
习近平谈治国理政 第四卷(英文精装)

习近平谈治国理政 第四卷(英文精装)

作者:习近平 著





  The Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Information Office, with the support of the Research Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, and China International Publishing Group, have compiled a fourth volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. This volume is designed to help officials and the public better understand and apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to impress upon them the decisive nature of the Two Affirmations, to strengthen their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds, and to guide them to forge ahead in unity and with greater resolve on a new journey in the new era. It is also intended that this volume will keep the international community abreast of the latest developments in President Xi’s thoughts, give them a better understanding of how the Chinese people have succeeded under CPC leadership and how they will continue to succeed in the future, and explain the development path that China has chosen and its approach to and theory of governance. This volume contains a compilation of 109 of Xi Jinping’s spoken and written works from February 3, 2020 to May 10, 2022, along with 45 photographs taken since January 2020. It is divided into 21 sections by topic, with the articles in each section arranged in chronological order. For ease of reading, notes are provided at the end of relevant articles.
暂缺《习近平谈治国理政 第四卷(英文精装)》作者简介
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
Speech at the Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist
Party of China
July 1, 2021 3
Explanation of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the
Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the
Past Century
November 8, 2021 19
Adapt Marxism to China’s Realities and Keep It Up-to-Date
January 11, 2022 35
The Way Forward in the New Era
March 5, 2022 41
Overall CPC Leadership
Keep Matters of National Significance to the Fore
April 20, 2020-March 1, 2022 45
Strengthen Our Political Acumen, Understanding and Capacity to
December 24-25, 2020 49
Strengthen Overall CPC Leadership in Socialist Modernization
January 11, 2021 52
Reinforce Our Party’s Political Foundations for Unity and Solidarity
November 11, 2021 56
The People First
Always Put the People First
May 22, 2020 61
The People’s Support Is Our Top Political Priority
September 17, 2020 66
Earn and Keep the People’s Support in Consolidating Party Leadership
June 25 and September 14, 2021 73
The People’s Concerns Are My Concerns, and the People’s
Expectations Are My Goals
December 31, 2021 75
Our Party’s Mission Is to Serve the People
January 26, 2022 76
