







PART Ⅰ Recruitment & Deployment
Unit 1 Managing the Corporations
Text A Staff Recruitment-a Qualitative Aspect of the Human Resources Management
Text B How to Use Social Media as a Recruiting Tool?
Unit 2 Interviewing
Text A 10 Tips for Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Interviewing Stories
Text B Interview Preparation Wins Candidate Competitions
Unit 3 Staff Deployment
Text A Smart Staff Deployment
Text B Staff Deployment Planning
PART Ⅱ Training & Development
Unit 4 Staff Training
Text A Assessment: A Must for Developing an Effective Training Program
Text B How to Make Training Work?
Unit 5 Leadership
Text A Thoughts on Corporate Leadership
Text B Leadership Is Prime: How to Measure Leadership Excellence?
PART Ⅲ Performance Management
Unit 6 PersonnelAssessment
Text A What Should You Know about Personnel Assessment?
Text B Evaluating and Implementing Assessment Tools
Unit 7 Performance Evaluation
Text A Introduction of Performance Evaluation
Text B Considerations for Your Performance Evaluation
PART Ⅳ Benefits Management
Unit 8 Employee Welfare
Text A Is Welfare Law a New HR Canon?
Text B Medical Insurance
Unit 9 Social Security
Text A Social Security in the United States
Text B Keep Social Security Strong
PART Ⅴ Career Design & Development
Unit 10 Career Design
Text A More Feast, Less Famine
Text B The Jobless Young Left Behind
Unit 11 Job Promotion
Text A Promotion and Employee Motivation
Text B Commonly Practiced Promotion Systems
PART Ⅵ Organizational Management & Development
Unit 12 Labor Relations
Text A What Is Labor Relations
Text B Michigan Lawyers Question: Whether National Labor Relations Boards Decisions Protect Workers or Labor Organizations
Unit 13 Cross-cultural Management
Text A The Combination of Diversified Cultures
Text B Face Value-Bold Fusion
Unit 14 Corporate Culture
Text A Getting to Know Corporate Culture
Text B Changing a Corporate Culture Towards a Customer-driven One
Unit 15 Corporate Social Responsibility
Text A A Webless Social Network: Mobile Phones in India
