
作者:Jerome,K.Percus St 著
Chapter 1.Introduction
1.1.Modeling Biological Development
1.2.Early Stages: A Brief Survey
1.3. An Example: Formation of the Blastocoel
Chapter 2.Catastrophe Theory
2.1.Basic Elements
2.2.Categorization and Applications
2.3.Global Implications of Local Structure
Chapter 3.Pattern Formation
3.1.Biological Pattern
3.2.Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Inception of Inhomogeneity
3.3.Inhomogeneous Steady State
3.4.Multistable Regimes
3.5.Some Applications
Chapter 4.Differential Adhesion and Morphogenesis
4.1.Cell Sorting by Differential Adhesion
4.2. Rheology of Cell Aggregates
4.3. Elements of Morphodynamics
Chapter 5.The Origins of Movement
5.1.Chemistry and Geometry of Adhesion
5.2.Equilibrium and Stability
5.3.Gastrulation in Amphibians
5.4.Cell Motion in Thin Layers
5.5.Dynamics of Adhesion-Driven Structure
5.6.Cell-Substrate Adhesion
5.7.Imaginal Disc Evagination
Chapter 6.Chemotaxis
6.1.Initiation of Slime Mold Aggregation
6.2.Other Aspects of Chemotaxis
Chapter 7.Cell Proliferation
7.1.Homogeneous Population
7.2.Environmental Control of Cell Division
7.3.Stem Cell Dynamics
7.4.Sol-Gel Transformation
7.5.Mesoscopic Viewpoint
7.6.Turing Dynamical Resolution
Chapter 8.Somite Formation in Vertebrates
8.1.Elementary Oscillations
8.2.Time-Delay Oscillators
8.3.Biochemical Entrainment and Biochemical Waves
8.4.Clock, Wavefront, and Somite Condensation
Chapter 9.Compartments
9.1. The Evidence and Its Implications
9.2. Nonlinear Theory of Compartmentalization
Chapter 10.Segmentation of Insect Embryos
10.1.Prototypical Reaction-Diffusion: One Component
10.2.Prepattern Activation
10.3.Further Aspects of Reaction-Diffusion
10.4.Pattern Under Growth: Chick Limb Bud
10.5.Insect Imaginal Disc
Supplementary Notes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 6
Chapters 7 and 8
Chapters 9 and 10
Chapter 1.Introduction
1.1.Modeling Biological Development
1.2.Early Stages: A Brief Survey
1.3. An Example: Formation of the Blastocoel
Chapter 2.Catastrophe Theory
2.1.Basic Elements
2.2.Categorization and Applications
2.3.Global Implications of Local Structure
Chapter 3.Pattern Formation
3.1.Biological Pattern
3.2.Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Inception of Inhomogeneity
3.3.Inhomogeneous Steady State
3.4.Multistable Regimes
3.5.Some Applications
Chapter 4.Differential Adhesion and Morphogenesis
4.1.Cell Sorting by Differential Adhesion
4.2. Rheology of Cell Aggregates
4.3. Elements of Morphodynamics
Chapter 5.The Origins of Movement
5.1.Chemistry and Geometry of Adhesion
5.2.Equilibrium and Stability
5.3.Gastrulation in Amphibians
5.4.Cell Motion in Thin Layers
5.5.Dynamics of Adhesion-Driven Structure
5.6.Cell-Substrate Adhesion
5.7.Imaginal Disc Evagination
Chapter 6.Chemotaxis
6.1.Initiation of Slime Mold Aggregation
6.2.Other Aspects of Chemotaxis
Chapter 7.Cell Proliferation
7.1.Homogeneous Population
7.2.Environmental Control of Cell Division
7.3.Stem Cell Dynamics
7.4.Sol-Gel Transformation
7.5.Mesoscopic Viewpoint
7.6.Turing Dynamical Resolution
Chapter 8.Somite Formation in Vertebrates
8.1.Elementary Oscillations
8.2.Time-Delay Oscillators
8.3.Biochemical Entrainment and Biochemical Waves
8.4.Clock, Wavefront, and Somite Condensation
Chapter 9.Compartments
9.1. The Evidence and Its Implications
9.2. Nonlinear Theory of Compartmentalization
Chapter 10.Segmentation of Insect Embryos
10.1.Prototypical Reaction-Diffusion: One Component
10.2.Prepattern Activation
10.3.Further Aspects of Reaction-Diffusion
10.4.Pattern Under Growth: Chick Limb Bud
10.5.Insect Imaginal Disc
Supplementary Notes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapters 4 and 5
Chapter 6
Chapters 7 and 8
Chapters 9 and 10