礼制建筑遗址调查勘探简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 陕西省考古研究院 咸阳市文物考古研究所 (18)
天水市玉泉镇王家磨东汉墓葬 天水市文物保护和考古研究中心 天水市博物馆 秦州区文化局 (34)
陕西西安西北大学长安校区唐墓(2003CXDM22)发掘简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 陕西省考古研究院 (44)
关庙山大溪文化居民的住房安全观——兼谈红烧土建筑上的中国特色 李文杰 (53)
中国古代夯头发展概述与浅析 薛程 (77)
商周造物设计艺术的发展模式研究 王娜娜 宗立成 (86)
战国晚期楚故地秦墓考古发现与研究述评 崔秀琳 (93)
从帝陵、画像石与文献看被污名化的秦始皇 冯锴 (104)
关于青岛土山屯M6出土的两件木器——兼论扬州地区出土木握与墓主身份 李婉明 (116)
大同市博物馆藏北魏乙弗氏文物研究 白月 (126)
5世纪上半叶宗教文化对南北方取名的影响——以元忠暨妻司马妙玉墓志为例 马铭悦 (135)
跋陕西铜川玉华寺石窟及其相关问题 冉万里 (145)
龙门石窟北朝造像中装饰雕刻的艺术格调 张成渝 张乃翥 (156)
唐代长安佛教对西域的影响 李瑞哲 (199)
新疆若羌黑山岭绿松石采矿遗址考古工作初步认识 西北大学文化遗产学院 北京科技大学 新疆文物考古研究所 (212)
植硅体和木炭遗存揭示陕西进步遗址西周时期陶窑燃料利用情况 马志坤 刘舒 郭昕 黄江博 (219)
陕西三原县天井岸汉代礼制建筑遗址中颜料的科技分析 温睿 李昱龙 段清波 薛程 (229)
青海都兰县哇沿水库坝址2014年发掘墓葬出土木材分析与树轮定年 王树芝 李冀源 郑雪芳 石晶 (241)
阿尔寨石窟保存现状与保护对策研究 孙满利 曹张喆 尚雪健 毛维佳 (252)
延安革命纪念馆藏一级文物“骑过的马”(小青马标本)保存现状研究 孙丽娟 王岩 董晓凤 任红 李英翠 宗燕妮 (274)
阿尔寨石窟价值阐释及保护利用现状调查研究 刘卫红 程诚 刘洪丽 裴强强 (281)
陕西省镇安县古山寨调查研究——以高峰镇古山寨群为中心 赵斌 李易 (293)
博物馆文创产品开发的历史与现状分析 陈中慧 (327)
陕西历史博物馆藏明秦简王墓仪仗俑韩诣深 (336)
《西部考古》征稿启事 (358)
Archaeological Investigation and Excavation
Brief Report of Ⅲ F4 on the Xinjiang Barkol Shirenzigou Site School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xinjiang Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology Bureau of Cultural, Athletic, Broadcast and Tourism of Hami City Bureau of Cultural, Athletic, Broadcast and Tourism of Kazak Autonomous County of Barkol (16)
Brief Report of Investigation and Exploration of Han Dynasty Ceremonial Building Sites in Tianjing’an, Sanyuan, Shaanxi School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Shaannxi Academy of Archaeology Xianyang Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute (33)
The Eastern Han Dynasty Tomb of Wangjiamo,Yuquan, Tianshui Tianshui City Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeological Research Center Tianshui Museum Qinzhou District Cultural Bureau (43)
The Excavation of the Tang Tomb (2003CXDM22) at the Chang’an Campus of the Northwest University in Xi’an, Shaanxi School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology (51)
Prehistory and Archaeological Study of Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties
Daxi Cultural Residents’ View of Housing Security in Guanmiaoshan: On the Chinese Characteristics on the Red-burning Earthen Architectures Li Wenjie (75)Summary and Analysis of the Development of Rammer in Ancient China Xue Cheng (85)
Research on the Development Path of Art and Technology of Shang and Zhou Dynasties Wang Nana Zong Licheng (92)
A Review of Archaeological Discoveries and Researches on Qin Tombs in the Homeland of Chu in the Late Warring States Cui Xiulin (103)
The Analysis of the Stigmatization of Emperor Qin Shihuang from the Mausoleum, Stone Relief and Literature Feng Kai (115)
Discussion on Two Wooden Artifacts from Tomb No.6 in Tushantun Cemetery: Muwo of the Yangzhou Area and Identity of the Buried Li Wanming (125)
Research on the Relics of Yifu Family of Northern Wei Dynasty in Datong Museum Bai Yue (133)
The Influence of Religious Culture on the Naming of South and North in the First Half of the 5th Century: Take the Epitaph of Yuanzhong and His Wife Sima Miaoyu As An Example Ma Mingyue (143)
The Grottoes of Yuhua Temple in Tongchuan, Shaanxi and Related Issues Ran Wanli (155)
Research on the Silk Road and Sino-foreign Cultural Exchange
The Style of the Longmen Grottoes Decorative Sculpture During the Northern Dynasties Zhang Chengyu Zhang Naizhu (197)
The Influence of Chang’an Buddhism on the Western Regions in Tang Dynasty Li Ruizhe (210)
Research on Museums and Cultural Heritage Protection
A Preliminary Understanding of the Archaeological Work on the Turquoise Mining Site in Heishanling, Ruoqiang, Xinjiang School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Beijing University of Science and Technology Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (217)
The Remains of Phytoliths and Charcoal Reveal the Fuel Utilization of Pottery Kilns During the Western Zhou Dynasty in JinBu Site, Shaanxi Ma Zhikun Liu Shu Guo Xin Huang Jiangbo (228)
Scientific and Technological Analyses on Pigments in the Han Dynasty Ritual Architecture Site in Tianjing’an, Sanyuan, Shaanxi Wen Rui Li Yulong Duan Qingbo Xue Cheng(240)
Wood Analysis and Tree Ring Dating of Wood Unearthed in 2014 from Ancient Tombs at the Dam Site of Wayan Reservoir in Dulan, Qinghai Wang Shuzhi Li Jiyuan Zheng Xuefang Shi Jing (250)
Research on Preservation Status and Protection Countermeasures of ArZhai Grottoes Sun Manli Cao Zhangzhe Shang Xuejian Mao Weijia (273)
The Study on the Preservation Status of “the Horse of Mao Zedong” in Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall Sun Lijuan Wang Yan Dong Xiaofeng Ren Hong Li Yingcui Zong Yanni (280)
Research on Museums and Cultural Heritage Protection
