


作者:史依弘,胡卫 著,刘浚 译





  本书是专为国外读者打造的京剧知识入门类读物,图文相互穿插,深入浅出,具有很强的可读性。 全书分为京剧行当、京剧舞台艺术、京剧表演艺术等几个主要部分,通俗易懂地讲解京剧相关常识和经典剧目故事,并将京剧与西方戏剧加以比较,帮助外国人了解京剧,学会欣赏京剧艺术的魅力。 本书还配有相关内容的短视频二维码,扫码即可欣赏名家名段或了解一些京剧小知识,可增强阅读的互动性和国外读者对京剧的感性认识。 本书的一大亮点是京剧漫画家“胖不墩儿”创作的生动可爱的京剧卡通漫画,以此串联全书各大部分,增加了阅读和欣赏的趣味性。 装帧设计考究,特别借鉴传统京剧舞美元素,让全书充满浓郁艺术气息;四色精装彩印,内文采用140克高阶映画特种纸,提供给读者舒适的阅读体验。 随书赠送的4枚“生旦净丑”卡通书签绝对是值得珍藏的艺术小品!
  史依弘,上海京剧院梅派青衣,国家一级演员,师从著名武旦表演艺术家张美娟与戏曲声乐教育家卢文勤,以及京昆界众多艺术名家,才貌俊美,文武兼擅。近些年连续推出“占尽风华”“梅尚程荀”全国巡演,相继在北京、上海、天津、深圳、广州、重庆、等中国的众多城市展开。她多年来致力于传承与弘扬中华传统文化的精神命脉,坚持继承与创新国粹,致敬传统,不断学习,给观众新的成绩,同时她也非常重视京剧的普及教育,致力于大力推动青少年儿童的京剧艺术学科的学习。业内外好评不断,饮誉艺坛。 胡卫,研究员,担任全国政协委员、上海市政协教科文卫体委员会副主任、民进中央委员、民进中央教育委员会副主任、民进上海市委专职副主委、上海市教育学会副会长等重要职务。1983年毕业于华东师范大学教育系。他长期从事教育理论、政策和实践研究,先后承担国际、国内多项重要课题。近年来,他积极呼吁“文教结合”,推动优秀文化进校园、进课堂、进网络。并依托上海市政协创设“文化创意中心”,与多位艺术家合作成立名家进校园的工作室,推动让青少年学生和艺术名家面对面。 Shi Yihong is a qing yi actress of the Mei Lanfang School with the Shanghai Jingju Theatre Company. The National Level One actress followed wu dan artist Zhang Meijuan and folk opera vocal trainer Lu Wenqin, while learning from other renowned artists of Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera. Beautiful and talented, she has trained hard to excel in both civil and martial genres. In recent years, she has launched national tours, titled Supreme Elegance (Zhan Jin Feng Hua) and Mei Shang Cheng Xun, performing in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing and other cities. She has dedicated herself to carrying on and promoting the spiritual heritage of traditional Chinese culture. With full respect to tradition, she continues to innovate and brings audiences new creations. She also pays great attention to promoting Peking Opera, especially encouraging children and teenagers to learn the ancient performance art. Her efforts have been awarded both in art circles and around the country. Hu Wei, a research fellow, is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), deputy director of the Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports under Shanghai’s CPPCC, a member of the Central Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), deputy director of the Education Committee of CAPD’s Central Committee, CAPD’s special vice-chair with the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the vice-chair of the Shanghai Education Society and other prominent posts. After graduating from the Education Department of East China Normal University in 1983, he spent years researching education theory, policy and practice, and undertaking many important projects in and outside of China. In recent years, he has been pushing forward the idea of “combining culture with education”, highlighting the influence of outstanding culture in schools and on the internet. With the help of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC, he founded the Cultural Innovation Center and set up a studio for artists to enter school campuses where they can meet students face to face.
