作者:黄丹婵 著
《理工科大学公共英语教师职业认同的内涵与形成机制——基于社会心理学视角的个案研究》关于教师的职业认同研究近年来逐渐受到重视,本研究采取自下而上的个案研究,基于对国内某所理工科类高校的五名公共英语教师的深度访谈、课堂观察、学生集中访谈,实地考察,文本收集与分析等多种质性研究方法,选取社会心理学理论视角,描绘高校教师职业认同自我建构与社会建构的有机互动过程。 研究发现,获得外界重要他者认可是大学英语教师职业认同建构机制中核心的部分;大学公共英语教师的职业认同呈现出异质性、多维性以及延续性的特征。此外,职业认同不仅仅为教师职业发展提供源动力,也可能是职业发展过程中的意料外后果,即形成新的职业认同。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.1.1 The worker bees metaphor of university teachers under 40 years old ('gaoxiaoqingnianjiaoshi')
1.1.2 The marginalized cohort of college English teachers
1.1.3 My personal motivation of conducting the study
1.2 Research purposes
1.3 Structure of the book
Chapter 2Identity Theories and Previous Studies
2.1 Theories of identity in three major disciplinary areas
2.1.1 Psychological approach to identity: Erikson's theory of identity formation
2.1.2 Sociological approach to identity: Wenger's theory of identity formation
2.1.3 Social psychological approach to identity (individual and collective)
2.1.4 Summary of theories of identity
2.2 Previous studies on teachers' professional identity
2.2.1 Teachers' Professional Identity Research in the Domain of K-12 Teacher Education
2.2.2 Research on professional identity of academics in the domain of higher Education
2.2.3 Language Teacher identity in the Domain of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
2.2.4 Research on occupational identities from a sociological perspective
2.2.5 A summary of literature review and identified research gap with respect to my study
2.3 An integrated social psychological approach to identity
2.3.1 Identity theory by Burke and Stets (2009): a combined theory of structural, individual and interactional perspectives.
2.3.2 Giddens' theory of duality of structuration: a constructive perspective
2.3.3 The possibility and advantages of integrating Giddens' theory of structuration into identity theory
2.4 Definition of key concepts and research questions
2.4.1 Definition of key concepts
2.4.2 Research questions
Chapter 3 A Qualitative Case Study
Chapter 4 Sarah: A Demotivated Teacher Clinging to Her Former Student Identity
Chapter 5 Richard : An Idetdistic Academic and Realistic Teacher
Chapter 6 Emma: A Pragmatic Teacher and Researcher
Chapter 7 Mandy: A Teacher Sticking to Her Own Beliefs
Chapter 8 Helen: A Caring Teacher Full of Uncertainties and Searching for Meanings
Chapter 9 Identity Construction: Content, Source and Mechanism
Chapter 10 Emerging Themes, Significance, Limitations and Directions for Future Research
Epilogue Researcher's Reflexivity