


作者:廖杨,蒙丽 著





  《现代生活的文化解读 Cultural Interpretation of Modern Life》是广东省在线开放课程“现代生活的文化解读”的配套(慕课)教材,主要从文化的角度,对现代社会日常生活中的衣、食、住、行、游、购、娱、婚、丧、生、老、病、死、葬、祭等基本生活领域(方面)进行解读,以帮助人们运用文化人类学的相关知识来正确看待社会生活、认识社会生活和过好社会生活。为适应优质慕课国际化的发展需要,《现代生活的文化解读 Cultural Interpretation of Modern Life》采用了中英文合版的方式进行编写。
1 现代、现代生活及文化解读 1
1.1 现代与现代生活 1
1.2 文化与现代生活的关系及其解读 3
2 衣和食:人类社会的文化偏好 5
2.1 衣服的含义与起源 5
2.2 现代服饰的主要特征 7
2.3 现代服饰及文化偏好 10
2.4 文化偏好及美容文化 12
2.5 美体、美食的文化偏好 15
2.6 食品、饮食及安全问题 21
2.7 工业社会中的快餐及文化解读 23
2.8 现代食品的文化偏好 25
2.9 公共卫生的文化理解 28
2.10 饮食偏好及成因 31
2.11 人类的饮食偏好及其解读 34
2.12 现代饮食偏好与身体健康 35
3 住和行:人类社会的文化实践 39
3.1 居住选址的文化反思 39
3.2 居住文化的现代解读 41
3.3 交通工具的现代观察 43
3.4 社会交往的当代反思 46
4 游和购:旅游时代的文化逻辑 50
4.1 旅游与旅游消费 50
4.2 网购、代购与海淘 52
4.3 全球化与文化的跨境流动 56
5 娱和乐:消费时代的文化表达 58
5.1 娱乐与社会变迁 58
5.2 消费文化与文化消费 60
5.3 广告、信息与消费 63
5.4 人工智能时代的娱乐与消费 65
6 嫁和娶:人类社会的婚姻家庭 67
6.1 是嫁还是娶VS 不嫁不娶? 67
6.2 聘礼嫁妆的现代流变 70
6.3 人口流动与跨国婚姻 72
6.4 现代社会的特殊“婚姻” 74
7 老和病:人类社会的养老关爱 77
7.1 现代社会转型中的养老问题 77
7.2 人口结构变动与养老文化 80
7.3 失独老人与医疗养老保障 82
7.4 空巢老人与医养结合 84
8 生和死:人类社会的终极关怀 88
8.1 生命观及其现代转变 88
8.2 现代养生与中医文化 90
8.3 死亡文化及其城乡差异 93
8.4 不同文化中的死亡观 95
9 孝和祭:人类文化的时空差异 99
9.1 孝文化及其现代变迁 99
9.2 中西方祭祀文化的差异 102
9.3 “互联网+”的网祭文化分析 106
10 “地球村”:人类“文明冲突”与文化交融 109
10.1 工业文明与文化 109
10.2 信息文明与文化 112
10.3 宗教文明与文化 114
10.4 和而不同的文化星球 116
11 结论:生活乃文化,文化即生活 119
11.1 工业文化与现代生活 119
11.2 文化的时空差异和非线性表达 120
11.3 小结:文化即生活是现代生活的基本命题 120
后记 121
Chapter 1 Modernity, Modern Life and Cultural Interpretation 123
1.1 Modernity and Modern Life 123
1.2 The Relationship Between Culture and Modern Life and Its Interpretation 125
Chapter 2 Clothing and Food: Cultural Preferences in Human Society 129
2.1 The Meaning and Origin of Clothing 129
2.2 Main Features of Modern Clothing 132
2.3 Modern Clothing and Cultural Preferences 138
2.4 Cultural Preference and Beauty Culture 141
2.5 Cultural Preferences for Body Shaping and Food 145
2.6 Food, Diet and Food Safety Issues 153
2.7 Interpretation of Fast Food and Its Culture in the Industrial Society 156
2.8 Cultural Preferences for Modern Food 159
2.9 Cultural Interpretation of Public Health 162
2.10 Dietary Preference and Causes of Its Formation 166
2.11 Interpretation of Human Dietary Preferences 171
2.12 Modern Dietary Preferences and Human Health 173
Chapter 3 Residence and Transportation: Cultural Practices in Human Society 178
3.1 Cultural Reflections on the Selection of Residential Locations 178
3.2 Modern Interpretation of Residential Culture 182
3.3 Modern Observation of Transportation Means 185
3.4 Contemporary Reflections on Social Interactions 189
Chapter 4 Travel and Purchase: Cultural Logic in the Age of Tourism 194
4.1 Tourism and Tourism Consumption 194
4.2 Online Shopping, Surrogate Shopping and Overseas Online Shopping 197
4.3 Globalization and Flow of Culture Across Borders 203
Chapter 5 Entertainment and Enjoyment: Cultural Expressions in Consumption Era 206
5.1 Entertainment and Social Changes 206
5.2 Consumer Culture and Cultural Consumption 210
5.3 Advertising, Information and Consumption 214
5.4 Entertainment and Consumption in the Era of AI 217
Chapter 6 Getting Married: Marriage and Family in Society 220
6.1 Being Married off, Taking a Spouse, or Neither 220
6.2 The Modern Evolution of the Dowry 224
6.3 Population Migration and Transnational Marriage 227
6.4 The Special“Marriages”of Modern Society 230
Chapter 7 Aging and Falling Sick: Old-Age Care in Human Society 235
7.1 Old-Age Care in the Transformation of Modern Society 235
7.2 Demographic Changes and Old-Age Care Culture 239
7.3 Medical Endowment Insurance for Elderlies Who Have Lost Their Only Child 243
7.4 Empty-Nest Elderlies and Their Medical Care 246
Chapter 8 Life and Death: The Ultimate Care of Human Society 251
8.1 Outlook on Life and Its Modern Transformation 251
8.2 Modern Health and Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture 254
8.3 Death Culture and Its Differences Between Urban and Rural Areas 259
8.4 Views of Death in Different Cultures 263
Chapter 9Filial Piety and Sacrifice: Temporal and Spatial Differences in Human Culture 268
9.1Changes in Traditional and Modern Culture of“Filial Piety” 268
9.2 Differences Between Chinese and Western Sacrificial Cultures 273
9.3 “Internet Plus”Internet Sacrifice Culture Analysis 279
Chapter 10 The“Global Village”: Human“Civilizational Conflict”and Cultural Integration 283
10.1 Industrial Civilization and Culture 283
10.2 An Information Civilization and Culture 287
10.3 Religious Civilization and Culture 291
10.4 A Civilized World Featured by Harmony in Diversity 293
Chapter 11 Conclusion: Life Is Culture, and Culture Is Life 297
11.1Industrial Culture and Modern Life 297
11.2The Non-linear Expression of Culture and Its Temporal and Spatial Differences 298
11.3 Summary: Culture Is Life, the Basic Proposition of Modern Life 299
Postscript 300
