作者:“世界科技研究前沿丛书”编委会 编
Soft nanoscience is an area that is occupied principally by chemists, and is in many ways indistinguishable from nanochemistry.Soft nanoscience is the branch of nanotechnology concerned with the synthesis and properties of organic and organometallic nanostructures, and with nanofabrication using techniques in which soft components play key roles.It begins with a brief history of soft nano-technology.This history has followed a path involving a gradual shift from the promise of revolutionary electronics, nanorobotics, and other futuristic concepts,to the realization of evolutionary improvements in the technology for current challenges in information technology, medicine, and sustainability.Soft nano-science is an area that is occupied principally by chemists, and is in many ways indistinguishable from nanochemistry.The paper identifies the natural tendency of its practitioners-exemplified by the speakers at this Faraday Discussion-tofocus on synthesis and structure, rather than on function and application, of nano-structures.Soft nanotechnology has the potential to apply to a wide variety of large-scale applied (information technology, healthcare cost reduction, sustainabil-ity, energy) and fundamental (molecular biochemistry, cell biology, charge trans-port in organic matter) problems.In the present book, twenty-one typical literatures about soft nanoscience published on international authoritative journals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress, which contains reviews or original researches on soft nanoscience, which includes polymers and colloids.This will necessarily address nanostructured polymers (e.g.block copolymers), nanocomposites, physical gels,microemulsions, surface/interface modification, new processes (e.g.electrospin-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20334113.ning/spraying), confinement effects, the organic/biological interface, and respon-sive/functional polymers.We hope this book can demonstrate advances in soft nanoscience as well as give references to the researchers, students and other re-lated people.