


作者:赖世雄 著





  赖世雄:教学专家,常春藤解析英语杂志社社长。曾担任托福专任讲师18年,现任北京外语游园会之主讲教授。著有“赖世雄美语从头学”系列、“赖世雄口语从头学”系列、“跟赖世雄读名著”系列等两百余部英语学习著作。赖世雄教授深入研究英语教学,对广大英语学习者的需求有着非常透彻的理解。他的教学方式风趣幽默、灵活生动,深入浅出、引人入胜。长期受邀至各地演讲,深受广大英语学习者的喜爱,影响力深远。 吴纪维:中国台湾英语教学专家,现任常春藤英语集团教学总监、托福首席培训师。曾受邀负责美国国家地理频道专题演讲口译工作,拥有担任多家知名广播电台英语教学节目主持人的丰富从业经历。他一流的口语发音,别具一格的教学方式,广受英语学习者好评,是时下年轻人推崇的英语达人。
Chapter 1 词的用法
Lesson 1 My Name Is Lucy我的名字是露西…………………………… 3
Lesson 2 Would You Like a Glass of Milk?你想要喝一杯牛奶吗?…………………… 7
Lesson 3 Do You Want to Eat a Piece of Bread?你想吃一片面包吗?……………………… 10
Lesson 4 Dad's Desk and the Lid of the Jar爸爸的桌子与罐子的盖子………………… 14
Lesson 5 A Pencil and an Eraser一支铅笔和一块橡皮擦…………………… 18
Lesson 6 There Is a Dog, and the Dog Is So Big有一只狗,那只狗很大…………………… 21
Lesson 7 This One Here Is Susan这里这位是苏珊…………………………… 25
Lesson 8 One Point, Two Points一分,两分………………………………… 29
Lesson 9 I Won First Prize in the Race我在比赛中得了第一名…………………… 32
Lesson 10 Today Is October 1st今天是十月一日…………………………… 37
Lesson 11 Two Plus Two Equals Four二加二等于四……………………………… 41
Lesson 12 A Pair of Scissors and a Piece of Paper一把剪刀与一张纸………………………… 45
Lesson 13 Where Are You Going?你们要去哪里?…………………………… 48
Lesson 14 Your Football Is Cool你的足球真酷……………………………… 52
Lesson 15 I Can Wash the Socks by Myself我会自己洗袜子…………………………… 56
Lesson 16 This Is My Book这是我的书………………………………… 59
Lesson 17 Do You Have Any Foreign Friends?你有什么外国朋友吗?…………………… 62
Lesson 18 Dad Often Comes Home Late爸爸常常很晚才回家……………………… 66
Lesson 19 Helping Mom with the Housework帮妈妈做家务……………………………… 69
Lesson 20 You Look Beautiful你看起来很美……………………………… 72
Lesson 21 I Love Reading Storybooks我喜欢看故事书…………………………… 75
Lesson 22 Do You Like Flying Kites?你喜欢放风筝吗?………………………… 79
Lesson 23 Can You Teach Me How to Cook?你可以教我如何做饭吗?………………… 82
Lesson 24 You Should Get Up你该起床了………………………………… 87
Lesson 25 I Want to Go Traveling我想去旅行………………………………… 91
Lesson 26 I Get Up at Seven Every Morning我每天早上七点起床……………………… 96
Lesson 27 I Slipped on the Floor Yesterday我昨天在地板上滑倒了…………………… 99
Lesson 28 I'm Doing My Homework我正在做家庭作业………………………… 104
Lesson 29 I Will Call You我会打电话给你的………………………… 108
Lesson 30 I Have Washed the Dishes我已经洗了碗……………………………… 112
Lesson 31 It's So Tall!它好高啊!………………………………… 118
Lesson 32 Don't Eat So Fast别吃那么快………………………………… 121
Lesson 33 I've Been Very Busy Lately我最近很忙………………………………… 124
Lesson 34 My Grandparents Sometimes Go There with Us我爷爷奶奶有时候会和我们一起去那儿… 127
Lesson 35 She Went Traveling Sometime Last Month她上个月某个时候去旅游了……………… 130
Lesson 36 Cousin Tommy Is Taller Than I汤米表哥比我高…………………………… 133
Lesson 37 You Are the Best Dad in the World你是世界上最好的爸爸…………………… 139
Lesson 38 The Dog Is Hiding under the Table那只狗正躲在桌子下……………………… 143
Lesson 39 The Movie Will Start at Eight电影会在八点开始………………………… 147
Lesson 40 We Won Thanks to Him多亏了他我们才赢了……………………… 151
Lesson 41 I Can Run up Two Stairs at a Time我能一次跑上两格楼梯…………………… 155
Lesson 42 We Traveled by Train我们乘火车旅行…………………………… 159
Lesson 43 I Won't Go in There without You没有你我是不会进去的…………………… 163
Lesson 44 Wendy and Lucy Are Playing Badminton温蒂和露西正在打羽毛球………………… 166
Lesson 45 I Love Ice Cream Because It Is Sweet我超爱冰激凌,因为它很甜 …………… 170
Lesson 46 It Was Not Bad, But I Didn't Like It那还不错,但是我不喜欢 ……………… 173
Lesson 47 Go to Shanghai Disneyland去上海迪士尼 ……………………………… 176
Lesson 48 I Will Call You When I Arrive我抵达时会打电话给您 ………………… 178
Lesson 49 I Was Praised by My Teacher 我被老师表扬了 ………………………… 181

Chapter 2 句法
Lesson 50 I Like My Dog Very Much 我非常喜欢我的狗 ……………………… 187
Lesson 51 Playing the Piano Is My Hobby 弹钢琴是我的爱好 ……………………… 190
Lesson 52 I Hid in the Bushes我藏在灌木丛里…………………………… 194
Lesson 53 I Don't Like Math我不喜欢数学……………………………… 198
Lesson 54 I Can't Go Out to Play我没法出去玩了…………………………… 202
Lesson 55 Are You Hungry?你肚子饿吗?……………………………… 206
Lesson 56 What Are You Doing?你正在做什么?…………………………… 210
Lesson 57 I'll See What I Can Do我会看看我能做什么……………………… 214
Lesson 58 Math Is Hard for You, Isn't It?数学对你来说很难,是不是?…………… 219
Lesson 59 Don't Be Sad. Cheer Up!别伤心。振作起来!……………………… 223
Lesson 60 What a Cute Panda It Is!它是多么可爱的一只熊猫呀!…………… 226
露西练一练正确答案 ………………………………… 229
