


作者:朱派龙,刘晓初,雷宇航 编





  以“看图识词”的方式编写专业英语,将专业内容表达地更为直观、具体、生动。 本书内容全面,取材广泛,囊括了机械工程的方方面面,包括机械设计、机械制造、机械零部件、专业机械几大类。对于已经学习过机械专业知识的读者,可以温故而知“英”,扩大知识面,开拓专业技术视野;对于非机类专业人士,可以简单学习专业术语及名称,并认识各类机械零件、结构、设备和加工方法,便于自学和应用于实际工作。 本书作为一本涵盖面广、编写形式新颖的工具书,不仅可供大中专院校机械专业师生查阅参考,也可供机类及非机类专业从事技术翻译、技术交流、进出口贸易等工作的各界涉外人士、工矿企业的专业技术人员学习参考。
Part 1 Mechanical Design机械设计
Unit 1 Engineering Materials工程材料 / 1
1.1Material properties and tests材料性能与测试 / 1
1.2Metals金属材料 / 7
1.3Non-metals非金属材料 / 13
1.4Composite materials and nano materials复合材料和纳米材料 / 15

Unit 2 Drawing and Tolerance制图与公差 / 21
2.1Engineering drawing工程制图 / 21
2.1.1Types of  line and notation线型和标注 / 21
2.1.2CAD presentation计算机辅助设计绘图 / 25
2.1.3On engineering drawing presentation机械制图 / 25
2.2Tolerance and fits公差与配合 / 27

Unit 3 Technological Appropriateness for Machine Parts and Assemblies机械零部件结构工艺性 / 34
3.1Technological appropriateness for castings,forgings, weldings and heat treatment铸造、锻压、焊接和热处理结构工艺性 / 34
3.2Technological appropriateness for stampings,metal cutting 冲压、切削加工结构工艺性 / 38
3.3Technological appropriateness for plastic parts and powder metallurgy parts 塑件、粉末冶金件的结构工艺性 / 48
3.4Technological appropriateness for machine assembly机器装配的结构工艺性 / 48

Unit 4 Design of Mechanisms机构设计 / 50
4.1Design of linkage mechanisms连杆机构设计 / 50
4.2Design of spatial linkage mechanisms空间机构设计 / 51
4.3Design of cam mechanisms凸轮机构设计 / 52
4.4Design of common variated mechanisms常用变异机构设计 / 55

Unit 5 Transmission Design 传动设计 / 65
5.1Design of gear transmission齿轮传动设计 / 65
5.2Design of belt and chain drive带和链传动设计 / 73
5.2.1Belt drive带传动 / 73
5.2.2Chain drive链传动 / 77
5.3Design of hydraulic power transmission液压传动设计 / 79

Unit 6 Mo(u)ld and Die Structure Design 模具结构设计 / 96
6.1Mo(u)ld and die for metal forming冲压模具 / 96
6.2Die and mo(u)ld for plastics塑料模具 / 109
6.3Mo(u)ld for die cast压铸模具 / 115
6.4Other mo(u)lds其他模具 / 115
6.4.1Powder metallurgy mo(u)ld粉末冶金模具 / 115
6.4.2Sand mo(u)ld翻砂模具 / 118
6.4.3Forging mo(u)ld锻压模具 / 121

Part 2 Mechanical Manufacture机械制造
Unit 7 Methods of Mechanical Manufacturing机械制造技术 / 122
7.1Manual operations手工操作 / 123
7.2Heat process for metals金属的热加工工艺 / 130
7.2.1Casting铸造 / 130
7.2.2Forging锻压 / 138
7.2.3Welding焊接 / 144
7.2.4Heat treatment热处理 / 153
7.3Cutting principle切削原理 / 154
7.4Traditional mechanical machining methods传统机械加工技术 / 158
7.4.1Turning on lathe车削加工 / 158
7.4.2Milling铣削加工 / 160
7.4.3Boring process镗削加工 / 163
7.4.4Drilling and ream process钻削、铰削加工 / 163
7.4.5Reciprocating machining process往复式加工 / 164
7.4.6Abrasives process磨削加工 / 164
7.4.7Coated abrasive belt grinding砂带磨削加工 / 167
7.4.8Super finishing超精加工 / 167
7.4.9Gear cutting齿轮加工 / 168
7.5Non-traditional processes非传统加工(特种加工)工艺方法 / 170
7.5.1EDM电火花加工 / 171
7.5.2ECM电化学加工 / 173
7.5.3USM超声加工 / 175
7.5.4CHM化学加工 / 176
7.5.5EBM电子束加工 / 177
7.5.6IBM离子加工 / 177
7.5.7LBM激光束加工 / 179
7.5.8RP快速成形 / 180
7.5.9AJM/WJM/AWJM磨料射流/水射流/磨料水射流加工 / 181
7.5.10MAM磁性磨料加工 / 183
7.5.11MEMS微电子制造 / 183

Unit 8 Manufacturing Processes and Toolings机械制造装备 / 186
8.1Cutting tools切削刀具 / 186
8.1.1Turning tools车刀 / 186
8.1.2Milling tools铣刀 / 187
8.1.3Boring tools镗刀 / 188
8.1.4Hole-making tools孔加工刀具 / 189
8.1.5Reciprocating process tools往复运动加工刀具 / 195
8.1.6Abrasives磨具 / 197
8.1.7Gear cutting tools齿轮刀具 / 201
8.2Jigs and fixtures, toolings工装夹具 / 202
8.2.1General purpose jigs and fixtures通用夹具 / 202
8.2.2Special purpose jigs and fixtures专用夹具 / 204
8.3Various types of machine tools各种机械加工机床 / 212
8.3.1Lathes车床 / 214
8.3.2Milling machines铣床 / 216
8.3.3Boring machines镗床 / 218
8.3.4Drilling machines钻床 / 218
8.3.5Reciprocating machines往复式加工机床 / 219
8.3.6Grinding machines磨床 / 221
8.3.7Gear cutting machines齿轮加工机床  / 224
8.3.8Automatic screw machines自动螺纹加工机床 / 225
8.4Non-traditional machine tools非传统(特种)加工机床 / 226
8.5CAD/CAM/CAPP/FMS/CIMS与计算机相关的先进系统 / 227

Unit 9 NC Machining and NC Machine Tools数控加工与数控机床 / 232
9.1Basic knowledge on numerical control数控基本知识 / 232
9.2NC machining tools数控加工机床 / 235
9.3NC functional components and appendixes数控机床功能部件及附件 / 240
9.4NC programming数控加工编程 / 242

Part 3 Machine Elements机械零部件
Unit 10 Joints and Fasteners 连接件与紧固件  / 246
10.1Screws and threads螺纹 / 246
10.2Washers and retaining rings 垫片和保持环 / 250
10.3Keys 键 / 252
10.4Pins销 / 253
10.5Splines花键 / 254
10.6Rivets铆钉 / 254
10.7Bonding and other fasteners粘接和其他紧固件 / 256

Unit 11 Shafts轴 / 258
11.1Shafts直轴 / 258
11.2Other shafts其他类型的轴 / 260

Unit 12 Bearings轴承 / 261
12.1Plain bearings滑动轴承 / 261
12.2Rolling bearings滚动轴承 / 265

Unit 13 Springs and Flywheels 弹簧和飞轮 / 273
13.1Helical springs螺旋弹簧  / 273
13.2Other springs其他弹簧 / 275
13.3Flywheels飞轮 / 276

Unit 14 Lubrication Systems and Sealings 润滑系统与密封件 / 277
14.1Lubrication systems润滑系统 / 277
14.2Sealings密封件 / 281

Unit 15 Beds,Frames and Guideways 床身、支架及导轨 / 287
15.1Beds and frames床身和支架 / 287
15.2Guideways导轨 / 288

Unit 16 Couplings,Clutches and Brakes 联轴器、离合器和制动器 / 291
16.1Couplings联轴器 / 292
16.2Clutches离合器  / 296
16.3Brakes制动器 / 299

Unit 17 Reductors and Speed Changers 减速器与变速器 / 303
17.1Reductors减速器 / 303
17.2Speed changers变速器 / 304

Part 4 Mechanical Equipment for Special Industry专业机械
Unit 18 Power Generation Equipments 动力设备 / 307
18.1Power generation equipments多种发电设备 / 307
18.2Boilers锅炉 / 309
18.3Steam turbines蒸汽轮机 / 316
18.4Gas turbines燃气轮机 / 318
18.5Hydraulic turbines水轮机 / 321
18.6Compressors, fans and blowers压缩机、通风机和鼓风机 / 322

Unit 19 Materials Handling Equipments运输机械 / 327
19.1Elevators电梯 / 327
19.1.1The types of elevator电梯分类 / 327
19.1.2The lift machine电梯主机 / 329
19.1.3The car frame and counterweight轿架和对重 / 330
19.1.4The safety device安全装置 / 331
19.1.5The hoistway井道件 / 333
19.2Hoisting machinery起重机械 / 333
19.3Materials handling systems物料搬运系统 / 339
19.4Industrial handling trucks工业搬运车辆 / 344

Unit 20 Automobile Constructs 汽车结构 / 346
20.1Engine发动机 / 346
20.2Body车身 / 359
20.3Chassis底盘 / 360
20.4Functional components功能部件 / 367
20.5Special vehicles特种车辆 / 375
20.6Electric vehicles电动车 / 377

Unit 21 Construction Machinery 建筑机械 / 378
21.1Excavators挖掘机 / 378
21.2Earthmoving machinery铲土运输机 / 379
21.3Compacting machinery压实机械 / 380
21.4Pavement machinery铺路机械 / 381
21.5Pile-driving machinery桩工机械 / 383
21.6Concrete reinforcing machinery钢筋混凝土机械 / 384

Unit 22 Petroleum Drilling Machinery and Refining Equipments 石油钻采与炼制机械 / 391
22.1Petroleum drilling rigs石油钻机 / 391
22.2Downhole drilling tools井下钻具 / 392
22.3Petroleum extraction equipments采油设备 / 394
22.4Offshore petroleum drilling and extraction equipments海洋石油钻采设备 / 398
22.5Petroleum refining equipments石油炼制设备 / 401

Unit 23 Food and Packaging Machinery 食品与包装机械 / 405
23.1Grading and sorting machinery分级分选机械 / 405
23.2Cleaning machines and devices清洗机械与设备 / 409
23.3Drying equipments干燥设备 / 411
23.4Crushing and cutting machinery粉碎切割机械 / 413
23.5Hot and cold exchange processing machinery冷热交换处理机械 / 415
23.6Sterilization machinery杀菌机械 / 417
23.7Refrigeration machinery and equipments冷冻机械与设备 / 418
23.8Forming machines成形机械 / 421
23.9Material conveying machinery物料输送机械 / 423

Vocabulary with Figure Index词汇及图形索引(英中对照)/426

Vocabulary with Figure Index词汇及图形索引(中英对照)/455

附录 / 484
附录1One-hand alphabet单手势字母表 / 484
附录2Deaf-and-dump alphabet手语字母表 / 485
附录3Mathematical signs and symbols数学标识和符号 / 486

参考文献 / 487
