


作者:谭卫国 著





★Unit One Home and Family 家庭与家人★ 001
1. Ideas of Home Have Changed / 家庭观念的变化 002
2. The Family Man / 养家糊口的人 006
3. My Most Unforgettable Character / 我ZUI难忘的人 009
4. My Forever Valentine / 我永远的情人 014
5. Three Types of Parents / 三种类型的父母 019
★Unit Two Human Life 人生★ 023
1. Emotions Are Human / 喜怒哀乐,人之常情 024
2. A Birthday to Remember / 永远值得铭记的生日 028
3. Everyone Is Special / 每个人都不一样 031
4. My Brother’s Wedding / 我哥哥的婚礼 034
5. Essential Factors for Living a Long Life / 长寿的基本要素 038
★Unit Three Love and Marriage 爱情与婚姻★ 041
1. It Is Not the End / 我们的爱天长地久 042
2. Love Is a Telephone / 爱情是一部电话 046
3. The Flame of Love / 爱的火焰 050
4. Making Marriage the Best It Can Be /
设法达到婚姻生活的ZUI佳境界 054
★Unit Four Friends and Friendship 朋友与友谊★ 061
1. On Making Friends / 交友之道 062
2. We Need Friends / 我们需要朋友 065
3. Making Friends by Overcoming Stereotypes / 克服成见交朋友 068
4. The Story of Friendship / 友谊的故事 071
★Unit Five Interview and Employment 面试与就业★ 077
1. How to Prepare for an Interview / 如何为面试做准备 078
2. What to Do on the Day of an Interview / 面试当天要做什么 082
3. How to Succeed in an Interview / 面试成功的要点 086
4. 21 Tips: From Starting Out to Following Through / 21条提示:
指导就业的全过程 089
5. Writing the Perfect CV / 撰写完美的简历 094
★Unit Six Success and Failure 成功与失败★ 101
1. Rules Every Achiever Knows / 每一位成功者都知道的规则 102
2. How to Learn with Success / 如何学有成效 106
3. We Can Succeed / 我们能成功 109
4. Winners Never Quit / 胜者永不言弃 113
5. Don’t Worry About Failing / 不要担心失败 117
★Unit Seven Valuable Advice 宝贵的忠告★ 121
1. Good Manners / 文明礼貌 122
2. Five Traits of the Educated Man / 有教养者的五大特点 124
3. What to Do When You Feel Lonely / 孤独之时,做些什么 129
4. Advice on Partner Choice / 择偶忠言 133
5. Making Requests Instead of Issuing Orders / 要提请求,别发命令 137
★Unit Eight Science and Scientists 科学与科学家★ 141
1. Science / 科学 142
2. Science—A Way of Thinking / 科学—— 一种思维方式 145
3. The Study of Science / 科学研究 148
4. The Man Behind Space / 航天伟人 150
5. A Big Leap in Printing / 印刷术大飞跃 154
★Unit Nine Contemporary Tourism 当代旅游★ 159
1. The Travel Industry / 旅游业 160
2. Contemporary Tourism and Travelers / 当代旅游业与游客 165
3. Conservation and Utilization of Tourism Resources /
旅游资源的保护与利用 170
4. An Overview of Ecotourism / 生态旅游概述 177
★Unit Five Interview and Employment 面试与就业★ 077
1. How to Prepare for an Interview / 如何为面试做准备 078
2. What to Do on the Day of an Interview / 面试当天要做什么 082
3. How to Succeed in an Interview / 面试成功的要点 086
4. 21 Tips: From Starting Out to Following Through / 21条提示:
指导就业的全过程 089
5. Writing the Perfect CV / 撰写完美的简历 094
★Unit Six Success and Failure 成功与失败★ 101
1. Rules Every Achiever Knows / 每一位成功者都知道的规则 102
2. How to Learn with Success / 如何学有成效 106
3. We Can Succeed / 我们能成功 109
4. Winners Never Quit / 胜者永不言弃 113
5. Don’t Worry About Failing / 不要担心失败 117
★Unit Seven Valuable Advice 宝贵的忠告★ 121
1. Good Manners / 文明礼貌 122
2. Five Traits of the Educated Man / 有教养者的五大特点 124
3. What to Do When You Feel Lonely / 孤独之时,做些什么 129
4. Advice on Partner Choice / 择偶忠言 133
5. Making Requests Instead of Issuing Orders / 要提请求,别发命令 137
★Unit Eight Science and Scientists 科学与科学家★ 141
1. Science / 科学 142
2. Science—A Way of Thinking / 科学—— 一种思维方式 145
3. The Study of Science / 科学研究 148
4. The Man Behind Space / 航天伟人 150
5. A Big Leap in Printing / 印刷术大飞跃 154
★Unit Nine Contemporary Tourism 当代旅游★ 159
1. The Travel Industry / 旅游业 160
2. Contemporary Tourism and Travelers / 当代旅游业与游客 165
3. Conservation and Utilization of Tourism Resources /
旅游资源的保护与利用 170
4. An Overview of Ecotourism / 生态旅游概述 177
