


作者:陈立明 著,刘浚 译





  “人文西藏”丛书旨在通过新手法、新视角,点面结合,立体呈现,讲好中国西藏故事。全套丛书分为两辑:一是“西藏风情”系列:包括《雪域经轮——西藏宗教考释》《藏地风土——西藏民俗趣谈》《物华天宝——西藏艺术掠影》《高原华章——西藏文学撷英》《流年乾坤——西藏历史述略》,全方位描绘西藏风土人情和历史、文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力和时代亮色;二是“西藏历史文化名人”系列:包括《松赞干布》《元朝首任帝师八思巴》《九世班禅传》《首席代表阿沛·阿旺晋美》,通过西藏历史人物形象侧面反映西藏社会的演进和转折,让历史人物走进新的历史方位。 西藏民俗是西藏文化的重要组成部分。西藏民俗文化内容丰富,民俗形式多姿多彩,饮食、服饰、居住,茶醇酒香、色彩斑斓的西藏生活民俗;诞生礼、婚嫁、丧葬,西藏人生礼仪;民间信仰、苯教信仰、藏传佛教,神圣时空中的西藏信仰民俗;岁时年节、生产节日、宗教节日、娱乐节日,时光轮回中的西藏节日民俗;斗智斗勇、怡情益智的西藏游艺竞技,等等。 The series “Tibet History and Culture” tells the stories about Tibet from a new perspective. It includes such books as A Brief History of Tibet, A Study of Tibetan Religions, Tibetan Folk Customs, Tibetan Literature, A Snapshot of Tibetan Arts, The Biography of Songtsen Gampo, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa: The First Imperial Preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ninth Panchen Lama: A Biography and Chief Tibetan Delegate Ngabo Ngawang Jigme.Folk customs are the cultural representation of the.living conditions and way of life of a group of people. Tibetan Folk Customs gives a thorough and detailed account of the fascinating,often unique folk customs of the people who live on the snowy plateau. In this book readers can catch glimpses of real life in China's Tibet through fol,k customs in housing, cuisine and apparel;etiquette to follow from birth to death, wedding to funeral; the myriad festivals and recreational activities coming from different backgrounds, and the profound religious beliefs that lead to such folk customs.
  陈立明,西藏民族大学教授,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。长期从事西藏历史文化的教学和研究工作,十多次在西藏各地进行社会和文化考察,著有《西藏民俗文化》《走入喜马拉雅丛林——西藏门巴族、珞巴族文化之旅》等多部著作,发表相关论文六十余篇。Professor Chen Liming of Xizang Minzu University in the ancient city of Xianyang is a State Council Expert for Special Allowance. He has been teaching and researching Tibetan history and culture for many years, making special achievements in Himalayan cultures as well as the general history and culture of Tibet. He has published many academic books including Folk Culture in Tibet and A Walle in the Himalayan Forests: Cultural Journ,ey of the Monba and Lhoba Peoples in,Tibet, in addition to more than 60 theses.
Tibetan Folk Customs: Splendid painting scroll
rich with the snowy plateau's unique features
Chapter Ⅰ
Mellow tea and fragrant wine amid bright
colours - folk customs in daily life
Chapter Ⅱ
Rituals for spirit and life - folk customs in
a person's life
Rituals upon birth
Customs behind names
Marriage customs
Funeral customs
Chapter Ⅲ
Sacred time and space created in magnificent
imaginations - religious beliefs
Folk beliefs
Bon religion
Tibetan Buddhism
Chapter Ⅳ
Festivals through four seasons bring a sea
of happiness - festival customs
Seasonal festivals
Production festivals
Religious festivals
Recreational festivals
Chapter Ⅴ
Combat of strength and skill to amuse
and cultivate - contests and recreations
Folk contests
Folk recreations
