全球溯源中心中共广州南沙经济技术开发区工作委员会 政策研究和创新办公室 组织编写谢伟主编由中共广州南沙经济技术开发区工作委员会政策研究和创新办公室组织编写的《全球溯源中心—— 数字经济时代的南沙方案》一书,对我国发展溯源体系做出了较高水平的诠释,有助于我国数据基础制度的建设。本书基于“全球溯源中心”实践,遵循了提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的思路,以全球溯源中心建立的背景和意义为出发点,详细介绍了溯源中心的发展现状与溯源理论体系,着重从技术、平台、标准体系与法律制度四个维度分析溯源中心的运行模式,再将问题回归实践,并附上最新案例。更难得的是,该书还讨论了与溯源中心相关的前瞻性问题, 开展了“ 数据权益分配、国际规则、离岸贸易、碳排放、DEPA(数字经济伙伴关系协定)”等一系列前沿专题研究。《全球溯源中心——数字经济时代的南沙方案》一书既可以为决策者提供咨询参考,也可以成为从事溯源相关工作的人员手头常备的工具书,还可以作为数字经济领域相关研究者开展深入研究的基础书籍。
数据要素前沿九讲清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所2022年12月19日,《中共中央 国务院关于构建数据基础制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》是党的二十大之后推动数字经济开新局的基础性政策文件,备受各方关注。本书是清华大学社会科学学院经济学研究所结合近年来在数字经济、数据要素方面所做的研究和取得的成果,从数据产权制度、数据要素流通和交易制度、数据要素收益分配制度、数据要素治理制度、数据的宏观与生态价值等五个维度带领大家解读“数据二十条”中的经济与法律问题,了解数据基础制度建设、数据要素赋能实体经济所面临的机遇与挑战。
线上线下物流数字化转型研究周兴建 著以当前物流业所处的“互联网+物流”(线上线下物流,即On/off-line物流)向数字化转型升级的实践探索阶段为背景,以实体价值链与虚拟价值链的“转换—融合—共生”为理论框架,运用应用经济学的相关方法,主要研究线上线下物流数字化转型的机制、路径和战略,总体上分为三个部分共十章。第一部分(第一—第三章)从“互联网+物流”价值链的解构角度论述线上线下物流数字化转型机制,主要进行线上线下物流数字化转型动因解析和线上线下物流数字化转型动力剖析,并通过“企业A数字化转型机制分析”进行案例研究;第二部分(第四—第七章)从“互联网+物流”价值链的组构角度论述线上线下物流数字化转型路径,主要研究线上线下物流价值链数字化分析、线上线下物流价值链数字化优化和线上线下物流价值链数字化重组,并通过“企业B数字化转型路径分析”进行案例研究;第三部分(第八—第十章)从“互联网+物流”价值链的再构角度论述线上线下物流数字化转型战略,包括线上线下物流价值链数字化战略分析和线上线下物流价值链数字化战略管理,并通过“企业C数字化转型战略分析”进行案例研究。
数字经济与数字贸易王楠、倪一铭 著本书从数字技术与经济的发展环境演变出发,对数字经济的内涵与特征进行了系统性梳理,将传统经济形态与数字经济形态进行比较,分析了数字经济与产业融合发展的路径,构建了一个数字经济应用的基本场景。在此基础上,本书以当前国际贸易形势为背景,对数字贸易、数字平台、数字产品以及数字营销的相关知识进行了系统梳理。最后,对国内外数字贸易发展面临的困难、经验与对策进行了分析。本书可作为从事数字经济与数字贸易相关工作的企业管理人员、研究人员等以及高校相关专业的师生的参考用书。
模式识别Katrin Franke 等著This book provides a solid statistical foundation for neural networks from a pattern recognition perspective. The focus is on the types of neural nets that are most widely used in practical applications, such as the multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function networks. Rather than trying to cover many different types of neural networks, Bishop thoroughly covers topics such as density estimation, error functions, parameter optimization algorithms, data pre-processing, and Bayesian methods. All topics are organized well and all mathematical foundations are explained before being applied to neural networks. The text is suitable for a graduate or advanced undergraduate level course on neural networks or for practitioners interested in applying neural networks to real-world problems. The reader is assumed to have the level of math knowledge necessary for an undergraduate science degree.
应用并行计算Juha Fagerholm 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Parallel Computing, PARA 2002, held in Espoo, Finland, in June 2002.The 50 revised full papers presented together with nine keynote lectures were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The papers are organized in topical sections on data mining and knowledge discovery, parallel program development, practical experience in parallel computing, computer science, numerical algorithms with hierarchical memory optimization, numerical methods and algorithms, cluster computing, grid and network technologies, and physics and applications.
模式识别进展-ICAPR 2001Sameer Singh 著This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2001, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March 2001.The 40 revised full papers presented together with three invited papers and two tutorial presentations were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The book is organized in topical sections on neural networks and computational intelligence, character recognition and document analysis, feature selection and analysis, pattern recognition and classification, image and signal processing applications, and image feature analysis and retrieval.
应用并行计算本社 编This book constitutes the carefully refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, PARA'98, held in Umea, Sweden, in June 1998.The 75 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers address a variety of topics in large scale scientific and industrial-strength computing, in particular high-performance computing and networking; tools, languages, and environments for parallel processing; scientific visualization and virtual reality; and future directions in high-performance computing and communication.
平面几何分类证明李中平 著本书根据1977年至20山年30多年间中学生平面几何教学问题和习作笔记,参考俄、英、美、日等国中学平面几何教学经验和课外读物,编写的中学生数学课外读物,在平面内以证明线段相等为主线,分14类介绍常见平面几何题目的证明或解答。