


作者:韩敬山,喜饶尼玛 著,姚锦清 译





  “人文西藏”丛书旨在通过新手法、新视角,点面结合,立体呈现,讲好中国西藏故事。全套丛书分为两辑:一是“西藏风情”系列:包括《雪域经轮——西藏宗教考释》《藏地风土——西藏民俗趣谈》《物华天宝——西藏艺术掠影》《高原华章——西藏文学撷英》《流年乾坤——西藏历史述略》,全方位描绘西藏风土人情和历史、文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力和时代亮色;二是“西藏历史文化名人”系列:包括《松赞干布》《元朝首任帝师八思巴》《九世班禅传》《首席代表阿沛·阿旺晋美》,通过西藏历史人物形象侧面反映西藏社会的演进和转折,让历史人物走进新的历史方位。 The series “Tibet History and Culture” tells the stories about Tibet from a new perspective. It includes such books as A Brief History of Tibet, A Study of Tibetan Religions, Tibetan Folk Customs, Tibetan Literature, A Snapshot of Tibetan Arts, The Biography of Songtsen Gampo, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa: The First Imperial Preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ninth Panchen Lama: A Biography and Chief Tibetan Delegate Ngabo Ngawang Jigme. 本书全面介绍了清末民国西藏地区宗教上层人物九世班禅的生平掌故,九世班禅不仅佛学造诣极深,而且有政治远见、顾全大局。书中精当利用历史文献、典籍、档案资料等,真实展示了一个宗教领袖的成长经历和政治、宗教活动,早期他与十三世喇嘛共同领导了抗英斗争,晚年又积极参与抗日活动。他一生始终一贯地为维护祖国统一、民族团结而努力。 This is a full biography of the 9th Panchen Lama, China’s highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist leader and political figure in the early 20th century, who joined in his earlier years the 13th Lama in leading the patriotic fight against British expedition to Tibet, and was later actively involved in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. He was remarkably known for his lifelong devotion to China’s national unification and solidarity.
  喜饶尼玛,藏族,四川炉霍人。陕西师范大学人文社科高等研究院特聘教授,中央民族大学二级教授、博士生导师。享受国务院政府特殊津贴,兼任中国民族史学会副会长等职务。曾主持国家社科基金及其他多个项目,论著曾获省部级特等奖等。 韩敬山,满族,辽宁大连人,中央民族大学藏学研究院博士、哲学与宗教学学院宗教心理学博士后。研究领域为近现代中央政府治藏及汉僧入藏史研究、藏传佛教格鲁派转世制度研究等。2019年台湾“中央研究院近代史研究所”访问学人。 Shesrab Nyima, born to a Tibetan family in Luhuo County of Sichuan Province, is a professor and PhD supervisor at Minzu University of China and a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University. A recipient of the special government allowances of the State Council of China, he has also served as Vice President of the Chinese Association for Nationality History, and head researcher of a series of research projects including those sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China. Some of his academic publications have won prestigious awards in China. Han Jingshan, born to a Manchu family in Dalian City of Liaoning Province, graduated with a PhD degree in Tibetan Studies and served as a post-doctoral researcher in Psychology of Religion at Minzu University of China. His research areas include China’s central governance in Tibet, development of Chinese Han Buddhism in Tibet, and Gelugpa Buddhism incarnation system. In 2019, he was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taiwan).
Part I The 9th Panchen Lama: Four Decades in Tibet (1883-1923) Chapter I A Son of an Ordinary Family “Entering” the Golden Urn - the Beginning of a Challenging Life Journey A Freak of Fate – Identified as the Soul Boy of the 8th Panchen Lama An Imperial Decree from the Forbidden City The Golden Urn Ritual Hosted by Amban Wenshuo The Enthronement Ceremony Hosted by Amban Shengtai Chapter II A Budding Hero: Fifteen Years as a Religious Leader 1887: A Conspiracy Shattering Peace in Tibet Message from the Imperial Edict A More Urgent Matter in the Decree on the Golden Urn Ritual Unity Brought by Gun re – a Thousand Tibetan and Han Soldiers Killed in the Battle of Mount Lungthur Two Ambans, Two Ways of Handling Tibet Tibet Plagued by Continuous Internal Chaos and External Invasion
Two Ambans in Tibet: Youtai and Guilin Chapter III Assuming Both Political and Religious Duties during the Last Seven Years of the Qing Court Amban Youtai Taking a Foe for a Friend Key Lessons Learned by the 9th Panchen Lama in Tackling Internal and External Challenges A Gelugpa Leader Endorsed by the Qing Court What the British Expected of the 9th Panchen Lama Political and Religious Matters Facing Tibet after His Return from India Chapter IV Political Infighting in Tibet – Conflicts between the 9th Panchen Lama and the 13th Dalai Lama Lhasa: Loss of Political Control A Reward of Title by the Nationalist Government The British Expedition Active in Tibetan Questions Challenges from the Followers of the 13th Dalai Lama Part II 15 Years outside Tibet (1924-1937) Chapter V Active in Politics,Business and Religion,the 9th Panchen Lama Yearning for National Peace History of Tibet Changed by an Unconventional Choice the 9th Panchen Lama Made A Respectful Telegraph Sent by the Beiyang Government to Gansu A Grand Reception Ceremony Arranged for the Panchen in Lanzhou The Forced Takeover of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery by Kashag The Unexpected Ceremony in Taiyuan Beijing: A Special Reception Ceremony A Trip to Hangzhou: Building the Image of an Eminent Monk Great Benevolence Shown on His Trip to Mount Putuo and Shanghai An Admirable Preaching Tour in Southern China
Political Status Intensified by the Central Government with a New Title of Honour Residence at Fuyou Temple: Campaigning for Peaceful Unity Chapter VI Determined to Create a New Pattern of “Mutual Trust and Interaction” amidst the Upheaval Mutual Trust Built Bit by Bit A Secret Telegram Requesting His Return to Tibet to Lead the Resistance against the Nepalese Invasion His Stay in the Capital City as Reported in the News Special Considerations to Eliminate His Concerns Defending National Interests through Tibetan Buddhism Chapter VII Special E orts to Unite the People – Dedicated to Re-establishing the Nation-protecting Dharma Assemblies after the Mukden Incident The Nation-protecting Humane King Dharma Assembly: A Common Wish for Fighting with One Heart Kalachakra Dharma Assemblies: to Pray for the Future of the Chinese Nation Seven Medicine Buddhas Dharma Assembly: to Pray for National Prosperity Chapter VIII Seeking Agreement in the Unpeaceful Regions for “an Internally Consolidated Nation” Seeking Autonomy, the Mongolian Prince De Turning a Deaf Ear to Advice A Lucky Escape from a Plotted Murder Adventure to Spread the Government’s Benevolence in Inner Mongolia
A Secret Telegram from Bailing Temple The Well-planned Journey Back to Tibet Efforts to Mediate between the Two Living Buddhas in Tibet Emerging Obstacles to the Planned Journey Back to Tibet
Last-minute Failure of the Plan Chapter IX A Concept of Modern State Initiated – a Decade in the Nationalist Government Elected Member of the Nationalist Government Active Engagement in a Modern Society A Religious and Political Figure Promoting National Integration Focused Concern on Education of Mongolian and Tibetan Children Vision Broadened by the New “Contacts” in the Hinterland
Friendly Association with Dignitaries and Notable Figures Memorial of the 13th Dalai Lama Held in Ningyuan Building Epilogue
¬The 9th Panchen Lama’s Last Fifty Days of Life
