作者:Zhang Jian,Wu Wenwei Tang ... 著
张建,双博士,副教授,江苏省优青,江苏省“333工程”第三层次,江苏省“六大人才高峰”人选,江苏省“双创计划”人才,江苏省科协青年人才托举对象,镇江市有突出贡献的中青年专家,中国船舶科学研究中心博士后。获江苏大学车辆工程博士学位、日本埼玉工业大学机械工程博士学位。主要从事深海工程装备基础理论研究及复杂机电产品数字化开发。或通讯发表SCI收录论文 20篇(ESI高被引1篇)。发明人获发明专利39件(美国2件、俄罗斯1件)。作为项目主要完成人获江苏省科技进步二等奖1项(排名3)、三等奖2项(排名3),教育部科技进步二等奖2项(排名3、5),江苏省发明专利优秀奖1项(排名2)。指导研究生获江苏省优秀硕士论文1部。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and significance
1.2 Overview of research status
1.2.1 Externally pressurized spherical shells
1.2.2 Externally pressurized untypical shells
1.2.3 Externally pressurized domed heads
1.2.4 Shell buckling research approaches
1.2.5 Externally pressurized multi-segment shells
1.3 Problems and solution
1.4 Structure of the monograph
Chapter 2 Buckling of deep sea spherical pressure hulls
2.1 Buckling analysis of geometrically perfect and imperfect hulls
2.1.1 Geometry and material
2.1.2 Buckling of geometrically perfect hulls
2.1.3 Buckling of geometrically imperfect hulls
2.2 Effect of yield strength on the buckling of hulls
2.2.1 Perfect geometry analysis
2.2.2 Imperfect geometry analysis
2.3 Experimental methodology of spherical shells
2.3.1 Shell manufacturing and testing
2.3.2 Material properties
2.4 Buckling analysis of sphericalshells
2.4.1 Experimentaland analyticalresults
2.4.2 Comparison between experimental and numerical results
2.4.3 Effect of constitutive models
2.4.4 Effect of geometricalimperfections
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Bionic design of egg-shape pressure hulls
3.1 Geometric properties of goose eggshells
3.1.1 Size of goose eggshells
3.1.2 Surface area and volume of goose eggshells
3.1.3 Symmetry of goose eggshells
3.1.4 Shape function of goose eggshells
3.1.5 Thickness of goose eggshells
3.2 Load carrying capacities of goose eggshells
3.2.1 Experimental results of goose eggshells
3.2.2 Numerical results of goose eggshells
3.2.3 Comparison between experimental and numerical data
3.3 Configuration and size egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4 Strength, stability, and buoyancy of egg-shaped pressure hull
3.4.1 Strength and stability of egg-shaped pressure hull
3.4.2 Uniform wall thickness analysis of egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4.3 Non-uniform wall thickness analysis of egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4.4 Spherical pressure hulls analysis
3.5 Analytical results of egg-shaped and spherical pressure hulls
3.6 Numerical results of egg-shaped and spherical pressure hulls
3.7 Evaluation and comparison of main properties for pressure hulls
3.8 Summary
1.1 Background and significance
1.2 Overview of research status
1.2.1 Externally pressurized spherical shells
1.2.2 Externally pressurized untypical shells
1.2.3 Externally pressurized domed heads
1.2.4 Shell buckling research approaches
1.2.5 Externally pressurized multi-segment shells
1.3 Problems and solution
1.4 Structure of the monograph
Chapter 2 Buckling of deep sea spherical pressure hulls
2.1 Buckling analysis of geometrically perfect and imperfect hulls
2.1.1 Geometry and material
2.1.2 Buckling of geometrically perfect hulls
2.1.3 Buckling of geometrically imperfect hulls
2.2 Effect of yield strength on the buckling of hulls
2.2.1 Perfect geometry analysis
2.2.2 Imperfect geometry analysis
2.3 Experimental methodology of spherical shells
2.3.1 Shell manufacturing and testing
2.3.2 Material properties
2.4 Buckling analysis of sphericalshells
2.4.1 Experimentaland analyticalresults
2.4.2 Comparison between experimental and numerical results
2.4.3 Effect of constitutive models
2.4.4 Effect of geometricalimperfections
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Bionic design of egg-shape pressure hulls
3.1 Geometric properties of goose eggshells
3.1.1 Size of goose eggshells
3.1.2 Surface area and volume of goose eggshells
3.1.3 Symmetry of goose eggshells
3.1.4 Shape function of goose eggshells
3.1.5 Thickness of goose eggshells
3.2 Load carrying capacities of goose eggshells
3.2.1 Experimental results of goose eggshells
3.2.2 Numerical results of goose eggshells
3.2.3 Comparison between experimental and numerical data
3.3 Configuration and size egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4 Strength, stability, and buoyancy of egg-shaped pressure hull
3.4.1 Strength and stability of egg-shaped pressure hull
3.4.2 Uniform wall thickness analysis of egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4.3 Non-uniform wall thickness analysis of egg-shaped pressure hulls
3.4.4 Spherical pressure hulls analysis
3.5 Analytical results of egg-shaped and spherical pressure hulls
3.6 Numerical results of egg-shaped and spherical pressure hulls
3.7 Evaluation and comparison of main properties for pressure hulls
3.8 Summary