


作者:葛翠琳 著,李蕾 译





  《空中小屋》是儿童文学作家葛翠琳的童话作品集,收录了其《空中小屋》《核桃山》《栗子谷》《红枣林》《野葡萄》等经典作品11篇。在《核桃山》中,一场突如其来的大火摧毁了美丽的家园,夺走了小熊笨笨妈妈的生命。小熊笨笨在好朋友白天鹅的鼓励下,熬过了寒冷的冬天,救回了失踪的爸爸,并用妈妈留下的七颗核桃将荒山变成了人人向往的核桃山。动人的情节、曲折的故事、感人至深的友谊……作者用爱心、道义和良知,为孩子们编织出美丽的童话世界,潜移默化地引导孩子热爱自然、尊重自然,感受奇妙的大千世界,学会坚强、勇敢地面对逆境,给予他们无形的美德教育。 Cabin in the Air is a collection of fairy tales written by children literature writer Ge Cuilin, which includes her 11 representative works such as “Cabin in the Air,” “Red Date Grove,” and “Walnut Mountain.” the author tells about stories of nature with beautiful and elegant words. In the “Walnut Mountain,” a sudden large fire destroyed the beautiful homeland of Dummy the little bear and took away his mother’s life. With the help of his good friend White Swan, Dummy survived the severe winter and saved his lost father. In the end, with the seven walnuts left by his mother, Dummy turned the barren mountain into a walnut mountain which everybody longed for. The moving plots, tortuous stories, touching friendship … the author weaves a beautiful fairy-tale world for children out of her love, morality and conscience. These stories will have an invisible influence on little readers to teach them love Nature, respect Nature, and face difficulties bravely and strongly.
  葛翠琳,中国作家协会儿童文学委员会委员,曾任瑞士儿童图书国际奖评委,现任冰心奖评委会副主席兼秘书长。童话《野葡萄》《翻跟头的小木偶》《会唱歌的画像》获中国作家协会全国优秀儿童文学奖。《核桃山》《栗子谷》《红枣林》获全国优秀幼儿图书奖,《野葡萄》译成英、法、德、俄、日文,拍成木偶片在慕尼黑电视节获奖。 Ge Cuilin is a member of the Children’s Literature Committee of the China Writers Association and the Vice President and Secretary General of the Bing Xin Prize. Her fairy tales Wild Grapes, Little Puppet That Turns Somersaults and A Portrait That Can Sing won the Prize of the China Writers Association for Excellent Children’s Literature. Her Walnut Mountains, Chestnut Valleys and Jujube Woods won the National Book Prize for Children’s Literature. Her work Wild Grapes has been translated into English, French, German, Russian, and Japanese; and the puppet show adaptation from the work won an award at the Munich TV festival.
01 Cabin in the Air
06 Where Is Spring?
09 Sad Little Fox
14 Path: The Walking Dictionary
16 Two-legged Fast Horse
21 Duckling Learned to Dance
25 Wild Grapes
38 Walnut Mountain
82 Chestnut Valley
128 Red Date Grove
153 A Piece of White Feather
