


作者:汤涌 著





  《电力系统电压稳定性分析(英文版)Voltage Stability Analysis of Power System》全面阐述了电力系统电压稳定领域的理论和方法,共分为8章。第1章介绍了电力系统的基本理论以及电力系统稳定性的基本概念及分类;第2章讨论了电压稳定性的基本概念,包括电压稳定的机理、暂态、中长期电压稳定的影响因素;第3章介绍了电压稳定分析中重要的电力系统的元件特性和模型;第4~6章分别讨论了静态、暂态以及中长期电压稳定分析的理论和方法;第7章介绍了提高电压稳定性的措施;第8章介绍了两个电压稳定工程应用分析实例。
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Development of the Power System 1
1.2 Operation and Control 3
1.2.1 Electric System Operation 3
1.2.2 Power System Security and Stability Control 5
1.3 Definition and Classification of the Power System Stability 7
1.3.1 Overview 7
1.3.2 Definition and Classification of Electric Power System Stability in China 8
1.3.3 Definition and Classification of Power System Stability in IEEE/CIGRE 10
1.3.4 Comparative Analysis of Definitions and Classifications at Home and Abroad 12
1.3.5 Definition and Classification of Power System Stability 16
References 19
2 Introduction to Voltage Stability 21
2.1 History and Current Situation of Voltage Stability Research 21
2.2 Voltage Instability Accident and Its Characteristics 22
2.2.1 Overview of Typical Voltage Collapse Accidents 24
2.2.2 Characteristics of Voltage Instability 30
2.3 Mechanism of Voltage Stability 31
2.3.1 Voltage Stability of Simple Pure Resistor Element Circuits 31
2.3.2 Mathematical Description of Voltage Stability of Simple Pure Resistor Element Circuits 33
2.3.3 Voltage Stability of AC Circuits 35
2.4 Factors Affecting Voltage Stability 37
2.4.1 Transient Voltage Stability 37
2.4.2 Medium and Long-Term Voltage Stability 43
References 44
3 Characteristics and ModeIs of Power System Elements 47
3.1 Synchronous Generator and Its Control System 47
3.1.1 Synchronous GeneraωIr 47
3.1.2 Excitation Control System of Synchronous Generators 60
3.1.3 Power System Stabilizer 68
3.1.4 PrimeMovler Govemor 69
3.2 Load 71
3.2.1 Composition oflρad a 71
3.2.2 Static Load Characteristics 71
3.2.3 Dynamic Characteristics of Loads 73
3.2.4 Mathematica1 Desαiption of the Load 76
3.3 Reactive Compensation Element 81
3.3.1 Series Capacitor 81
3.3.2 Shunt Capacitor and Shunt Reactor 83
3.3.3 Static Var Compensator 85
3.3.4 Static Compensator 87
3.3.5 Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor 88
3.3.6 Static Synchronous Series Compensator 91
3.3.7 Unified Power Flow Controller 95
3.3.8 Controllable Shunt Reactor 100
3.3.9 Synchronous Condenser 103
3.4 OLTC 104
3.4.1 Characteristics of OLTC 104
3.4.2 Model of OLTC 104
3.5 HVDC Transmission System 107
3.5.1 Reactive Power Characteristics of Converter 107
3.5.2 Reactive Power Compensationαl.aracteristics of Converter Stations 109
3.5.3 characteristics of Fault DC System 111
3.5.4 Model of DC Transmission System 113
3.6 Power System of Power Plant 116
3.6.1 Power System Model of Thermal Power Plant 116
3.6.2 Dynamic Model of Hydropower Plant 121
3.6.3 Dynamic Model of Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant 123
3.7 Auto Generation Control 124
3.7.1 AGC Control Mode 124
3.7.2 AGC Model 126
References 129
4 Static Analysis of Voltage Stability 131
4.1 Basic Principle of Static Analysis of Voltage Stability 131
4.2 Research on Transmission Capability of Power Systems 132
4.2.1 PV Curve 133
4.2.2 VQ Curve 136
4.2.3 Solution of the CurveContinued Power Flow 137
4.3 Static Analysis Method for Voltage Stability 142
4.3.1 Nonlinear Programming Method 143
4.3.2 Singular Value Decomposition Method 145
4.3.3 Eigenvalue Analysis 151
4.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis 154
4.3.5 Bifurcation Analysis 156
4.4 Static Analysis Index for Voltage Stability 161
4.4.1 Sensitivity Index 161
4.4.2 Singular Value/Eigenvalue Index 163
4.4.3 Index Based on the Power Flow Solution 163
4.4.4 Local Index 167
4.4.5 Impedance Modulus Index 168
4.4.6 Energy Function Index 169
4.4.7 Second-Order Index 170
4.5 Engineering Application 175
4.5.1 Engineering Indexes in China 175
4.5.2 Engineering Indexes of Other Countries 186
References 189
5 Transient (Short-Tenn) Voltage Stability 193
5.1 Ana1ysis Method of Transient Voltage Stability 193
5.1.1 Time-Domain Simulation Method 193
5.1.2 Energy Function Method 200
5.1.3 Nonlinear Dynanùc Method 205
5.2 Criterion for Transient Voltage Stability 211
5.2.1 Engineering Experience Criteria 211
5.2.2 Theoretica1 criteria 213
5.3 Distinguishment Between Voltage Stability and Rotor Angle Stability 250
5.3.1 Engineering Empirical Approach 250
5.3.2 Small Disturbance Analysis Method 251
5.3.3 Bifurcation Analysis 253
5.3.4 Energy Function Method 254
5.3.5 Thevenin Equivalent Parameter Tracking Algorithm 255
5.3.6 Combination of Singularity Induced Bifurcation (SIB) Theory and Energy Function Method 259
References 266
6 Medium and Long-Term Voltage Stability 269
6.1 Multi-time Scale Full Dynamic Simulation of Power System 269
6.1.1 Study Range 269
6.1.2 Simulation Model 270
6.1.3 Simulation Method 271
6.2 Relationship Between Medium and Long-Term Voltage Stability and Static and Transient Voltage Stability 277
6.2.1 Relationship Between Medium and Long-Term Voltage Stability and Static
