







  本书概述了现代船舶结构设计的基本理论和方法,并提供了若干设计实例。全书共分6章。第1章介绍了船舶结构设计方法,阐述了基于半经验船级社规范的传统设计方法和基于*原理的现代设计方法。第2章介绍了一些船舶结构设计的基本要素,包括: 结构布置、结构材料、焊接和一些船级社及其规范的基本知识。第3章和第4章考虑船舶结构设计过程中的载荷和载荷组合以及如何计算一特定船舶结构的初始构件尺寸。第5章对一初步设计好了的船舶结构进行全强度评估,这一章叙述了屈服、屈曲和疲劳衡准,本章也给出了对船舶结构谱疲劳分析的详尽解释。*后,第6章提供了船舶结构设计优化的基本知识(连续优化和离散优化、约束优化和非约束优化、全局优化和局部优化等),并提供了具体的计算实例。
  王迎光:上海交通大学硕士导师,长期从事海洋工程随机结构动力学; 船舶非线性动力学; 船舶结构优化设计研究。
Chapter 1Introduction to marine structural design          1
1.1The traditional design method                       1
1.1.1The evolutionary process                         1
1.1.2A ship structural design example                   1
1.1.3The changes to the traditional design method         5
1.2The modern design method                         6
1.2.1The first principles based approach                 6
1.2.2The design procedure                            7
1.2.3Benefits of the modern approach                   10
Chapter 2Marine structural design fundamentals           12
2.1Structural arrangement design                       12
2.1.1Subdivision arrangement                          12
2.1.2Compartment arrangement                         14
2.1.3Access arrangement                              14
2.2Structural materials                                16
2.2.1Introduction to materials                           16
2.2.2Standard steels used for hull and other structure         18
2.2.3High strength steel used for hull and other structures
2.2.4Selection for steel grades                           22
2.2.5Other ship materials                               24
2.2.6An example of ship materials used for a dredging barge
2.3Welding                                           27
2.3.1The base types of welding joints                      28
2.3.2The base types of welding line                        30
2.3.3Stud welding                                     30
2.3.4The determination of the weld size                    32
2.3.5A welding design example                           37
2.4Classification societies and their rules                   39
2.4.1Classification societies                             39
2.4.2Class rules, regulations and guides                    44
Chapter 3Loads and loads combinations                   52
3.1Environmental considerations                           52
3.2Loads                                             52
3.2.1Static loads                                       53
3.2.2The wave induced loads                             54
3.2.3The hydrodynamic loads                             57
3.2.4The sloshing loads                                  58
3.2.5The impact loads                                   59
3.2.6Other loads types                                   59
3.3Loads combinations                                   60
3.4Strength modeling and development of strength criteria        61
Chapter 4Marine structural initial design                      64
4.1Hull girder strength and shearing strength                   64
4.2Hull structural members design                           67
4.2.1Plating design                                        67
4.2.2Longitudinals and girders design                          70
4.2.3Bulkhead design                                        73
4.3An example of hull structural members designpillar design    76
4.3.1Basic design of pillars                                     76
4.3.2Some requirements for the pillars in rules                      88
4.3.3Regulations of pillars on different types of ships                 97
4.4Superstructure design                                        98
4.4.1The interaction between the superstructure and the
main hull                                                     98
4.4.2The design of superstructures                                103
4.4.3The failure of superstructures and prevention measures
4.5Introduction to structures of various kinds of ships                  111
4.5.1Oil tankers                                                111
4.5.2Bulk carriers                                               123
4.5.3Container ships                                              146
Chapter 5Marine structural design analysis                             156
5.1Total strength assessment                                         156
5.1.1Yielding strength                                              156
5.1.2Buckling and ultimate strength                                    156
5.1.3Fatigue strength                                                157
5.2Strength criteria                                                  158
5.2.1General introduction                                              158
5.2.2Yielding criteria                                                 159
5.2.3Buckling and ultimate strength criteria                                161
5.2.4Fatigue criteria                                                  164
5.3Finite element analysis                                             166
5.3.1The developmental history of the finite element
analysis                                                           166
5.3.2The basic idea of the finite element method                            167
5.3.3A finite element analysis example — a 75,000 DWT
bulk carrier                                                          170
5.4Spectral fatigue analysis of ship structures                               178
5.5The transverse strength analysis of a ship                                193
5.5.1Setting the design load                                             194
5.5.2Simplification of members geometry size                              194
5.5.3Simplification of the frame supporting conditions
5.5.4Modeling the structure processing                                    196
5.5.5Modeling the loads                                                196
5.5.6Building the finite element model for the ship
structures                                                            197
Chapter 6Marine structural design optimization                              198
6.1The introduction to the optimization                                    198
6.2The categorization methods for optimization problems                       199
6.2.1Continuous versus discrete optimization                                 199
6.2.2Constrained and unconstrained optimization                              200
6.2.3Global and local optimization                                          201
6.2.4Deterministic and stochastic optimization                                 201
6.3An example — the optimization of stiffened panels                           202
6.3.1Introduction to stiffened plates                                          202
6.3.2The numerical solution method for a stiffened panel 203
6.3.3Summarization                                                     224
6.4Another example — the optimization of a T -bar                           225
6.4.1The problem raised and the model established                             225
6.4.2Analytical solution method                                            228
6.4.3Finite element analysis solution method                                  230
6.4.4Comments on each solution method                                     233
References                                                             234
